Chapter 12

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Hey! Long time no see! Super busy week (that's always my excuse, oops) and I didn't write much, but got this together pretty roughly. So here you go, chapter 12!

"It's not broken, but you'll be walking on three legs for the next week," the nurse, Patrice, informs me. I'm with Clarke, Miles and Patch, Patch who holds an ice pack to his nose. Bass got him pretty hard. But not as hard as he got me. I passed out in the hall on the way here.

"And you're eye...well it's gonna be blue. Here's some pain meds if you have any pain for your head," She hands me a small bottle of pills with instructions on them. Good. My head can only take a certain amount of pain. She hands me two mechanical structures with handles. Crutches.

"Thanks for the help, Patrice," I smile weakly. She sets a hand on my shoulder and says, "I don't hope seeing you here for a while," she sighs. "Be careful next time."

I nod my head. Patrice hands me the crutches and I maneuver them between my underarms. I stand up and ponder walking with them to test them out. I'm a little unstable at first, but I get the hang of them. Clarke sits on Miles who sit on a chair in the corner, and Patch stands nervously.

"You sure you're okay?" Patch questions warily. I offer him a warm, toothy smile to reassure him.

"I'll be fine,"


"So..." Clarke trails off. "Four's your brother."

I wince a little, balancing on my crutches as they walk me back to the transfer's dorms. It seems like weeks since I've seen the other transfers since I've made my home with our golden quartet.

"Uh, yeah." I nod my head, my throat a little raspy. "I only found out today."

"So he's a transfer?" Miles asks. I nod my head. He looks surprised at the thought of Bass in Abnegation, but to me it's so mundane that it scares me. My stomach still churns at the thought of him though. All I can see when I close my eyes is how mad he looked. Instead of the soft blue, they were hard and sharp. His lips curled into a snarl...I feel sick to my stomach.

"Can we..." I lose my breath and have to stop in mid-crutch. "Can we just not talk about him right now?"

They nod solemnly and I calm myself, taking a bug gulp of air. I let it all out in a sigh.

"I just need some rest," I finally huff.


The transfers stare at me like I have two heads once I walk into the room. I crutch my way to my bed and notice that the top bunk is stripped clean. That's where Dana used to sleep.

"Where's Dana?" I whisper to Jeremy, who sits on his bed, fiddling with the shoelaces on his sneakers. He points to across the room.

Dana lies in bed with Gabe, her expression full of love as she looks into his eyes. They look so at peace and in love, and I can't help but wonder how the hell all this happened in one night and day that I was gone. Dana catches me glancing at her and she rolls over, lying on her stomach instead of propped up on her side.

"Did I miss much?" I ask again as I carefully sit myself down without hurting my ankle.

"No, but clearly we have," says Jeremy. "Where have you been?"

I snort.

"No, seriously, where?" Lauren sits with Michael across from me. Alexander also ducks his head into the conversation. They all look at me expectantly and I blow air out of my lips.

"Well, you remember the Dauntless-born from capture the flag, right?" They nod their heads, remembering nostalgically our victory. "Well, they came up to me, and Miles had a bottle of liquor, so we...well we all kind of got drunk," I admit.
Jeremy snickers and Michael smiles.

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