Chapter 6

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Awnn! You guys are so wonderful! I feel like updating now :) keep spreading love and i'll post another chapter. :) and @fourtrisfoursix your comment wasn't weird, it made me laugh :)

For this chapter, i suggest you read it on a laptop or you get an extra device that has youtube on it, so you can play the song (that i will put to the side) called My Blood by Ellie Goulding off the Divergent souondtrack. I'll put a little note to tell you when to press play. It really goes well with this chapter.

Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 6

I go back to sleep without waking anyone, but I don't sleep. I just stare up at the bunk above me, taking deep breaths. I think this should become a ritual. I can sleep. If I dream, I'll wake up, then I'll go to the Chasm to calm down, then...I'll have to find something to do. Because I can't just uselessly lie here all night. I'll find something. Cause I'm not doing this tomorrow.

I roll over onto my side. This is going to be a long night.


"God, is there anything in this place that will help me wake up," I groan, taking a bite of my muffin. I sit with Tris and Four across from me and Dana and Gabe on my sides.

"Yeah, it's called coffee," Tris says. She pours me a cup of steaming dark brown liquid into a mug. She pushes across the table for me and I sniff it. I take a sip, too fast, and choke on the boiling water. They laugh at my reaction and I set the cup down. The taste is bitter, yet comforting in a way.

"Alright guys, time to go," Tris says, pushing herself away from the table. This time, when we walk out, it's automatic that everyone follows without announcement. I even hear Lauren's witch-like cackling in the background. I can't comprehend how Skylar deals with her everyday.

"Today we'll be continuing with the combat training that we started yesterday," Four shouts over the Chasm. "Then after lunch you'll learn how to throw a knife."

"Sounds cool," Dana whispers beside me. I nod my head and smile. I thought Dauntless training would be brutal. But it isn't as bad as it seems. Us transfers, we're like a miniature family. A miniature family with a bit of tension, though. I feel pumped for what's next, energized and ready to go, like electricity is running through my blood.

"Alright. Everyone, get a punching bag."

Four demonstrates a few punches and kicks, almost knocking down the bag at one point, then signals for us to continue. I face mine and don't know what to do with it.

I throw some punches. It wobbles in front of me. I kick it a few times. Doesn't move an inch. I look to the side to see Dana is doing mighty fine, moving swiftly and effectively, her knuckles becoming red. I grunt and return to mine. I even saw Skylar doing well.

I kick, out of frustration, and almost fall over. My foot didn't even touch the bag. Combat is not my thing. I can only do it when I've got adrenaline within me. Adrenaline won't always be there to help me. I punch limply, yet still manage to tear open my knuckles.

"Hurts like a bitch, right," Four chuckles. My head whips around to see him standing there, smirking.

"Not now, Four," I growl, redirecting my gaze back towards the bag. I throw a few more half-willed punches and a handful of pathetic kicks. He sighs and rolls his eyes.

"If you actually tried," he says, putting extra emphasis on tried, "then you could actually succeed." He walks away and leaves me pissed. I turn back to the bag. I feel the heat, the heat in my blood, how it's starting to boil. This is what I need. I need adrenaline. I punch the bag, alternating from my right fist from my left in three quick moves. I slip in an elbow hit then kick it, so it goes flying a few feet. I steady it with my hands then knee it a few times, pretending as if the bag was an actual person. Like the bag is Four, and I'm getting back at him for insulting me. A few more punches and I stop to crouch, panting.

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