3. Alec Doesn't Wear Flower Crowns!

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Answer: Maybe it's lame but I seriously love Bath and Bodyworks! I love all of the good smelly things.

"Magnus, are we almost finished?" Alec asked with his hands full of bags, only one of which was his. He looked at the couple around them and he nodded at a guy who was weighed down by bags as his girlfriend dragged him into a fully pink store. At least Magnus hadn't made him go in there.

"What?" Magnus asked as he places a sparkling, diamond necklace back to the jeweler. 

"Are you about ready to go?" Alec repeated.

"But, we're having so much fun!" Magnus smiled and turned to Alec. "Aren't we?"

Alec couldn't even be upset when Magnus flashed him his yellow eyes before smiling deeper. Alec wondered if Magnus knew the power he had over him. He looked down at his full hands and decided that he probably did. "How about one more place?"

"Well, okay. I suppose you do owe me for your clothes." Magnus patted his cheek.

Alec raised an eyebrow at him and looked down at his hands. "I thought that was why I was carrying all of your bags." 

"Darling, of course not, I could have just sent them home." Magnus wiggled his fingers. 

"What?" Alec stopped walking and looked at his boyfriend. "Then why the hell am I carrying them! One of the bags has two pairs of shoes that you literally bought for chairman meow to play with."

Magnus chuckled and touched Alec's shoulder. "I swear I was going to but then I saw how the muscles in your arms bulged and I really liked it." 

Alec blushed but still held out the bags. Magnus rolled his eyes and his hand danced around the bags. "Happy now?" Magnus asked once Alec's hands were free.

"Very." Alec slid his hand into Magnus's.

"Good, because you may not be so happy about the next place," Magnus said quickly then pulled Alec into a nightmare of a store. 

There were girls young and old all over and the walls were filled with more color than Alec even thought existed. There were bags, earrings, other girly things, and one other guy who looked just about as happy as Alec felt. 

"I did warn you," Magnus smirked. 

"Magnus, I'd almost choose to visit your father again rather than come back here," Alec whispered. 

"We both know that's not true. Now pick something." Magnus said. 

"Why?" Alec gave him a confused look.

"Because we're not leaving until you do." Magnus smiled.

"You remember what I said to you after I thought you had been killed by the soul sword?" Alec asked Magnus with a sweet smile.

"Yes." Magnus's eyes sparkled happily.

"Yeah, I take it back," Alec said and walked away.

Magnus didn't get upset, he knew that Alec really didn't mean it. He jumped at Alec, hugging him from behind, not caring that the whole store was watching them. He kissed his neck and nibbled on his ear.

"Just one thing, darling, and then we can go home. I'll even let you pick a movie to watch." Magnus turned Alec around. "As long as that movie is The Little Mermaid."

"We watched that last month." Alec groaned but he secretly loved it. 

"Yes, and we'll probably watch it next month too," Magnus said as he stepped away to look at the tiaras.

"Fine." Alec grabbed a black bracelet. "Can we go?"

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood!" Magnus exclaimed. "You will pick something with color or I will pick it for you." Magnus gave Alec a serious look and Alec returned it. Then they burst out laughing. 

"Fine, you win, Mr. Bane." Alec winked and saw the perfect thing. "Close your eyes."

"Okay." Magnus closed them and waited. 

"Ready." Alec declared and Magnus clapped his hands. 

"You're beautiful." Magnus felt a tear fall from his eye. "My man is wearing a flower crown and he is the most beautiful creature to ever walk the face of the earth."

Alec blushed and pushed Magnus away. "Stop it."

"You stop it," Magnus pushed him back. "I was supposed to be the beautiful one."

"Hey," A girl who had just walked into the store said to Alec. "I love the crown. Can I get your number?"

"Excuse me." Magnus stepped between them. "He's wearing a flower crown and talking to me how in the world would you think that he's interested in giving out his number?"

"Plus, I don't know it." Alec shrugged.

The girl looked offended but walked away.

"Magnus that was pretty mean." Alec pointed out.

"Yeah, maybe." Magnus looked at the girl then he saw a boy who was walking past the store. He wiggled his fingers and suddenly the boy was wearing a flower crown and was right behind the girl. He tripped into her and they started to laugh. 


"Yeah." Alec smiled at the kids. "Now, can we go back to your place?"

"Of course, darling." Magnus kissed him.

A/N Coming up next: One of them is sick! It won't be pretty but it will be dramatic. Also, I'll post the top 3 for the contest later today!

Question: Hardcover book or paperback?

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