14. Pancakes

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Answer: Pancakes! I'm not really an omlete person, I like eggs just not in that way or scrambled.

What the hell?! Magnus yelled in his head. Where did Alec get that confidence from? Just says something and walks out the door. Damn, Magnus had to keep an eye on the guy. He thought alec was shy but maybe he was just an introvert. He had never been sexier when he had done that.

"Ah!" Alec yelled before there was a loud group of banging noises and glass breaking.

"Alec?" Magnus leapt up and ran after him. When he saw Alec he sank to the floor. He was laughing so hard that he lost all of his strength. He tried to laugh quietly, but it was hard. Magnus crawled to the top of the stairs and peeked at Alec who was dusting himself off.

That was more like the Alec that he loved. Wait, loved? Did he love the clumsy, cutie? The graceless, golden boy? The helpless, hottie? (Please add your own here) Magnus stopped laughing and smiled. He did, maybe not in the marry the boy way but at least as something more than just friends.

"Did you see that?" Alec was blushing so fiercely that Magnus could see it from the top of the stairs.

"I heard it." Magnus shrugged and stood up. "Are you okay?"

"Nothing was hurt but my pride and dignity." Alec smirked. "And those two things didn't have far to fall."

"Stop it." Magnus walked down the stairs. "Why don't I make you some breakfast?"

"I can make it." Alec offered.

"Technically? Yes. But we'd both enjoy it more if I do it." Magnus linked his arm with Alec's and pulled him to the kitchen. "You can be my cute assisstant."

"Is this your nice way of saying I'm terrible at cooking?" Alec chuckled.

"You're not terrible at anything!" Magnus declared as they walked into the kitchen. He pushed Alec down so he'd sit on a stool before continuing more quietly, "but yes."



"Is that from something?"


"No." Alec shook his head. He had heard it before.

"Ah, supernatural."

"I don't get that reference." Alec tapped his chin as he thought.

"Well you're the Cas to my Dean." Magnus winked at him.

"Are you even speaking English?" Alec gave him a confused look.

"Today we're watching Supernatural and one day we'll have children named Dean, Sam, and Castiel."


"The collective we." Magnus blushed because of his slip.

"We're the only ones here." Alec motioned between them.

"Right. So, what kind of pancakes do we want?" Magnus ignored Alec's question.

"Chocolate chip." Alec went to the pantry and pulled out the chocolate chips and pancake mix.

"Sounds delicious. Do you have peanut butter?"

"Yes, peanut butter, chocolate chip pancakes. This is going to be so good. I'm glad you're cooking." Alec smiled and sat back down. He opened the bag and popped a couple chocolate chips in his mouth. "Lovely."

"Yes, lovely." Magnus looked right at Alec.

"Do you want help?" Alec asked trying to ignore the sudden tension between them.

"All you need to do is sit there and look pretty." Magnus flirted back, making the tension grow.

Alec looked behind him then back to Magnus. "Were you talking to me?"

"Of course I was." Magnus walked around the island to where Alec was sitting, grabbed his shoulders, and spun him to face him. "You are beautiful, Alexander. You are the only reason that I'm happy in this mostly terrible world. I can't remember my life before you and I don't want to."

"You don't remember anything before last week?" Alec looked concerned. "We should take you to a doctor."

"What? Oh, you're serous. Alec, that is just a saying."

"But it doesn't make sense. Memory loss is a bad thing and it happens to people all the time. It's dangerous."

"Is that really all you took from that?"

"If you could rephrase maybe?"

"Fine." Magnus rolled his eyes then kissed Alec. His arms went to Alec's messy hair and Alec's arms wrapped around Magnus's waist.

"What in the hell is going on here?"

Alec and Magnus jumped apart and saw Magnus's dad standing in the hallway staring at them. He looked furious.

Question: What is your favorite comedy tv show?

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