Chapter 11: An Unexpected Visit

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"Where have you been?" Demanded Sir Gregory. I was turning Genevieve over to the stable hand when he found me.

"I went for a ride." I said simply. I had not been gone more than an hour and didn't understand why he was upset with me.

"My lady, you may be used to roaming where ever you please, but you must accept that under the present circumstances, it is not safe for you to continue to do so. I must insist you have someone accompany you at all times when you are not at Dilston Manor."

I turned angrily, how dare he order me about! I needed no one's protection. "Sir Gregory," I began in a steely voice. I made an effort to calm my temper. I knew he wouldn't stand for an impertinence from me.

"I know you only wish to protect me and I am grateful, but I am capable of protecting myself." I insisted.

"Do not be a fool my dear. Who knows what might befall you when you are alone? What if the Von Dane's have plans to finish off your family for good. Think what would happen if the last member of the D'Lanquet family comes to an end."

"How do you know for certain the Von Dane's are responsible for everything that has happened? What if someone is simply making it appear that they are to blame? I cannot imagine they hate my family so much, that they wish us all dead." I insisted.
"You are naive, if you fallen for the young lord's charm. He only appeared to be a friend to gain your cooperation. It is always best to keep your enemies close they say." The edge of anger in Sir Gregory's voice took me by surprise. I wondered if he knew that Edric had sought me out earlier. I had not felt threatened by Edric, but if Sir Gregory knew of his unexpected visit, I feared what Sir Gregory would do.

"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously.

"His grand entrance a few nights passed and his friendly manner were an attempt to distract you from his true purpose. If I must explain at length I am reluctant to let you leave the premises, with or without an escort."

I was momentarily relieved that he appeared not to know that Edric had been with me by the lily pond. I found my temper flare again, when I realized he was threatening to keep me under lock and key and not let me leave Dilston Manor for any reason. I had never witnessed this side of Sir Gregory. He was always obliging and patient with me, even when my will clashed with his. Had I finally tried his patience too far?

Angry and hurt I turned and walked away. I did not know how to react to this side Sir Gregory. If we were coming to a battle of wills, I was terrified of what the outcome might be. I knew he was not a man to be trifled with.

Over the next few days we went among out holdings and tenants who lived within our borders, to spread word of our self defense campaign. We were met with mixed reactions. While some were excited at the prospect, others were cautious and unsure of what to think. Some were even opposed outright and felt we were mad. I hoped that those who were rallied to the idea would encourage the others.

I prayed my plan would not fail. This was our last hope and while I felt deep within my soul that my father and brother were still out there somewhere, I could not wait for that miracle.

Our final stop was a small holding near our northern border, called Perth. Perth bordered Von Dane lands and was nestled in the hills. In years past there had been dispute as to who the township belonged to. In recent years the King had declared Perth under D'Lanquet governance and there would be no disputing the Kings decision. Still, there were those that lived in Perth who felt otherwise, kings say or not. When I had previously voiced my concern that our tenants would seek refuge from the Von Dane's, Perth was my greatest worry.

Sir Raulf was a well spoken man and I persuaded him to make the announcement as went among the people. We were in the cobblestone square. I stood off to the side along with Brom and waited for Sir Raulf to begin.

I glanced over at Brom to see if he was as nervous as I was. He was unreadable as usual. His emotions in check; I couldn't help but wonder what was behind his stoic façade.

The sound of Sir Raulf's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Here ye o people--we come before you today with an announcement of great importance." He paused to let his words be absorbed and continued. "Three days hence all able bodied men are invited to attend self defense training. They will be instructed in hand to hand combat, archery, and other defensive strategies and skills.

He was interrupted when a man in the crowd shouted. "Why would such an event be held for commoners such as us?"

another person heckled. "Why do you think? They are running out of bodies, no one left."

And older woman shouted. "...No baron, means no one to protect us. They expect us to do our own protecting."

The crowd continued to heckle and complain. I could see they had no confidence in us. I felt I must do something before the crowd became unmanageable.

"Please..." I began, but no one could hear me over the noise of the crowd. I looked toward Brom for help, he shrugged and said. "They won't listen to me my lady, I'm no one of consequence to them. I think it best that we leave before you get hurt, should their protesting turn violent." He had moved closer so I could hear him above the noise of the crowd.

I felt desperate. I couldn't leave without helping the people understand my only desire was to help them, not leave them to their own devices.

Looking around I spotted a wooden vegetable cart that was mostly empty. I slipped through the crowd and climbed upon it. I was grateful I had chosen not to wear a heavy skirt even though Brom had given me a disapproving look for wearing breaches. I balanced precariously on the edge of the cart and shouted to get the crowds attention. They continued to argue and gave no heed to me. I shouted for them to listen and continued to do so until gradually the crowd settled down and all eyes were on me.

I took a deep breath and began. " Please... I understand you fears. I know you feel vulnerable and unprotected. Please know that you have not been forgotten. I myself have tirelessly done all that I am able to keep this land safe from invaders and so have my father's men."

"This is your home and we will continue to do all that we can to protect it. We are simply giving you the opportunity to do the same." I looked around and hoped my words would affect and convince them of my sincerity.

The same man who had started the quarreling mocked, "And who are you that have so valiantly defended us?" A few snickers rose from the crowd and I felt hopeless.

An older man emerged from the crowd and came toward me. He wore a floppy hat that covered his forehead. I could not make out his face except for a white mustache perched above his lips. His posture was poor and he slumped slightly to his right.

I was unsure if he meant me ill, until he spoke in a gravely voice. "The woman before you his Lady Thea D'Lanquet and you would all be fools not to take this opportunity afforded to you." His announcement sent the crowd into a commotion.

Brom and Sir Raulf were suddenly at my side and helped me down from the cart and away from the crowd. I looked back to see the old man who had recognized me, but he was lost among the throng of people

AN: Don't forget to vote!

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