"Don't worry he can't hurt you now or ever. You are mine Sirenna and he can't take you away from me." He declared cupping my face softly as I smiled brushing my hair over my neck now with a bite mark that probably would look weird to many still not understanding it's significant. But going with it by how good I felt right now. Like I was on cloud nine drunk on udder happiness.

"Can we leave now. I really don't want to be here any longer seeing as I only came here to meet you apparently." I smiled cheekily as he chuckled.

"Lucky me then. Let me take you some were nice and quite then." He said with a husky note turning towards the front of the hotel. Pulling out a phone to tap on it then back in his pocket keeping a hand on my lower back that was feeding a current of sensations threw my spine going down between my legs.

We walked out to a sleek silver sports car as a valet opened the passenger door for me. "Typical." I smiled sliding in as he was getting into the drivers seat.

"What now." He smirked shutting his door as the cars engine purred to life with its exotic sound of power under the hood.

"Men and there fast cars." Shaking my head putting on my seat belt as he did his, putting the exotic car it into gear.

"Hey it's the only time I can have a car like this when I'm here." He said and to prove his point peeled out of the hotel drive and onto the street quickly as I giggled.

He took several turns then came to a high rise building going into the underground parking garage, parking in a row of other sleek cars. "Yours I take it." I commented as he opened my door offering his hand, lifting me out of the car.

"Maybe." He smiled walking over to an elevator getting in for him to press the top floor eyeing him sharply. "You'll see." Was all he said with a grin taking my hand as he kissed the top of it sent sparks up my arm in pleasure. Moments later the doors opening to a lone hallway pulling me down it as he opened his front door to a white penthouse with the same color scheme as his room back in the mountains with black, silver, and blue.

"Its so plain." I noticed only seeing some couches, a tv and a table by the kitchen.

"I am never really here obviously and only bought this place for the view." He explained walking over to a set of doors opening it wide to a large balcony to see the whole city and the stars.

"Its beautiful." I said walking to the railing looking down at the cars passing by then to the moon high in the sky so bright.

"More so now then ever." Elijah said coming behind me feeling his arms wrap around, pressing his lips against my neck feeling the mark burn with pleasure by his touch surprisingly.

"I feel different now after you bitten me. Why is that?" I asked as he nuzzled my neck resting my hands over his, leaning into him with a sigh.

"We are closer now then anything humanly possible. The bond that we had before by blood was only the tip of it. Now our souls have been combined. The reason why I wanted you to be sure was because now our lives will be intertwined together." He explained as I turned in his arms looking up to him seeing how much love he had in his eyes for me as he cupped my cheek softly. "Now when your happy I can feel the emotion. When your sad I'll be sad." He said tracing my features with his finger tips as I bit my lips when he came to them pushing me against the railing with his form. "And when your aroused I can feel it too." He declared as I gasped, blushing furiously taking my lips in a heated kiss with a hunger that had my body melting against his.

"Then you can feel how much I want you." I breathed huskily curling my fingers around his jackets lapels wanting to be skin to skin with him as if it was a need for air.

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