Part 2 White Roses - Greyson Chance

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"I've been trying to figure out how to move all of our stuff in and I really don't want to do it all alone or end up getting in each other's ways so what do you think about helping each other?" Magnus asked after they had all talked a bit more to get to know each other. Jace still didn't seem as excited about their roommate but Alec was ecstatic. 

"That's a great idea." Alec offered up and Jace nodded. "Sure. It'll probably go faster that way."

"Wonderful." Magnus clapped his hands and spun on his sparkling shoe. "Let's start with Jace's. We can shove everything in and close the door then move on."

"Works for me." Jace sauntered outside to his car. 

"You know, it's not wrong," Magnus whispered to Alec as they followed his friend down the stairs. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," Alec whispered back. Why were they whispering?

"You do," Magnus winked and jumped down the stairs with perky energy that Alec was envious of. 

"Your truck smells of man." Magnus pinched his nose. "And not in a good way." 

"That's my football gear." Jace shrugged. 

"You'll keep that out here right?" Magnus winced as another whiff hit him. 

Jace rolled his eyes. "You're just like Alec."

"I think he's just human." Alec dropped the tailgate and jumped up. "No one likes it. I'll hand you guys boxes and then we can take turns doing the running."

"Perfect." Magnus took the box, making sure his hand rubbed against Alec's. Jace was still digging through the front of his truck so he didn't see it. As they continued Magnus did it every time he grabbed an item from Alec. Alec was getting used to it and the constant heat he was feeling by the time they were finished with Jace's stuff. 

"She's back." Jace turned to watch the redhead from earlier walk past them. "You guys got this right?" He asked as he was already jogging away.

"Charming." Magnus rolled his eyes and snorted. "Is he always like that?"

"Yeah." Alec smiled. "He means well, just tends to get distracted."

"Oh, I could tell. He kept stopping to check himself out in the mirror." Magnus pulled himself up on the bed of the truck to take a seat and Alec joined him.

"He's my brother, so be nice," Alec said. 

"Brothers?" Magnus pointed between them. "No way."

"He's adopted," Alec admitted. "He's also my best friend so I don't allow people to talk bad about him."

"I'm sorry." Magnus understood the connection between them better just from that. Alec loved Jace, but he had also shown that he wasn't the kind of guy to just be friends. He was dedicated, loyal, and patient. Clearly, he was also used to being the runner up to his best friend when he should have been the first place.

"It's fine. You don't know him." Alec slid off the truck and waited for Magnus to jump down before closing it. Alec saw the keys. "What do you think about taking a break from moving?"

"I would say I'm in love." Magnus joked. "What do you have in mind?"

"I heard that there's a great ice cream place." Alec shrugged. "Maybe we can take a lunch break and then come back."

"Ice cream for lunch?" Magnus took the keys from Alec. "I say absolutely. Tell me where to, pretty boy."

"I don't know." Alec laughed and got in the passenger side of the truck knowing that Jace wouldn't mind them taking his truck. He would absolutely mind that Alec was going to let Magnus drive though.

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