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A/N Hello Lovelies. I'll be putting up the New Year, New Me posts today. Thanks to all who have written one. Can you comment on here again just in case so I can find them quickly.

"Night, Alec." Jace called out as Alec stepped into his room.

"Night." Alec closed the door and sank against it until he was on the floor. His head dropped into his hands and he sighed. Why was he so exhausted? It hadn't really been a bad day. But, what scared him more was that he wanted to see just one person and if he could he knew the bad mood funk would leave.

He glanced at his phone. No new messages. He could start a conversation, right? Wait, he had sent the last text. Wasn't that a bad sign? But he wanted to see Magnus. Couldn't he just say that?

I want to see you.

"By the angel. That's terrible." Alec muttered and deleted it. "How about how was your day? Wait the day's not over so do I have to say How was/is your day? No that sounds so stupid. Hmmm. How about something funny? That's always good."


"And nothing! Thanks mind, for all the help." Alec shook his head and mentally scowled at himself.

Maybe he should just go to sleep. But he didn't want to. He wanted to at least talk to Magnus.


"Perfect." Alec smiled. It's short and simple. It doesn't tell him too much But it starts a conversation.

Magnus sat up when his phone beeped. He clicked a button and saw that it was a message from Alec. He looked at the message excitedly then his heart dropped a bit when he saw that it was just a simple:


Magnus began typing.

Hello Alexander. How are you today?

"No, that's too bleh." Magnus said out loud as he deleted it.

Alexander, darling. How have you been?

"Nope. Nope. Nope. Magnus Bane, the high warlock of Brooklyn. The legend, the glittery beauty, the man full of witty banter, the man you can't write a fucking text." Magnus scowled at his phone and deleted the message and went for simple.


Alec dropped his phone when it vibrated. "Shit." He picked it up and looked at the message.

"Hi? That's it? Does he hate me? Am I bothering him? Not even a simple darling or my name even. What do I even say to that?" Alec groaned. Maybe he could just call Magnus. Wait, was he allowed to? They weren't exactly dating. They never talked on the phone.

How's your day?

Alec beemed at his phone. "Smart man, using the apostrophe s so that it can be is or was. Grammatically correct Alec is in the house. Wait, shouldn't it be how is your day going? Damn it!"

Magnus looked at the blinking light for a moment before checking the message.

How's your day?

Terrible. Want to come over? We can drink, eat, and cuddle. I even got a new movie that we can watch.

Magnus almost hit send but then he thought about how scittish Alec was. He deleted the message. How could he invite Alec over without scaring him away? He finally settled on simple again.

Honestly it was terrible. How about you?

"Was! Ah ha! So, I would have said how was your day. I'm still glad I left it open, but next time no stupid apostrophe."

It was fine. I wish I could have seen you.

"No! What are you thinking? You can't write that." Alec deleted the last sentence.

Was there a way that he could ask Magnus if he could come over without sounding like he's asking to come over? Of course not.

It was fine. What are you doing?

Magnus smiled. He knew what was coming now. He had broken the code. Magnus always asked what Alec was doing before inviting him over. Alec wanted to come over. Magnus through caution to the wind and excitedly responded.

Waiting for you to get here.

Alec smiled then frowned when his phone vibrated again. "Of course. He probably meant the message for someone else. Should I look at it?"

Magnus stared at his phone. He had pushed too far. He shouldn't have said that much.

Alec finally took a deep breath and looked at the message.

Clothing optional.

Alec burst out laughing from the nerves that had built up and from the message.

I'm on my way. Clothing required.

He quickly responded and grabbed his jacket before jumping out his window.

Magnus smirked. He quickly set up the coffee table with some snacks, drinks, and put the movie in.


Magnus quietly chuckled at the fact that Alec texted rather than knock on the door.

"Alexander." Magnus smiled as he opened the door and to his surprise Alec leapt into his arms.

"Hey Magnus." Alec murmured against his chest.

"I'm glad you came." Magnus felt suddenly cold when Alec pulled away much too quickly.

"Thanks for the invite." Alec looked around.

"Come, sit down." Magnus ushered him to the couch. He placed his arm behind Alec and leaned closer.

Alec lifted his chin and touched his lips to Magnus's. The kiss was soft and sweet.

"I missed you." Alec whispered with a blush on his cheeks.

"I missed you too." Magnus smiled back and kissed him again.

Question: Are you better on the phone, texting, or in person?

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