Chapter 14

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Hey there! This is the last chapter of the FIRST installment of the Break down the walls series, and believe me, i'm planning on making at least five books. It's going to be awesome. i'm already writing the sequel, and let's just say you guys are going to hate me and (hopefully) love me. So here you go: THE FINAL CHAPTER!!


I wake up next to my brother, in the midst of his apartment, and I see he's not beside me like he was last night. We probably talked until three in the morning, way past curfew, way past my regular limits. I yawn and stretch my arms over my head, ready to face whatever the day wants to throw at me. I'm happy with my brother, Patch and I are... well I don't know what we are. Are we a couple? What did that kiss mean to him? I should try to find out. I need some answers.

The door opens and Tobias comes whizzing through, pulling me out of bed and throwing me some clothes. I'm still a little tired and foggy from sleep, so I don't even bother hiding myself as I peel off my shirt and my leggings and throw on some baggy sweatpants and a loose t-shirt.

"Come on," he herds me out the door with a bright smile on his face and I poke his side.

"Why, thank you for waking me up, big brother,"

"You're very welcome, little sister," he replies. I grimace.

"I'm not that little, you know. I'm almost taller than you," I point out.

"Well, until then, you are still my little sister. I am three years older-"

"Yet sometimes you can act three years younger than me,"

"Whatever. Let's just eat." His eyes grow cloudy with wariness and he puts his hands on my shoulders, stopping him and me in the middle of the hallway.

"No one can know that we're related," he whispers, though I see no one in the dark corridor. Everywhere is dark in this damn place. Why can't they just light the whole place up instead of leaving us in the dark, having to watch were we step, and always fear what hides in the depths where we are blind.

"I know your friends already know, but no one else can. They'll think that you doing well is just me wanting my sister in Dauntless."

I think about that for a moment. I never thought about things in that point of view, and I know a few people who would think like that. And I know they would take any advantage they have to get me into shit with the leaders, or worse-kicked out of Dauntless. I can't let that happen. I need to stay here with my friends. Bass. Patch.

"Okay," I agree firmly. I clear my throat and we continue walking like nothing happened. When we reach the end of the corridor, we turn right, and there is a burst of light provided from a small lantern hanging dangerously close to me. I feel better now I can see.

"Where's Tris at?" I ask. I haven't seen her in a while.

"Oh, she's at work." My eyebrows kit together at the statement.

"Work? Doesn't she train us for a living?"

He smiles and shakes his head. "God, no. You guys are just a temporary distraction. Tris is one of the leaders,"

My eyebrows shoot up to my hairline. I never would've thought that. "Really?" I gasp.

"Yeah," he speaks proudly. "She came first last year. She got to be a leader."

My eyebrows probably seem like they're dancing, shooting up and down, together and apart. "She only transferred last year?"

"Yes. I was her instructor,"

I nod. "So she's seventeen? And she's a leader?"


We're coming close to the dining room and I ask him one more question right outside the doors. "So what do you besides training your distractions?"

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