Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Elsa POV

I felt really bad about mentioning the Alpha to her, I didn't to make her even more upset. When I first came here she was so devastated, she wouldn't even talk to anyone. She would only work as a protector and alphas work and then go into her room. As the day goes by she would accept it, but she wouldn't smile or show any emotion of joy or happiness. Ronnie told me that she would be playful and fun, but since then Alpha got into a coma she wasn't herself. I felt bad, she deserve to be happy. She is a nice, kind person, She accepted me in this pack! When I was in that cell, I lost hope of finding a pack, but when Ronnie came to take us out of there. I was crying of joy, when I ran to hug him I felt tingles and shivers. When I got out of there, Ronnie told Ryder that I was his mate and she immediately accepted me into the pack. I owed her great gratitude and kindness toward her.

"What are you thinking about?" Ronnie said

"Ryder" I said

"Why?" he asked

"I'm worried about her, you told me that she used to be happy and friendly. Is having a mate in a coma that bad?" I asked

"Imagine me in a coma for two months, how would you feel?" he said I couldn't imagine it, it hurt too much thinking about it. Is that what she feeling? It must be horrible

"It's hard to think about it, I just want her to be happy" I said

"She will be soon, Alpha will wake up and then she'll be herself again" he said softly as if he was worried too. I sighed and kissed him, I put myself into his arms and he rubbed my back

"I hope so" I whispered to myself

Ryder POV

I woke up at three in the morning screaming, I was in Kayden's room and no one came to comfort me. I sat up gasping for air, the anxiety was getting worse. i've been having nightmares a week after Kayden was in a coma. I got up and got my self a cup of hot chocolate, I'm in Kaydens big kitchen sipping my drink. I can't sleep again, I don't want it to happen again. I stood up all night cleaning the house, when I finished it was seven. I got dress into my Protection gear and walked around the perimeter for about two hours, after that I watch the pack house for three hours. When I had my break I did some Alpha work, I didn't have time to see Kayden but I will before I leave. When my break was over, I walked around the town. When I finished doing my job, Sam approached me with a note

"What's this?" I asked

"A note from Omar" he said I took the note it said that he wanted me to see him in his office. I sighed

"Thank you, Sam" I said he nodded and walk away, I read the note that said to meet him at the cafe. I walked into Kaydens black Lamborghini reventon and drove to the only cafe in Ridge wood. I got out the car and saw Omar outside the cafe

"How many car does He have?" he asked

"Tons" I said and shrugged, we got inside and he took the orders. When he came back with my coffee

"Thanks, what did call me over here for?" I asked

"Well....I think I might start looking for my mate" he said

"Wow, that's amazing" I said with a little expression in my voice, I hugged him and he studied my face

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I said

"I thought I would have made you smile for the first time In Two months" he said

"I'm sorry, it's that Everyone found their mates and having the best time of their lives meanwhile I'm miserable" I said

Omar looks at me with pity "oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt like that" he said and hugged me

"It's what ever, I just want him to wake up already." I felt myself about to cry, shit! I hated crying in front of people

"Don't cry" he said

"I don't want to, look I have to go to the Red blood pack to meet up with Alpha Joseph. He wants to talk about something" I said

"Alright, bye. I'll give updates on Kayden" he said I nodded and walked out the cafe, once I got home I took some clothes and went to Kayden's house to grab a couple of paper works. In stead of taking the Lamborghini Reventon, I took the red Chevrolet Camaro. I love that car, I drove all the way to the private plane and I saw Richard there.

"Isn't Beta Sam coming?" I asked

"He can't, remember Genesis is pregnant?" he said in a 'Duh' tone Genesis is Sam's mate, she's only eight months pregnant, she's due any day or week now. I told him it was okay to stay and I asked Richard to come because maybe his mate was in the Red blood pack.

"What ever, lets just get this over with" I said he took my luggage walked toward the plane

"Ardy I can take my own damn luggage" I said

"I know but I want to do it" he said and shrugged

"Fine" I turn back to give the car keys to one of the people in my pack "here, I want this car to be here when I'm back"

"Yes, Luna" he said I walk into the plane and sat next to Richard, I leaned on his shoulder and closed my eyes until sleep took over

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