Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I take a seat among the black clothed people, a tight smug strung across my face. Just to put emphasis on my actions, I shake my hair out of my bun. It floats down and frames my face. The Abnegation look at me with disgust, and I don't care. When Marcus's gaze of hatred meets mine I smile. Only for a second. It goes unnoticed to other eyes. Except to Marcus's. I laugh at his reaction. Quietly.

Before I know it, we are being herded out of the choosing room and to the entrance of the hub. Usually, the Abnegation take the stairs, but the Dauntless cascade in a rush of piercings and colored hair and black clothing. We are running, but to what? Where are Dauntless headquarters? How will we get to them? And then I realize, of course: the trains.

The horn goes off in the distance, and this time it's not because it's calling me to them, it's celebrating that I'm with them, that I've finally found my way home, to my real family. To where I truly belong.

We run until we pant, but I am not panting I run through the crowd to the head of it, until no one is in front of me. I've watched the Dauntless all the time, for the past three years. This is one of their tests. I have to get on this train to be Dauntless, and I will not back down. I run beside the train, until I finally get the nerve to jump.

I grab to the railing, clinging to it for dear life, then slide into the compartment. I fall against the opposite wall, breathless, my hair flying everywhere. This is what I was meant to do.

I see someone struggling, someone in black and white clothes. They can't get in. my Abnegation instincts immediately kick in, and I lunge forward to grab their arm. I pull them in, the girl in, and she is breathless.

"Thanks," she pants, squatting, her hands on her knees to support her self.

"No problem," I respond. "I'm Catherine." I say.

"Dana," she says. She extends her hand. I shake it, and she shakes her head.

"You Stiffs don't know how to shake hands," she complains. "You take my hand firmly, you shake it twice. Got it?" I nod, dazed. She extends her hand one more time, and I do my best to follow her directions. She smiles.

"That's better." She says. She slides to the ground to sit. I follow her and ease myself down, clasping my hands on my lap. She looks over my shoulder and points to something. I follow her finger to see another gray clothed person, sitting beside the one Amity transfer and smile. I wasn't the only one who had to leave.

"Hi there," I say, trying to get the girl's attention. She stops speaking and turns her head to face me.

"What do you want?" she spits. Her eyes are cold and critical and I furrow my eyebrows.

"I wanted to say hi," I respond, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. She laughs and nods her head a little, like her mean reaction was a mistake, but her next words betray that:

"What makes you think you can talk to me?" my eyes widen and I turn back to Dana. She continues her conversation with the Amity girl, pretending like nothing happened.

"Well she looks like a very nice person!" Dana says mockingly. I laugh and push myself of the ground, making my way to the edge of the door. I want to see the city, one last time, before I leave.

"What are you doing?" she screeches from behind me. She asks me a question, yet I don't know how to answer. I don't know what I'm doing. I shouldn't be doing it. I should be celebrating that I'm leaving, but I lean out the door of the train.

The wind fans my hair away from my face, and I close my eyes. The clouds are dark and thunder erupts from above. It starts to rain.

The smell of wet cement fills my nose, and I just want to breathe it in until my lungs explode. It's my favorite smell, and right now it surrounds me along with the feeling of elation that courses through my veins. I let out a shout, a shout of joy. The Dauntless respond in a chorus of yells, to my surprise. Why would they join in with me? That's when I realize, that we are approaching a roof. Then, people start to jump. Onto the roof.

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