Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Ryder POV

When all the Rouges left, I didn't shift back to my human form. I went down stairs and walked into the woods, I saw a pond and laid down beside it. I felt exhausted, I didn't want to sleep because of my nightmares, I haven't been sleeping for a while now. When I heard someone coming, I thought it would be Kayden. I saw that it was Alyssa, what is she doing here?

"Kayden, is looking for you" she said she had clothes and drop it on the floor, she turned around, I shifted into my human form. I put on the clothes she gave me, which was a Kelly green sports bra with black sweat pants.

"I'm sorry I forgot shoes" she said

"It's alright"

"This wolfy thing is weird to me, so why am I Richards 'mate'?" She asked

"Because you have wolf blood in you, your last name is Grayson right?" I asked I felt her nod and I continued to speak "it's a wolf's name, i've heard it before. It's famous name around here because Blake Grayson chose a mortal over his mate, so don't be surprised when people look at you the wrong way"

"Why do they hate me?! it not like I told my dad to marry a human, I-"

"We're happy he chose her, his mate was awful. I met her before, anyway they going to hate you because your a Hybrid"

"Hybrid? the hell is that?"

"Hybrid. You know cross breed, mutt, mule......" she looked at me blankly "half breed, Half human, half wolf"

"Oh so am I going to shift?" she asked "like you do?"

"No, you have to let Richard to do the transformation, which means he's going to bite you before he marks and mates you" I said we finally arrived to the pack house and she runs to Richard. I followed her and I see my family

"Did anyone in our pack died?"i asked worriedly

"No, but some injured. Kayden is in his office, he wants to see you" he said I nodded and walked to his office, I didn't want to see him. Not since we kind of argued in his basement, I walked into his room and sat in his chair in front if his desk. He didn't look up to look at me because he was working, he was wearing a black shirt that shows his muscles perfectly and dark jeans, his hair is damp from his shower Because he doesn't smell like dirt or blood.

"Who are you?" he asked

"Your mate" I said

"Apparently I have one with two different personally, which one are you?" he said coldly

"Kayden! What the fuck?! I'm here because you came to talk, stop with this crap and tell me why the fuck you called me!" I said getting irritated

"Do not speak to me like that, you may be an alpha but you are still controlling your strengths of an alpha!" He shouted

"Oh now I need to learn control but what ever happened with 'it seem like your under control so how about those pups' Just tell me the shit you need to say" I said

He sighed and pinches the bridges with his nose "I know you don't want pup but I think I should-" some one walks in I didn't look to see who it was, I was too focus on what was he going to say. He should what? make pups with someone else? reject me? Or since I'm an alpha I should make my own pack. I turn around to see a girl with bright red hair, it's damp but drying from her shower. She was wearing only a shirt- Kaydens shirt- and she smell like him. I tried to hold back my growl, I relaxed myself because the last thing I want to do is show Kayden jealousy which shows weakness.

"Alpha Bennett care to explain?" I said sweetly

"This is Megan" he said

"And she's wearing your scent?" I asked

"Yes" he sighed out

"Found your new Luna?" I said

"Ryder this isn't what it-"

"Im going home now" I said sternly "goodbye Alpha, have fun with your mate" with that I head out the room I can't believe him! He is having sex with another girl before he told me! My chest hurt really bad, it hurt so much. It's like someone stabbing me, I tried my best not to fall or scream. I thought of happy thoughts of me and him, when we were happy before Kevin came into this and put him in a coma. If he had never came Into my life, I would have been happy.

"Ryder wait let-"

"I'm going home, it's better that way" I said and walked out the room, when I closed the door behind me, i ran. I ran like I never did before, I didn't want Kayden chasing after me. I don't want this life anymore, I don't want to be luna, or alpha or anything but a protector and that's what I'm going to do. I went to Omar's house, I knew Kayden would go to my house looking for me and in not in the mood to speak to him. I knock on his door and Victoria opens it, she looks at me with confusion

"Oh hey Ryder, I didn't know you were coming over? Omar didnt tell me-"

"I'm not invited, but can I come in? I have nowhere else to go" I pleaded

"Alright" she said and step aside so I can walk in, I sat on the couch feeling like I'm going to brake any moment. Victoria sits next to me

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, everything between Kayden and I is alway leading to an argument"

"Spill" she said and I told her every argument we had ever since he woke up, I also told her about the girl in his office. when I finished she look sorry for me, she hugged me and pulled away

"Well maybe you should talk to him" she said

"I will but not now, I'm still angry with him and I don't want to see him" I murmured she nodded we started talking until it got late, I walked home aimlessly. I kicked pebbles as I walk and I stared at the night sky, being an alpha is destroying me. I know what I have to do, I have to betray being alpha.

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