Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ryder's POV

I woke up in a plain white room, I was laying down on the bed. Am I back in the sliver blood pack house? I looked out the window and saw unfamiliar pups playing outside, I must be at the Red blood Pack house. I got off the bed and I check the date, I WAS SLEEPING FOR TWO DAYS?! I saw my luggage and took out black sweats and a royal blue sports bra, I went to the showers. Once I finished I change into my clothes I took out, brushed my hair and put it into a braid. I grab my phone and called Sam

"Hello?" he said

"How is everything?" I asked

"Everything seems to be under control, although you have a meeting at the Cross pack soon and you got two new challenges." he said

I groaned "when are they?"

"One is in two days and the other is in five days" he said

"Alright, don't worry i'll be back to take care if the pack and you'll be able to take care of your wife" I said

"Thank you" he said and hung up, I walked out the room. I found my way to Joseph's office. He was working on his desk and he saw me

"Ryder, your awake" he said

"Yeah I am, I want to know what happened" I said

"I-I don't know you just fainted and we called the pack doctor he said that you were just too stressed" he said

"Oh.....well we have a meet at the cross pack soon, wanna leave together?" I asked

"Sure, but we need to settle about the-" the scent of rouges hit me. I knew who that rouge was, Joel. I ran out his balcony and jump down and landed on my feet, the scent was stronger and clearer now. I followed the scent deep into the woods until I found the rouge, I tackled him to the floor and growled.

"Who are you! why are you on land that isn't yours!" I yelled

"I came to warn this pack is about to go to war!" he hissed at me, I kicked his knee caps and he fell to the floor, I grab his arm and put it behind his back.

"Who sent you? Was it Joel Reyes!" I said

"How do you know him?" he said

"I know a lot of things now tell Joel he's got the wrong pack!" I hissed and threw him "now go off this land, dumbass!" I smelled a women's scent toward the rouge that ran off, I ran to him again and found a pack of rouges. Shit! I'm in deep shit, now. I saw the poor helpless girl sobbing, she looked eighteen. She had black inky hair like Demi's and her eyes were a stormy gray that remind me of Omar. She looked as if she didn't shower for a long time, Of course she was taller than me but she looks about five feet, The rouges surrounded her protectively

"Who's Joel?" I said

"Me" a man said, he was tall not taller than 5'9 he was big and had gray hair. This man was made of muscle, he looked about forty. Man was he in shape.

"Ah why is this Joel the dumb ass, I heard one thing about you" I said

"And what is that" he said

"You want to avenge Kevin" I said "he's dead, get over it!"

"I will kill the pack that did"

"Well it's not the pack you threatened trust me" I said

"How do you know?"

"The pack I'm in, killed Kevin" I spat he walked up to me, he grab me by the hair and made me look at him

"What pack are you in?" he said

"Do you even know who your dealing with?" I asked

"I'm dealing with a pathetic four year old" he said I kicked his Groin and punched his face, I put him into a head lock position and smiled

"No, guess again" I said and squeezed his head, the rouges was about to do something but I squeezed him harder "move and i'll kill him" I said they didn't move, he grab my ankle and pulled it so I fell. I quickly got up and punch him, he swing his fist and I caught it. I pulled it and put it behind his back, with my free arm I put around his next and now he's leaning back.

"Give me the girl and i'll let you live" I said soon Richard, Joseph was here with his pack. Some were shifted and some were in there human forms. Joel was out numbered, I let him go and Joel order the rouge to attack. I shifted into my sliver wolf with black ears, I I started to attack and I was trying to get the girl. I was clawing, biting and killing every rogue in my path, Joel was no where to be seen. That coward. I got up to the girl and she looked frightened by me, I growled in annoyance. Can't she see me trying to save her?! I slowly walked to her and a rouge lunged at me, I bit it's neck and it died instantly. I heard her scream and I looked at her, she just saw what I just did. The Rouges started to retreated, when all the rouges were gone Joseph put a blanket around me. I shifted back into my human form

"what the hell are you!?" the girl screamed

"she's a human" I said startled how come I didn't notice her scent before?!

"Yes, I am! What the hell are you?! you were just a dog earlier!" she yelled I growled at the insults

"Just come with me and i'll explain everything later" I said

"H-How do I know you won't kill me if I go with you" she said

"We just saved your life, lets go" I growled and she jumped back. Richard snarled at me, I looked at him angrily. We walked towards eachother but Joseph spoke

"Both of you, stop. I apologize for her, she going through a rough time now please let us take care of you" Joseph said and she nodded, we took her back to the pack house and was getting check up on. Joseph approached me

"Can Richard stay here while I talk you?" He said

"Yeah, you don't mind right?" I asked Richard and he nodded, Joseph took me to his office. I was changed into a white v-neck and light blue jeans with my navy converse. I feel a stinging pain in my chest, It didn't hurt like before but It's bearable

"So Joseph, what are we going to do with her? she knows our secret, it's against the law" I said biting my nail

"I don't know, I spoke to her. Her name is Alyssa Grayson, they just took her when she was a kid. Treated her bad, like a slave" he said

"Like what Kevin try to do" I said

"Yeah, it think we have to kill her, she knows enough"I said and Richard barged in angry

"You will not kill her!" he shouted

"Ardy I have to, it's not like I want-"

"She my mate, you can't kill her" he said i looked at Joseph and he look just as surprised as I am, having a human as a mate is very rare, Not many people have that. When it's time for the mating process it's like the same process as how we mate but when it's time to have pups, The wolf have to change their mate before getting her pregnant. I put my hands up in defeat and sighed

"She my responsibility from now on, We won't kill her, but she's not off the hook. Understand?" I said Richard smiled and nodded "go start packing up, we need to go to a meeting and congrats on finding your mate" I said and he thanked me and walked out, I felt a wave of grief in me. Everyone is either finding their mate or have their mate, except me. The pain started to become stronger, the doctor said it's only a matter of time until the pain is completely off, But I'm not sure if that's true. I walked out the room and went into the room I woke up in. I laid down on the bed and cried, I missed Kayden so much. How can he be out for this long? I love him and he loves me! So why isn't he awake? I remember the words he said to be before he went into a coma you, don't ever forget that.

Those word gave me a wave of relief, I didn't feel the pain no more but my wolf has been crying day and night, she hasn't seen him in two months. I haven't spoken to her in two months, I was shutting her Out on everything. I couldn't help it, she was making me feel worse about myself and those words he said to me made me feel good you, don't ever forget that. Was all that went into my head before I fell to sleep.

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