Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Ryder POV

Today is the challenge, it was six in the morning and I also have to go to the cross pack to discuss about something. I was nervous for this meeting, the cross pack is one of the best known for medical and doctors there. We got on a plane to take us to cross pack, I wondered what was the meeting about. I turn to Joseph who was sitting next to me

"What do you think the meeting is about?" I asked

"Maybe a new health code for us" he said and shrugged, I looked out the window. I wonder how Kayden is, has he shown any sign of consciousness? I got up from my seat and walked to the bathroom, I dialed Omar's number.

"Hello?" Omar said

"Hey, I was wondering if Kayden has shown any signs of consciousness"

"No, so far he hasn't. But his parents are here, you want to speak to them?"

"No, but tell them that i'll be there tomorrow and Joseph and Victoria might be there tomorrow as well" I said and hung up, my chest started to hurt even more, it's almost unbearable again. I put my right hand on my chest and fell to the floor, the pain was worse than last time. I screamed in pain, Why is this happening to me! I heard someone banging on the door, they were yelling but I wasn't listening to them, I was focused more on the pain than hearing the person. Richard broke down the door and Him and Joseph were at my side

"I-I'm alright, it's just cramps that's all" I said through the pain

"Bullshit" Richard said and carried me, out the bathroom

"J-Just stop, I'm okay. Seriously" I moan through the pain

"No you're not, what did the doctor say to you?" he asked

"He said that the pain will go away soon " I said Richard shifted uncomfortably. I saw Joseph, Victoria and Alyssa behind Richard. They all looked suspicious as if they aren't telling me something

"What aren't you guys telling me?" I said ignoring the strong pain in my chest and Victoria change the subject

"Nothing, your not well we need to-"

"Tell me" I use my Stern tone

"We can't hide it from her forever" Joseph said to Richard and he sighed

"Your dying" Richard said and my heart sank, Dying? I can't be I'm too young to die.

"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously

"Your pain is what's killing you, because of your mate. Somewhere in your head thinks he's dead and if the pain doesn't go away your doing to die" He sighed out with water in his eyes, I grab him by the back of his neck and I pulled him into a hug

"I'm not going any where, I don't care what they say. I'm not dying, I'm staying right here" I reassured them, he sighed. I knew what I said is a lie, I don't know if my small body can take this much pain. I know I will die from this pain soon, doctor said it! I couldn't believe this was happening to me. But I have to pull a brave face for him The pain came back

"Shit, how long until we get there?" I groaned

"Ten minutes, can you handle that?" Victoria said

"No, but I have to" I said for the rest of the way there, I was in pain. When we got there, Victoria helped me up and walked me out the plane. One of the pack members of the Cross pack was there, I fell to the floor and he ran to me.

"Are you okay?" he asked

"No, but I can handle it. Just carry me to the car" I ordered and he did, Victoria sat next to me. While Richard, Alyssa and Joseph were getting our bags, I grab Victoria's hands and I looked at her

"Victoria, I-I" I moaned in pain again

"Don't, I just want you to rest. looks like you didn't have any for days" she said she was right I barley have rest, I didn't want to scream in my sleep, or another nightmare of Kayden dying. I shook my head

"No?! Why not?"

"I'm not tired, please don't make me" I begged her and she nodded, I looked out the window until we arrived to out destination. When we got to the cross pack house, The pain started to fade away. I got out the car and they took me to a room, I would be staying in. I walked to the window and saw pups playing doctor and someone walked in my room

"Who are you?" I asked still looking out the window

"How can you-"

"I'm Ryder Morris, I'm pretty sure you have heard about the Morris family generation, I have learn to hear, feel and smell my surrounding without even trying. so Please tell me who you are?" I asked

"I'm Bernard Jensen, Alpha of the Cross Pack" he said I turn to look at him. He was about in his Late forties, his hair was gray. His muscle was big and broad shoulder, he has green eyes. I was so beautiful I can stare at them all day.

"Nice to meet you,I'm the Luna of the Sliver Wolf Pack" I said

"Doesn't look like it to me, You seem to be a female Alpha to me. Although those are rare in this generations" he said

"Me? A Female Alpha? I'm sorry no that can't happen, I'm just taking over for awhile, until my mate wakes from his coma." I said

"Doesn't matter it can happen, have you used your alpha tone before?"

"Alpha tone? What the hell are you talking about?" I thought out loud, Female alphas are very rare only because they are not as strong as regular alphas so they cannot challenge an alpha.

"You are as strong as Alpha, you must have kill a couple of them right?"

"Yes during challenges but I don't under-"

"Some of their Alpha powers must be transmitted to you" he said

" I can be an alpha?" I asked

"Yes, it's a high possibility.....May I see your wolf?" he asked

"I'm not the size of normal She-Wolves" I warned

"It's okay just shift" he said and I dutifully shifted, he stared at me in awe. I felt uncomfortable but I want to know if I can be an alpha or not. How am I going to shift back if he's here?

"Yes, your the size of an Alpha" how can is this possible? He turned around and I shifted, I ran to the bathroom in the room and grab a towel. I wrap it around my self and walked out

"How can you tell?"

"Your big as an alpha" he said there was a moment of silence, I'm an Female Alpha! How can this happen? Why me out of all She-wolves? Does this mean that I own the sliver blood pack? Before I was going to ask him, he spoke

"I'll see you at the next challenge, good luck" he said and walked out my room, I grab my phone and dialed Sam number

"Sam" he said

"Is it possible for me to be a female alpha?" I blurted out

"Whoa! who said this?"

"Alpha Bernard He said that I'm the size of an alpha, How can this happen?!"

"Some of the challengers were alphas so they-"

"You known?!" I asked

"Yes but I wasn't sure at first if you were" that explain why I won the argument for me being temporary alpha

"Why didn't you tell me!"

"I thought it wouldn't happen to you!.......look I have to go do some stuff call me if anything" he said and hung up leaving me with new questions

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