My Blood - Twenty One Pilots

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"You are worthy. You are beautiful. You matter. You are loved." Magnus recited his incantations as tears streamed down his face. He had always been alone, even in a crowded room. Even when all of the people were there for his attention he was empty. The compliments people gave him felt empty and dirty. They all wanted something from him.

"Magnus Bane." He said, hiding the scratchy, emotional voice he had at the moment with a cough.

"We need to meet." It was the yellow-haired shadowhunter, whatever his name was didn't matter to Magnus because he was as fake as his leather shoes.

"You know my price," Magnus said as he wiped the tears away and pulled himself together. The high-warlock of Brooklyn could never show emotion. He had to remain calm and flamboyant as usual. No one cared to look inside the glittery star, they just wanted to see the outside and once it went out it was forgotten just like the tide goes out. It was inevitable and yet managed to cut like a knife every time.

"Where should we meet?" The boy asked and Magnus wanted to tell him to go to hell to see his father. He had even more power and that's all the shadowhunters wanted anyway. They took and took while treating him worse than the mud on their boots.

"My place. Now." Magnus twirled on his heel and imagined Alexander in his mind. Sure he was the same as the others but he didn't hide the fact. He was honest and purer than should be possible of a killer. "Bring the others."

"Why?" The boy asked, which pissed Magnus off. He was sick of explaining things to others who would be dying soon. He didn't need to waste time asking questions.

"Just come." Magnus hung up his phone and poured himself a drink wishing that it would do more than just give him a slight hum. He prepared himself for the shadowhunters to come, get his help, and then disappear. They hated him so much, yet they needed him so often. They came to him and then ran away.

"Hello?" A voice called after a crackling sound.

"Come in!" Magnus bellowed, allowing his magic to carry his voice to the people below.

"I'm sorry," Alec said as he tripped through the doorway, not expecting the door to open.

Magnus held back his laughter and looked behind the attractive boy. "Where are your friends?"

"They're busy." Alec shrugged and to Magnus's shock looked guilty and embarrassed. "I'm sorry, not that you're not worthy of our time or anything. They just, well Jace, he's busy and I offered to come. I mean I didn't offer, I just wasn't busy, well I wasn't not busy. I just well, um here." Alec shoved a bag into Magnus's hand that was about to slap the adorable kid to get him to take a breath.

"Thanks?" Magnus eyed it suspiciously. "What is it?"

"Open it," Alec smiled his cheeks a soft pink color. He shuffled from one foot to the other nervously.

"First, come in." Magnus ushered him inside and swung the door closed. He took a seat on one of the couches and Alec sat stiffly on the other. "Drink?"

"I don't really drink much," Alec said with a shrug then his eyes grew wide. "I mean, yes thank you. Sorry, I'm not used to this kind of stuff. Jace generally is the spokesperson."

Magnus chuckled lightly and made a glass appear in Alec's hand. "You won't offend me if you don't drink it."

"Thanks." Alec looked relieved as he took a small drink followed by choking. "It's good." He hissed as he set the drink down on the coffee table. "You should eat the tacos before they get cold. The bag." Alec scrunched his eyes and then his blue eyes were on Magnus again. "Sorry, you probably don't want greasy, street food. You can throw it away."

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