Chapter 8

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Hey there guys! I've been super uber really busy this week but i managed to write a lot so that's good. i'm updating this one and broken so stay tuned! hope you liked this chaper. i loved writing this one. but more of this after you read.


Eric isn't here this morning. I slept soundly last night, back in the dormitory, and I didn't get any nightmares. I was too overwhelmed with the joy of winning the game. Instead of throwing glares in my direction, people throw smiles and congratulations and I feel warm on the inside, like nothing could stop me. But that was all before I stepped into the training room and saw the pairings for the fights.






I was up against my best friend. This wasn't at all what I wanted. I hear Dana gasp and see her clutch Gabe's hand. My hands start to shake. Not only was I hurting innocent people before, now I'm hurting my best friend. This is going too far. She looks at me with fear and I can't help but look away, digging my fingernails into my palms. I can only imagine that's the look I gave Marcus just before he hit me.

"Oh God," Gabe whispers when he sees it. I nod my head slightly, dazed. Dana lays her hand on my shoulders.

"I don't want you to go easy on me," she whispers in a rush before the instructors. "If I beat you, I want to earn it," I nod my head fiercely, but I can't bring myself to look up in her eyes. "Okay," she whispers, nodding her head. "Okay," she turns to Eric when he walks in and releases my shoulders. This is going to be fine. Besides, it's not like I'm going to kill her. But I can't let her beat me. I lost once. I won't lose again.

"These are the last fights. This is your last chance to redeem yourselves, so you might want to put up a good fight." Eric announces. I can barely listen over the pounding in my ears. I can't fight my best friend. How could Tris and Four let this happen?

"You changed them?" Tris growls, gazing at the chalk board. She crosses her arms and narrows her eyes. Eric just smirks, his normal douche smirk.

"Your problem is...?" he asks.

"These are unfair," she argues. "We matched them fairly yesterday,"

"Yeah, but Tris, this is way more fun to watch." Fun, I'd like to scoff. He thinks fun is watching one person beat the other unconscious. That psychopath.

Tris doesn't bother arguing; she just shakes her head and sighs. She leans into Four who stands behind her and he whispers something into her fear. She nods her head and then he kisses the top of her head. I would smile if I wasn't so panicked.

"Let's start with, hmm, inny minny miny moe, Carter and Dana." He says the last part quickly. This just makes my stomach turn upside down. I can't fight her now. I'm too high on adrenaline.

High on adrenaline. That can help me unfocus. I walk up to the ring automatically and pull loose strands of my ponytail behind my ears. I curl my hands around the back of my neck and take a breath. I just have to do it the only way it should be: straight and fast. I can't take my time. I just have to get it over with.

But Dana thinks other wise.

Her fist slams into the front of my throat and I heave, clutching my throat. That immediately cut off the flow of air and I sputter for a few seconds before she kicks me onto my side. I fall and scramble to my feet, finally breathing. I let her throw a few punches at me just for good measure, to my stomach, to my arm and to my ribs (I clench my teeth at that) until I really get down to it. She goes in for a kick and I pull it forward, knocking her onto her back. She falls with a thud and I quickly make my way to the ground beside her head. I hold her down with one hand, and stare into her eyes: they are terrified, her face so horrified and I can only choke back a sob.

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