Chapter Eight: Silence

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Just A Game [Teenlock]

Chapter Eight: Silence

A/N: I apologise for the wait, (and my sloppy 3am editing) I've been doing a ton of school sessions to catch up on coursework. That's all over now so I plan to write more. This story and Johnlock Texts are my focus at the moment.

Also I know that I asked this at the end of the last chapter but I'd really like to know who you ship together out of the characters so far!


Monday lunch time and neither Sherlock nor Jim were anywhere in sight.

Two hours after he'd gone upstairs Sherlock had come down and politely asked them all to leave. Naturally, Irene tried to demand she was told what was going on while everyone else left.

She went too soon enough and no one had seen the two teens since that day.

They hadn't been seen in any of their lessons and none of the other really expected to see them today but when lunch rolled around they were all eagerly sitting and waiting. Michael had joined them, worried.

Turns out that when he disappeared it was to help Molly out with the tea but John had his doubts about this kid. He gave John a bad feeling. Irene seemed to think so too because every time Michael made a comment about Sherlock, she'd shoot him a look.

If John was starting to seriously worry about the two then he didn't want to imagine what Irene was feeling. Her two best friends had disappeared, no phone calls, no texts, no appearances and all since they had what seemed to be their first conflict.

John just didn't understand. Sherlock had made a stupid joke, like he always does, and Jim reacted badly. Fine, that made sense. Jim was mad at John and took his anger out on his friend. What didn't make sense was the disappearance and the secretive nature of it all.

Sherlock and Jim were hiding something.

They had seemed so simple. Sex, competition and friends. They weren't simple though, there was more to it, John could see that now.

The question is. What's wrong with them and why now?


The phone was ringing. Sherlock's phone. The screen flashed as the device buzzed and moved slightly to and fro over the desk.

Sherlock just stares. Jim's name and a picture of the Irish boy and Sherlock with their arms wrapped around each other shows on the screen. The picture was taken a few days after the first ever draw. Jim had won that one, Sherlock remembers.

The lanky teen continues to stare at the phone, his face blank but eyes portraying many emotions. Mainly disgust and hatred.

The phone falls silent then, the picture of the two friends being replaced with a blank black screen.

The ringing starts again only a moment later.

Sherlock wonders if Jim went into college, in hopes of seeing Sherlock and patching things up. Sherlock glances at the time and he knew that had Jim been in college he'd be in lesson and there was no way that he'd be able to ring Sherlock.

Jim probably knows that Sherlock had no intention of going in today. Not with his current thought pattern.

The ringing stop then only for a loud ding! to follow. Another one follows and then another. It's like an endlessly stream for almost a minute.

ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! ding!

Sherlock presses the button to read them but the ding noise continues.

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