Chapter 5

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Hey sorry for not updating yesterday. I was really tired :P anyway i hope you like this chapter.

Chapter 5

"You were pretty good, Carter." Gabe comments as we make our way toward the dining hall for lunch break. I smile.

"Not too bad yourself," I reply. I finally had time to talk with Dana about the other initiates: who they are, what they're like, where they're from. We're only nine transfers and eleven Dauntless-born, and apparently Dana knows everything about the Candor transfers. There are three others besides her, Alexander, Jeremy and Evan. They-Alexander and Jeremy-used to be her best friends, but they ditched her after they got into some huge fight. She said that she noticed they started befriending one of the Erudite transfer, Michael. He's all muscle, and he's taller than me-practically built for Dauntless. I sense something mischievous brewing between the trio, something I don't have a good feeling about. The other one, Evan, is a major class clown. He loves to pull pranks and mess around, things I am so unfamiliar with. Gabe, from Erudite, is less of a smart mouth then you'd think he'd be, and I catch Dana batting her eyelashes at him every once in awhile. Then there's Skylar, the Amity transfer, who is not very talkative. She likes to hang out with Lauren, but I can tell she doesn't actually like her. I mean, who would? In Abnegation, you're supposed to be kind and quiet. It's like her parents tried to raise her, but gave up when they found out it was no use. Yet, I did notice that she was one of the only initiates who got their bullets in the center circle.

I take a seat with Dana and Gabe instead of Tris and Four today, feeling better that it's just the three of us. No one else. Then I take a glance over at the table on our left and see Lauren and Skylar, the Amity transfer, talking quietly amongst themselves. No, she's not talking. She's listening to Lauren blabber on, and I can see that she's starting to get annoyed, just by her body language and the sour expression on her face.

"Hey, Skylar!" her head snaps up at her name and she looks around until she sees me beckoning. Lauren tries to stop her by grabbing her fore arm, but she says something mean-like to her then picks up her tray of food and walks over to our table, trying to bite back a smile. Dana glares beside me but I subside it with another glare of my own.

"Thank you," are the first words she says. "I hated being with her," Dana manages a fake smile and I find one without falsity.

"So that's pretty unusual. Amity to Dauntless?" Gabe asks. Skylar just shrugs her shoulders.

"I'm not the apple picking type," she admits. "And I love pissing people off." I laugh and she smiles, tucking a strand of her reddish orange hair behind her ear.

"What about you?" she asks me. "Abnegation to Dauntless isn't too common either," I mimic her, shrugging my shoulders.

"It was too quiet for me. I didn't belong there," she nods and Gabe grins.

"Yeah. Dana tells me she is quite the loud one," Gabe comments. I smack him upside the head and he puts his hand on his chest in mock astonishment.

"You just hit me!" he whines, childish.

"Then she's ready for what's next," Tris cuts in. "Transfers! Follow us!" Four shouts across the cafeteria.

"Gonna try not to get another nose bleed, Stiff?" Four asks playfully. I grimace at him and start to follow them with Dana, Gabe and Skylar by my side.

"What does he mean?" Dana whispers.

"I have a very sensitive nose, and I bumped into him last night. He helped me clean myself up. Nothing major, but it seems like he's going to tease me forever about it," I inform her. "Jerk," I mutter.

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