Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Ryder POV

I got home, everyone was sleeping. I quietly walked into my room and to my bed, I closed my eyes and let sleep take me some where.

I was in Kaydens house, laying down on his bed. Kayden was in bed but I wasn't in his arms like how we usually do. I turn him to face me, he wasn't breathing- oh god- I started to shake him thinking that he would wake up at any moment, I was crying. When he wasn't waking up screamed out loud but someone was pulling me off the bed. They dragged me by my hair and threw me against the wall. I groaned and look at who threw me, it was a man with no face

"Go! leave!" He warned i nodded and walked into a room and saw Kayden having sex with another woman, I scream from the pain in my chest started to come back.

I woke up being in someone's arms, it was My brothers. I was shaking and sweating, buried my head in Rylans chest. I started crying, breathing hard. I shook my head, my brothers tried to soothe me.

"It's okay Dee we're here, we'll protect you" Rylan whispered

"I thought if Kevin and Joel was gone the nightmares would end but it's not! When is it going to end?" I asked I winced from the pain in my chest

"Nightmares is about fear" Richard said "but since they're gone what are you scared of? what was your dream even about?" he asked

"I was sleeping with Kayden and I saw him dead, someone drag me by my hair and told me to leave but when I went to another room.......i saw Kayden having sex with another woman" I groan out in pain, it hurts so much to see that especially since he decided to have sex with another woman.

"He's not cheating on you or ever will, you need to stop thinking these things. He loves you" Raymond said

"I guess I have to talk to him" I sighed out as I got up from my bed, I changed into my protector gear and walk out my closet

"Where are you going?" Ronnie said

"Work, I haven't work in a while so I'm going" I stated and they nodded, I put my hair up in a pony tail and left.

I haven't spoken to Kayden in five days, i've been avoiding talking or seeing him. I haven't slept in a while, bags were under my eyes, I didn't want to dream of Kayden having sex again. I was walking around the town with a couple of other protectors, their names were Jordan and Timothy. They are nice people and nice to talk to I guess you can call them my friends

"So what are we looking for exactly?" Jordan asked I have to say, He was handsome. He was dark skinned and has Hazel eyes with light brown hair, his nose wasn't too big or too small, his hair was hanging over his eyes slightly. It made him perfect

"Trouble. we-" we heard a girl sobbing and a man grunting, with my alpha hearing I can hear a few fists thrown. I ran to were the sounds came, I slowed down and Jordan and Timothy were following me. I know that man is hitting that girl, once I heard a punch, I growled

"Didn't your mother told you not to hit a lady?" I asked and he turn to look at me, he was an old man in his fifties, I glanced at the girl. It was Britney, the one who has a big crush on Omar and I punch her face because she disrespected my family name. I'm guess this was her father, he's disgusting.

"I suggest you mind it, girl" he said

"As a protector I can't let you do that. Either you walk away from Britney or you can fight me" I said with a smile, he swung his fist, I grab it and I pulled his arm. I grab his head and hit it again the brick wall making him fall unconscious, I forgot Jordan and Timothy was there

"You killed him!" Timothy said he smiled

"Oh hush, Get him while I get the girl" I walked to her and she flinched

"Is he......dead?" Britney whispered

"No, but your safe. That disgusting pig isn't touching you any more, let's take you so someone can see those bruises." I said her leg was wounded because of him, I growled and pick her up. I hated him for hitting her, she may be a rude person but that doesn't mean her father can hit her! We quickly walked to the pack house, I gave Britney to a pack doctor and he carried her away. I walked to Jordan and Timothy it seem as if Britney's father woke up, because he was going crazy, he was trying to fight Jordan. I saw him punch Jordan and I tackled him to the ground. I grab his arm and told Timothy to grab his other arm.

"Jordan are you alright?"

"Yeah, let's go" he said we followed him to Kaydens office, my heart stop. I didn't want to see him, I haven't seen or spoken to him in five days!

'Suck it up Ryder, he's your mate!' Lola said it felt like forever since i've spoken to My wolf

'Yeah I know, we haven't spoken in five days you know that'

'Yeah but I think it's time to see him' she said I knows she's right, I hate when she is, I took a deep breath and walked Inside, I see Kayden talking to the same red headed girl, Megan, They're probably talking about what to name their baby's name, jealously course through my body. I started to count the numbers up to ten to calm my self down

"What's this?" Megan asked

One.....two.......three " this man was hitting a she-wolf in an alley" Timothy said

"who did he hit?" he asked

Four......Five......Six " his daughter, he hit his daughter" I said and he looked at me for the first time since I came Into this room. Our eyes locked, My heart drop to the floor, seven....Eight.......I missed him so much. I wanted to be in his arms and sleep, I averted my eyes away from him.

"Jordan" I said

"Yeah" he said coming over to me "can you take him, I don't feel well" I said

"Alright, feel better" he said and I thanked him. I really thought I can handle this but I can't, he just wanted something I can't give him right now. Nine.........Ten....... I love you Kayden when can you see that?

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