Mini Malec Contest

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I figured since Wattpad is working for now why not do a contest. And this one is going to be adorable, or so I hope!

The prompt is: Alec and Magnus meeting in elementary/primary school. They have to be 9 years old or younger. But that's not it. You must have 3 parts. Part 1: children, part 2: teenagers, part 3: adults.

It can be an AU or not. That's up to you.

I'm going to say it has to be finished by April 24th, that way I can have some fun stories to read for my birthday. 😁🎉 I'll pick a winner by the 25th.

Make sure to comment on this chapter if you're entering and tag me in the book. I'll make a reading list with all the entries so if your book isn't in it let me know before the 24th.

Also, it has to be in a separate book or in a contest book.

What do you want for the prize?

Let me know if you have any questions.

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