A/N: no shame towards Ryan cause he's a fucking awesome guy but he's the one who popped into my head!
Ahh, social media. The one place where anyone can do anything. Well in my case, that is not so great. Sometimes people bash on me cause "I'm not good enough to be Gerard Way's daughter." Fuck them. Anyways, I, like any other teenager, have Snapchat. So I've been texting this kid, Ryan, and he's.. something.
He always calls me beautiful and wants me to send pics to him of me.. well naked. I always deny it of course cause I have self respect. Anyways, he's been really annoying with these demands and I was thinking about blocking him but I guess I'll give him a second chance... for the fiftieth time!!
So I was sitting at the kitchen table, all the guys sitting there too of course, and I was texting Ryan. I have to admit, he was pretty cute:
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Ryan had asked me out plenty of times but I've always denied him. I always have trouble with relationships anyways but, I was really considering saying yes. My uncles and dad were talking amongst themselves while I sat at the table texting Ryan. (Normal text is you, Bold is Ryan)
So, are you ever gonna answer my question?!
Idk Ryan, I'm still thinking! I'm bad with relationships anyways
Trust me baby, you're perfect.. besides you can't resist this!
At that moment he sent me a... dick pic... I couldn't contain myself so I gasped as loud as I possibly could and slammed my phone down on the kitchen table. Everyone stared at me and my face got red hot. "What just happened?" Dad asked me, looking suspicious as ever. All the guys stared at me while I stuttered on my words. "Well um, ya see I-I um.. there's this guy and uh he.. likes me," I continued, struggling to get the words out. "And we were uh, texting just now and I just.. you can see for yourself.." I said putting my hands up in defeat. I was somewhat laughing at the situation considering how dicks were a major turn off for me.
My dad grabbed my phone and the guys huddled up around him. I could tell they saw it when all their jaws dropped to the floor. "Y/n?! You like this?!" Frank said. "What?!? No no no no!! I hate that, seriously! If I'm being 100% honest.. dicks are just a major turn off for me." Everyone stared, not knowing what to say. "I'm mean there's nothing wrong with them! They're just.. you know.. gross? No offense! Like I totally support dicks and all like, ya know, go dicks!! But seriously? They just look gross." I shuddered at the thought of them. I didn't realize how into detail I went with my conversation cause all they did was keep staring at me.
"Well.. do you like.. girls? Not that there's anything wrong with that!!" My dad said nervously. I knew he was all about LGBTQIA+ rights. "I mean.. I don't know. I've dated a few..girls " I said the last part of my sentence so low that no one heard me. I was scared of what they were gonna say. I didn't consider myself straight.. like ever! Yet I didn't consider myself lesbian either, I didn't want to put a label on myself.
"Well we support you no matter what, ok?" Ray said smiling. "Yup!" "But what are we gonna do about Dick Pic Kid?" I laughed at Frank's new nickname for Ryan. "Eh, I'll just have a talk with him when I get to school tomorrow I guess. It's no biggie, it's not like he was harassing me or anything." They all agreed and dad gave me back my phone. He gave me a look that said follow-me-to-my-room-so-we-can-talk, as he walked out of the kitchen. I quickly followed.
"So Y/n, you never quite answered us down there." I was confused at first but then I realized he was talking about my sexuality. "Uh, Dad. I don't really know what I am. I mean I've dated guys in the past and a few girls and I've had strong feelings for both, but I don't really wanna put a label on myself I guess." He looked at me sympathetically and smiled. "It's ok to be confused or just open to your options. I wouldn't care if you were dating Alex's dog! I just want you to be comfortable and happy and I want you to feel loved." My dad really was amazing.
"Thanks, Dad. I really appreciate this!" I hugged him and he laughed as he hugged back. So I guess I just came out to my dad? All because of a simple dick pic! What a story to tell. Later that night I tweeted to all my fans.. yes I have fans just because I'm Gerard Way's adopted daughter. I don't think they realize that I'm just a flop. Anyways I tweeted out to them:
Y/n Way tweeted: Dear members of the LGBTQIA+ community, if you're having trouble identifying yourself, that's completely ok and you're still valid. If you haven't come out yet to anyone, you are still valid. Every single one of you matter and the reason I'm tweeting this is because I AM a member of the LGBTQIA+ community... I hope you guys can accept me as I accept you! I'm happy that I can be myself now. And with that I'd like to say good night or good morning wherever you guys are☺️
Bunches of people were freaking out and tweeting back at me. There were some haters but mostly good replies. Eventually, my close family friend, Pete.. yes Pete Wentz, even responded to my tweet with:
Pete Wentz replied to Y/n Way's tweet: I'm glad you can be yourself, kid. I'm so happy for you!💕
I smiled and shut my phone off. I went to sleep without tears for once so that was a bonus.
A/N: hope you guys enjoyed!! And of course, if you are a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, like myself, please remember that you are valid and loved. You should feel safe and accepted in this world and some people will be assholes but we need to stay strong!