Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Ryder POV

My eyes widen, my heart was pounding, the anxiety I have right now was unbelievable. I didn't want to jump onto conclusions but I couldn't help it. My man is losing a fight, he will be undefeated! I saw red, I walked toward Kaydens house killing every rouge in my way. Some wolves were surprised I killed the rouges while I was still walking, when I got there I stalked inside slowly and carefully. The scent of Kaydens blood was stronger, I heard fighting upstairs and outside. No one was fighting on the first floor, I found Kayden scent in the basement. I got down stairs seeing Joel, torturing Kayden with a sliver chain. I growled, I didn't know you can see this much red.

"Let. Go. Of. Him" I growled, slowly walking to Joel.

He laughed "over my dead body" he said and whipped Kayden with the chain. He cried out, he was on the ground weak from the sliver. I ran to Joel and he hit me with the chain as well, I moan in pain and fell to the floor but quickly got up. I remembered I had a sliver dagger in my pocket, I took it out quickly and threw it at his arm. He yelled and drop the chain, I ran to him twisting the dagger in his arm as he yelled, I smiled

"Mmmm......I love the sound of pain, especially the one hurting my mate" I said "my man would Most defiantly would love to see your pain, wouldn't you Kayden?" I asked him he got up slowly, still recovering from the sliver

"Don't take all the fun. I want to play to" he said in a deep voice. I Kneed his stomach and his groin, I upper cut his Jaw.

"You can obviously see that with my mate here I am stronger" he said he looked as if he never even got hurt, other than the bruises from the chain he was standing straight and looked strong. I smiled as I grab Joel by the his neck and pushed him to Kayden. He grab him and choked him, I walked to the sliver chain, grab it and whipped Joel. It made me feel good, he deserved it, he was the closest thing to Kevin. I wanted to hurt him for putting Kayden in a coma. I grab his arm and tied it on his arms, I hooked it on the wall and he was chained up against the wall. This was my chance, to make him suffer for avenging his death, to make him feel the pain I felt when Kayden was in that coma, but i didn't want to hurt him. I realized since Kayden was in a coma I've been killing all these people from the challenges without hesitation, i wanted them to feel the pain I'm feeling because I didn't want to go through this alone. I wasn't. Joel was doing the same exact thing that I was doing, Joel and I wanted happiness. The way he looked at me, he had a mate. All of those people I killed had mates, I made them feel the pain I felt, not for a period of time but for the rest of their lives. Kayden was about to snap his neck when I stopped him

I stood in front of Joel "stop" I said sternly, he looked surprised


"Stop" I repeated


"He's suffered enough" I said

"Since when did you care!"

"I'm can tell his mate is dead" I said I heard the chains move, Joel flinch at my words, I was right "Joel is only acting like this because he wants everyone to feel his pain, Kevin was his only person who was able to let him live" I said

"Where is this coming from?" Kayden said

"I-I......" I didn't speak, he was looking at me in disgust. As if he never seen this side of me, the real me. I was being spoiled ever since Kayden was in my life, i've changed. The ruthless, rude girl I've been all my life was gone, now I'm a cold-blooded Alpha that wants people to suffer when I'm suffering. I don't want to be that person anymore, I don't want to be an Alpha! My dream of becoming a protector is strayed. I need to become a protector, the only way to do that is fight for my pack outside. I walked out the basement and let my heart take over.

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