Chapter 11

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Hey there! I decided to update because I really had a good idea for this chapter, and let's just say... it's going to be intense. Hope you enjoy!

"Patch!" I call in the Pit. I spot him sitting on a rock next to Clarke and Miles, their heads thrown back in laughter. I jog through the many people who socialize around us, with pounding music blaring in the background. He waves his hand and I sit beside them.

"We should do something," I start off. "Something reckless." Patch's eyes sparkle and Miles becomes suddenly very interested in our conversation.
"Like what? Jump off the Pier or something?" Clarke asks. I grin.
"I don't care what it is. I just need to get out of here," they nod their heads and Patch smirks.
"I've got just the thing,"


We sneak around the corner of the last hallway and Patch holds a finger to his mouth, signaling for us to be quiet. I nod my head and the two others follow suit. They do, and the hall is completely silent. There are footsteps, and then Patch waves his hand to tell us to step forward.

We do, and he points to the door. Clarke goes full speed and slams it open.

"Hey!" someone calls from in back of us. I glance back to see Bass. He must've been following me.

"Go, go, go!" I screech. His footsteps come closer and I make it through the door with everyone else. We slam it shut, a small metal bar. I pull it towards me to keep it shut as Miles wedges a piece of wood so it it's locked from the outside in. There's a small rectangular window, and through it I see my brother's steaming expression. His nostrils are flared and his eyes are wide open. I let out a small giggle and wave to him. The others laugh and we walk away without another thought.

"So where are we going?" I ask. Clarke and Miles shrug their shoulders.

"He's the one with the plan," Clarke says, pointing to Patch. I nod and purse my lips.

"I've heard you've done some pretty crazy shit in the past," I comment, clenching my hands in front of me. I recognize the path we are taking-the train. Of course we're going somewhere in the city.

"Yes. Yes I have," he smirks and remembers nostalgically.

"What's the craziest thing you've done? The most dangerous thing you could think of,"

"Craziest thing? Most dangerous?" he shrugs his shoulders. Clarke and Miles look like they are deep in thought, probably trying to think of something too. They must've assisted all his daredevil stunts.

"I mean besides climbing on top of the train, I guess it was when we went to the Abnegation. We did some parkour stunts," Miles and Clarke agree by nodding their heads. Despite the ache in my chest at the thoughts of going back to Abnegation, the place I escaped from, I clear my throat.

"Okay then," I decide. "Let's go to Abnegation."


By the time we reach the gray-infested place, it's inching over to midnight, the full moon lighting our path bright in the sky. I keep worrying that we may wake people up, but Patch keeps telling me to relax. I don't think I can. Not when I'm here. In the Abnegation sector.

"So Carter, do you know where we're going?" Miles coos mockingly. I stick my tongue out at him.

"Yes," I mutter despite his comment. I know these streets to well. I feel like I belong here, but I couldn't. Because I was unwanted by certain people.

Clarke puts a finger to her mouth, then uses her other hand to point to a ladder. It leads up to one of the roofs and Patch nods his head, affirming her plan. He hurries over giddily and scampers up, his coat making ruffling noises loud enough to pierce the deafening, intimidating silence. I hurry after him, wanting to see what this 'parkour' is. It sounds neat.

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