1. Bitter-

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Answer: Making myself haha

"Alexander, how was your day?" Magnus asked as his weary looking boyfriend walked in the door. He had been worrying even more lately; Magnus knew that something was going on with him but Alec wasn't ready to talk yet so Magnus didn't ask. Magnus knew that Alec would speak when he was ready.

"Alec?" Magnus prompted as Alec kicked his filthy boots off his feet.

"Huh?" Alec turned to look at him and Magnus was positive this was the first time Alec was noticing he wasn't alone.

"Oh, you're here." Alec said without the usual thrill in his tired voice.

"Alexander, I've been waiting but I need to know. What's wrong?" Magnus stood up and walked to him but he noticed the straightening of his boyfriend's back and knew better than touching him.

"I'm just tired." Alec said quietly and Magnus didn't doubt that but he didn't doubt that there was more to it.

"Darling, just talk to me. Maybe I can help." Magnus gave him a tender smile when Alec finally glanced at him.

"Sorry, but I just came to grab some clothes." Alec said and walked to their room.

"Alexander, please talk to me." Magnus followed him.

"Damn it!" Alec turned to face Magnus. "Can't you just let me grab a clean shirt without hounding me?"

Alec ripped his shirt off and threw it angrily at the clothes hamper which fell over. Alec stomped into the room, picked up the shirt, and shoved it in the hamper.

"Alec, what the hell is going on?" Magnus asked from the doorway.

"By the angel! Can I not have a single moment to myself? Magnus, I get that you feel like we always have to do this," Alec motioned between them, "but we don't."

Magnus rolled his eyes. "Stupid Nephlim, I don't have to do anything. I want to talk to my boyfriend who is clearly struggling with something."

"Whatever. I need to go." Alec grabbed a shirt and changed into a clean pair of black jeans.

"I think you should stay. I won't ask anything." Magnus grabbed his arm.

Alec shook him off and pushed passed him into the hallway. "Magnus, I need just not be here right now. Thank you for caring, but stop. Please, I can't feel guilty right now for hurting your feelings."

"You're an ass. Alec, I can't simply stop caring and I don't care if you hurt my feelings. Just tell me what we're fighting about so I can fix it."

"But you can't!" Alec threw his arms up in the air. "Just let me go."

"Wait, are you coming back?" Magnus was hit with a fear that burrowed into his very soul.

"Life is fleeting for my kind so who knows Magnus. I might walk outside and die before I get to the bottom of the stairs. Or a demon could take a bite out of my throat." Alec had tears in his eyes as he turned away from Magnus. Magnus wanted to rush to him and take him into his arms and kiss away the sorrow but he knew that it wasn't that simple.

So, Magnus stepped back and let his boyfriend walk out the door. Then he did the only thing he could, he called Izzy.

Question: Sun or Snow?

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