Chapter 13

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Oh my gosh update! Sorry for not updating i've been suuuuper busy this week! I just finished my french and english exams, now i've got my math for the next two weeks :( but don't worry i'll be updating every weekend and the once in a blue moon week days. AND PLEASE READ BELOW ONCE YOU'VE FINISHED READING THE CHAPTER  IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT. 

You guys are going to love this chapter. i'm sure. For this part listen to Not about angels by Birdy from the Tfios soundtrack. in love with this song <4 i'll tell you when to start playing the song. Hope you like it!!


People come and go through the dorms and I feel their eyes meet my lifeless-like form—tear-stained, matted hair, limbs tangled in my sheets. I should clean myself up. I should do a lot of things right now, but my body and mind beg to differ.

Finally, I decide to get up, pick out some clothes and head to the washrooms. I haven’t cleaned up in two days—it’s time to take a shower. I have so many things on my plate, and being called smelly is not going to be one of them. When I enter,  I’m not alone; Lauren stands there with a pair of her own clothes. She smiles at me then walks into one of the stalls, and the sound of water hitting the tiles fills the room. I occupy the one beside her and put my clothes and towel on the hanger. I set my crutches aside against the door, then undress and turn my nozzle on and walk beneath the cool water. It feels good on my hot skin. I stand on one foot, holding the wall to help me keep steady.

“Have you talked to your brother yet?” she asks. My eyes widen, and I’m glad that she can’t see my startled expression.

“Um, yeah.” I say. “It didn’t go so well,”

Understatement of the century.

“It’s all going to be fine,” she replies. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a flash of color coming from near my feet. I focus on the object. It’s a bottle.

“Here,” she says.  

I sigh and smile, taking the bottle from her hand. It’s a black bottle, and it says in clear white letters SHAMPOO.

“Where did you get this?” I guffaw. I haven’t found neither soap nor shampoo since I’ve been here.

“Michael got it for me,” I detect a hint of a smile in her voice though I can’t see her and grin.

“Are you two…?” I trail off. I hear her giggle.

“Yeah,” she gushes dreamily. I giggle at the thought of them two, a couple, the most unexpected thing.

She sighs for a moment and I hear the creaking of a nozzle, the absence of the water hitting the tiles. I give her back her shampoo and turn my own off, grabbing my towel to quickly dry myself off. I slip into my black leggings, careful not to hurt my ankle, my rather revealing top and my leather jacket so I can try to feel the way I thought I did when I first tried on these clothes. I felt powerful. But right now, it just doesn’t spark me like it used to.

“I never got to say sorry,” Lauren blurts out. Her gray eyes meet mine as she dries her damp blonde hair. They look pleading and truly sympathetic and hopeful.

“So I’m saying it now.” She pauses. “I’m sorry,”

I hold my breath for a moment and let it out with a slight laugh.

“Don’t worry about it,” I assure her. “We’re both from the same home, right?”

She laughs at the thought of Abnegation. “Yeah,” she breathes. “Yeah I guess so.”

She walks to the door with her towel tightly wrapped around her hair like a bee’s nest and smiles at me.

“I’ll see you later, Carter,”

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