Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Ryder POV

After I took a shower, I wore beige slacks with a green flats, I wore a white fitted shirt with a green cardigan. I put my hair In a braid, I look like I was going to a private school but I didn't care after this challenge I have to go straight to a meeting, so this isn't going to bother me. I walked outside and I see Richard and The Bennett's waiting for me. I didn't see Bernard, I still have questions to ask him about the whole female alpha thing.

"Where's alyssa?" I asked

"I'm not letting her see this, she's under the cross packs protection. She can't leave with out me knowing" he said I couldn't believe she was on lock down. I shook my head and walked into the car, I waited for them to get in and once they did I started to drive

'Ardy!' I mind link him, I couldn't keep this to myself. I have to tell him, it's not something I should hide from my brothers

'What?' he mind linked me

'I have to tell you something but don't tell anyone, I don't know if it's true '


'Okay, I'm a female Alpha'

'Really?! How?' he said

'I'll explain later but for now keep your mouth shut'

'Alright' he said we arrived from were we were suppose to be and it look like the area where I fought the last challenger, It was in the woods and it had space for us to fight. I got out the car, I see Bernard and his beta. across the area is my challenger, big and made of muscle. I walk to the middle of arena and he give me a dirty look, I could tell he was trying to be intimidating but he doesn't know I grew up with four over protective brothers that would get angry if I ask to sleep over.

"Your my challenger? But your a woman"he spat

"Yes that would explain why I'm wearing a bra" I said sarcastically "lets just get this over with"

"Rushing your death?" he said

"No, I want to leave. Your very pathetic, your like every cocky wolf on this earth." I said and he ran toward me, he swung his fist and it hit my face. I fell to the floor, I felt it throb. I got up and saw red, I jump on him and started to choke him, I punched him several times. I grab his arm and twisted it until it broke, he yelled in pain and i love to hear pain of my opponents. I flipped him and he landed on his back, he got up and put me into a full Nelson. I use the heel of my foot and hit it against his knee, he fell to the floor and I grab his leg and broke it. I kneed his face and kick it. I started to kick his torso until I was sure his ribs were broken

"Your very weak" I said I grab his head with both of my hands "and your going to die like all the other wolves I fought, I sure do love to hear your pain. Your lucky I have to go to a meeting, I would have given you a slow painful death" and I twisted his head. He collapse off the floor dead, I walked away like nothing happened. They stared at me with shock, Victoria looked slightly scared.

"Y-You killed him in a matter of seconds" Joseph said and grinned "I'm impressed"

"Remind me never to get in your bad side" Victoria said

"Bernard, Joseph we have a meeting to go to....Richard, you can go back to see how your mate is doing." I said he nodded and walked away

The meeting was about a new disease from that is very contagious for the humans, they don't know if it's effective for the wolves but if it happens we should immediately send them here. It was two hours in this meeting and I was bored, The pain in my chest was very effective, I couldn't focus on the what they were saying. When I tried to pay attention, the pain was not as painful as before. We all agreed to bring them here right away if the disease came to them, the subject was change so quickly I almost got whip lash

"Now since we've discuss that, I would also like to mention that Morris is a Female Alpha" Bernard said they all didn't look surprised not even Joseph look surprised

"Why is it that none of you are surprised by this?" I asked

"Well you act and think like one" one of the alpha said

"And you used your alpha tone in the meeting about the full moon" another said

"Did I?" I said not even realizing that I used my alpha voice "so does this mean the sliver blood pack is my pack?"

"No, it's Kayden. You just got the alpha powers transmitted by you from all those alpha challengers you faced" Bernard said

I sighed in relief "oh good, so how can I run my own pack?"

"You have to challenge one of us" Joseph said

"No. I'm not challenging you guys, it's not fair. Isn't there another way?" I asked

"No there isnt" Someone said

"Then I'm not going to be an alpha if I have to challenge you guys, you shown nothing but loyalty to your packs and Luna's. That is something I shouldn't take away" I said Silence filled the room until a cell phone went off. I realize it was mine, it was Omar

"Sorry I have to take this" I said and answered it "hello?"

"Ryder! It's Kayden" he said frantically

"What about Kayden?" I said looking at Joseph who looked alerted

"He's awake"

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