Chapter Twenty-Three: Getcha Head Back In The Game

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Just A Game [Teenlock]

Chapter Twenty-Three: Getcha Head Back In The Game


When Sherlock comes to, the house is silent minus the occasional sounds from his busy mother downstairs in the kitchen. He can smell bacon, toast and coffee. Slowly, Sherlock pushes his body up so his legs are covered by his blanket but his torso is reveled.

It felt normal. Like he was waking up at the start of this term all those weeks ago. Had it really been just over a month?

Felt much longer than that. God, it was half term now so they had until the end of July, just two months, until their first year of college was over. Then it was just a year left before they all went off to uni or got a job or whatever their plans were.

Another thing hits Sherlock then. He has absolutely no clue about what he wanted to do in the future. He was good at most of the subjects and he thrived in Chemistry and Sport but he didn't really know what he wanted to do.

Unless you count The Game but somehow Sherlock thinks that he can't turn sleeping with people into a legal job.

Sighing, Sherlock runs a hand through his hair.

He had.. two days until they were back at college. In those days he needed to solve this issue with Benjamin. He needed to stop it all if he planned to sort his life out and keep his friends that truly mattered to him.


That boy always wormed his way through Sherlock's defences and convinced him of things Sherlock probably knew, deep down, were complete BS. And he just let himself fall for it all, that was the worse bit. Sherlock wished he could care that he let Benjamin use him but.. he just didn't. Benjamin had always seemed to love him for more than the fact he was a good shag.

Suddenly, a warm arm slides over Sherlock's waist and makes him jump. Sherlock relaxes when he realises that it's Jim, asleep beside him.

Sherlock smiles to himself. He hadn't even realised that Jim was there.

Sliding down into the bed, careful not to tug Jim's arm so he woke up, Sherlock turns so he's facing Jim.

A shooting pain rushes through Sherlock's chest as he registers how stupid he'd been. He always thought that Benjamin was the only one to understand because of the multiple drug addictions they formed together but if he thought about it, far more people understood him and would love him for more than the fact he was a good shag. Hell, when he thought about it, the list was fairly long.

Jim and Irene were right at the top. Along with Molly and his mother. Mycroft too, despite their differences and disagreements. Even though he wasn't that much of an angel, Sherlock would also have his blonde angel that had been looking not for him from the moment they met - he owed Corey a big apology.

Releasing another sigh, Sherlock moves closer to Jim; arm snaking around his slender, bare waist and the tip of his nose pressing against his collarbone.

Really, he owed many people apologies.

Never again. Sherlock vowed the words, burns them into every fibre of his being. Never again would he do this to the people he loved and that loved him. He'd stop causing them pain.

"Mm? Mornin' Sherly" Jim mumbles, rolling away a little and stretching.

Sherlock has no clue how long his friend's been awake but it didn't really matter now. The moment Jim's done stretching, Sherlock cuddles close again, his fingers tracing Jim's V-line. He moves his fingers up, then down, brushes the waistband of his boxers and then repeats. He does this until Jim shivers in delight, a small puff of air escaping him.

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