Chapter 10

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Chapter ten!!! Here we go!!! Hope you like it! Simulations start today *wiggles eyebrows*

Chapter 10

I wake up in the Dauntless-born dormitory with Patch, his arms encircled around my waist. The events of last night come flooding in-the drinks, the tattoos, and a faint smile makes my lips curl. I peer down at my wrist. Infinite.

"Good morning," I mumble when I see his eyes flutter open. He blinks a few times then his eyes adjust. He smiles.

"Hey," he says, his voice think from sleep.

"Wanna catch an early breakfast?" I ask. He nods his head and we slip out of bed. Then we see: we're not going for an early breakfast. Everyone's gone.

"Shit," he mutters, wary. "They already left." He grabs my hand and rushes my out of the door. We run through the corridor, weaving hallways I've never been through before. I wonder how he knows where to go, then I remember he's been here his whole life. Of course he knows where to go. We finally find the hallway where a bunch of initiates sit on the ground, leaned up against the wall, waiting patiently.

"At least no one noticed," I whisper to him.

"You're late," I hear from behind me. I turn to see Four. There is someone behind the room at the end of the hall already, the room where stage two must be happening.

"Sorry," I mutter, than take a seat on the ground. Patch slides down beside me.

"I'm just here to check on you guys," Four advises. I glance at all the initiates and see a few faces missing. When I spot Clarke and Miles, I'm relieved. But still, there are others missing.

"Where is everyone?" I ask Lauren who sits across from me, next to Michael. She shrugs her shoulders.

"Skylar and Gabe got kicked out," she says sadly. Oh no. Skylar. She had a chance she could've made it but I guess the Dauntless-Born were too good. "Along with two Dauntless-born." I nod my head. "And the rest just finished their first part of stage two, which I have no idea about." I nod my head. "Thanks, Lauren." She smiles then turns back to Michael. I turn back to Patch. Then the door slides open.

"Dana," Tris calls. She's doing stage two. Only her. I wonder why Tris and not Four. Oh well. I take Patch's hand in mine and he rubs small circles on my skin that make my shiver. I close my eyes, a small grin on my face.



I'm the last initiate in the hall. Patch left awhile ago as well as Miles and Clarke, which left me with a bunch of stranger Dauntless-born. I push myself up with my hands and shake out my leg: it fell asleep. She opens the door wide enough for me to enter, and in the room is the same chair as in the aptitude test room without the mirrors.

"You're going to face your fears," Tris says in a monotone voice, getting straight to the point. She must be tired of repeating the same speech over and over again for the past few hours. My stomach churns at the word fear. I'm already familiar with fear.

"I'm going to inject you with the serum that stimulates the amygdala, the part of the brain that processes fear. It will induce a hallucination. The only way you can get out is if you lower your heart rate and slow your breathing. I'll be able to watch with these," she says, pointing at tiny electrodes that she sticks on her head, "and the computer is going to have the footage afterwards. Understand?" she asks. I nod meekly. My throat feels dry and my palms sweat as she injects the serum into my neck. She looks at me sternly in the eyes.

"Be brave, Carter. The first time is always the hardest."

And I am consumed by darkness.


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