Chatpter Ten: Messages from the Universe

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Just A Game

Chapter Ten: Messages from the Universe


Hours later Sherlock was packed for the weekend and Harry had been informed that John was indeed bringing a friend along.

Sherlock had disappeared down the stairs, leaving John sitting in Sherlock's half clean room.

It was as if there was a line that started beside the door and ran all the way along the floor to Sherlock's desk. The side with his desk on was spotless, like the type of room someone with OCD would have. Everything had it's place and was orderly. Then the other side of the imaginary line was how John expected a teenager's room to be. Clothes all over the floor, cups on the windowsill and objects randomly tossed in a corner. A pile of books sat in the middle of the messy half, looking as though they'd been dropped there. On the clean side was a stack of books, all perfectly lined up to the edge of the desk and each other.

It was odd and gave John the impression that Sherlock was two completely different people. He had a side that was orderly and logical and then a side that was recklessly and as wise as you expect an eighteen year old to be.

He soon gives up trying to figure out the mad genius. Standing, John wipes off his trousers to rid himself of any dirt. He pauses and considers this habit of his.

He supposed that everyone had odd little habits. Perhaps Sherlock just had a few more noticeable ones...

With a slight shrug John makes his way out of the room and down the stairs. He's about to walk into the kitchen when a voice causes him to pause. 

"Sherlock, when's the last time we assessed your wall?" That sounded like Sherlock's mother.

John knew it was wrong to eavesdrop but this was a chance to discover more about the ever mysterious teen known as Sherlock Holmes. So he pauses, standing beside the kitchen entrance. There was no door, just an arch that lead into a small foyer so John simply hide behind the wall and focuses on not making a sound.

"Ages, Mummy" Sherlock replies, a small sigh escaping after.

John almost snickers at the way he still said 'Mummy' at eighteen. Not even sarcastically, he genuinely referred to his mother the same way most five year olds do.

John wasn't sure if he found that cute or weird.

"I know you've been.. distant from certain people lately." There was a brief pause "Shall we?"

"Yes" This time Sherlock's reply came with an almost choked sob.

From his position John frowns, wanting to enter and wrap Sherlock in the biggest, safest, most loving hug he'd ever received. He sounded like a broken child.

And maybe he was. Inside at least.

"I'm here, the same as before" Sherlock's mother speaks, voice soft. "Then Irene is here, a little lower then me"

"Not as much as before" was the glum reply from Sherlock.

"Molly is the same as Irene, maybe just a tad lower"

John suddenly realises what they were talking about. The wall. The wall Sherlock surrounds himself in, to hide from those around him and stay distant from his emotions.

"John is higher then me, naturally, but for someone you've known barely two weeks... Hm. You're different around him. You've gone against a number of your personal rules for him"

Sherlock mumbles some form of an agreement.

John's heart takes that as a chance to beat a little faster and send hope coursing through his veins. That sounds like something someone does when in a relationship... But Sherlock isn't just anyone. That could mean anything with him.

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