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Life was no joke miserable as if a eighteen wheeler truck had ran over me then proceeded to back up then a jack hammer and for fun blind the shit out of me by the bright burning hell of a sun. This morning was my least favourite of all in history. The only thing that made it bearable was waking up on Elijah with his methodical heartbeat under my ear as I laid partly on top of him with one of my legs in between his. The only other thing that made me confusing was being completely naked with my hair slightly damp for some reason.

"All three of you decided to make snow angels. You had mud all over you and were soaked. The moment we got home I put you in the shower to warm you back up. You didn't make it to cloths by the time I dried you off passing out on the bed. That was only three hours ago." Elijah explained whimpering that the sun was already starting to come up. "Now go back to sleep." He continued turning on his side pulling me into his heaven of heat and blocking the angry sun thankfully.

It didn't take long for me to fall back into blissful sleep were I felt dead to the world. Unfortunately it wasn't lived long before I was rudely woken up by pounding on the door with Elijah groaning along with me. "Marcus if you don't stop that banging I swear I'm going to kill you with a spoon." I yelled hurting my own ears but was worth it when the insisting banging cease.

"How did you know it was Marcus?" Elijah rasped as I rest my head back on his chest.

"I don't know? Just guessed it was him." I shrugged wiggling more in his arms wrapping mine around his feeling the brush of the cold trying to seep under the covers.

"Unfortunately though you have to get up sweetheart." He rasped from sleep kissing the top of my head.

"No." I countered childishly feeling him rumble in laughter as another chaos of pounding sounded at the door.

"Sirenna! Get up now or I'm coming in!" Marcus threatened threw the door. "Lucy is bugging the shit out of me. So get your ass in gear and tame that girl." He billowed sounding desperate to be rid of her.

"But my head hurts." I pouted feeling the migraine pulse behind my eyes as Elijah rudely untangled from me, pulling back the comforter letting all the heat escape.

"Sirenna, sweetheart get up. Lucy is going to drive all of us mad if you don't go with her." Elijah stated going to the door in all his naked glory while I shivered in the cold air.

He opened the door a crack grabbing a bag from Marcus shutting it to come back to me placing it on the edge of the bed. "Lucy brought you cloths. She's waiting downstairs." He contiuned making me grin as I shamefully looked him up and down when he crawled back onto the bed capturing my lips in a deep kiss wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him against me as my nipples perked at attention.

"I would love to stay in bed all day but we both know that won't happen till Lucy is on her way to meet her mate." Reluctantly pulled back with a quick peck then was gone heading to the bathroom.

I murmured several curses, pulling myself to the bag as I grasped it looking inside to see what the chit had packed for me. I was going to have to have a talk with Lucas about letting her in my house and going threw my clothes expertly I might add, seeing as she stuffed cloths in here I haven't seeing in a while. It would appease to Arabella though grasping blue skinny jeans, a long cosy grey sweater like dress with a red ruffled scarf. At the bottom I wanted to murder Lucy grabbing underwear I thought I had gotten rid of not even understanding how I still had them either. It was one of Arabella's presents to me for valentines day as a joke seeing as they were a red lace thong with matching bra decorated with bows on the straps and on my hips adored with crystals.

Seeing as I had no choice to put it on thankful Elijah was still in the bathroom taking his time. I put it on quickly throwing the outfit over it then tugged on brown knee high boots when he came out freshly shaven, dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans. Quickly I used the bathroom glad to find mother nature's monthly call was over. Brushing my teeth coming out in record time out the door to see a excited Lucy at the bottom of the stairs thoroughly talking Marcus and Lucas ear off.

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