Chapter Eleven: Persistent Promiscuous Pratt

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Just A Game [Teenlock]

Chapter Eleven: Persistent, Promiscuous Pratt

A/N: Contains spoilers for series 1 & 2 of Skins. Also, Dedication to @chocolate932 for all the votes/comments! I read them all and always keep in mind what you guys say about pairings etc. when writing.


"Stop it" John snaps, pushing Sherlock's hand away from his knee. "You're here to help me study!"

He'd been repeating those words over and over today but Sherlock was bloody persistent. Each time John slapped Sherlock's hand away, he'd replace it a moment or so later. Every time he said they were here to study Sherlock's smirk would just widen.

After their conversation last night, Sherlock hadn't tried anything. They'd climbed into bed, a pillows worth of space between them, and had drifted off perfectly fine. When they woke up they had been closer then before but still weren't touching. They'd then spent the whole day in the lake, laughing and joking.

It wasn't until after dinner when they started studying that Sherlock began to make moves. It really wasn't helping John to forget his dream. Every time he thought back to it the bed they were on had changed from the one in his bedroom to the soft white one here in the cabin.

Sherlock's hand slides onto his knee again, slowly climbing higher and breaking John out of his thoughts.

John quickly slaps away the stupidly skilled fingers and glares at the smirking boy sat across from him.

"Awh, come on, John. I've seen the way you look at my hands" His hand slides back onto John's thigh. He squeezes gently before continuing. "You want my hands all over you, don't you?"

John growls and shoves that his hand again.

More the once, John considered just snogging the tease to shut him up. John knew, however, he'd end up staying for far more than a kiss. No, he couldn't so much as look at Sherlock in that way.

He had to stay strong. Sherlock Holmes would not be getting into his pants any time soon. If ever.

"Is there anyone you haven't tried to shag?" John questions/snaps before Sherlock can put those damn hands on him again.

Sherlock pauses, as if having to really search his brain for the answer. John knows it's for show, though.

"Uh.." Sherlock continues to 'think' about it for moment before answering. "I've never tried to sleep with Irene, although she's tried a few times and... oh, Molly! I've never tried to bed her"

John's protective side kicks in then "Stay away from Molly. She's barely seventeen, she got--"

"Put into College at the tender age of sixteen because she was acing all her advanced classes. Yes, I'm aware" Sherlock rolls his eyes in I-know-everything way.

Through gritted teeth, John speak "If you go near her in that way, I swear to God..."

Sherlock looks far to amused as he smiles at John. "What? What'll you do to me, John?"

"I'll drown you" It was an odd way to threaten someone, but it was the first thing that popped into his head.

Sherlock's smile falls and he just looks at John for a moment, expression completely deadpanned.

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