Chapter Twelve: Too late

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Just A Game [Teenlock]

Chapter Twelve: Too late

A/N: Dedication to @CatFancierAbby for two reasons! One: All the votes/comments. Like seriously. Asdfghjkl. and, Two: I know you have a special place in your heart for a certain pairing...


Sherlock, as always, rolled his eyes at the fools that buzzed around excitedly when the news of a new student was spread around.

That was, until he met the girl. Within the first five minutes of knowing her Sherlock's opinion changed three times.

First, he thought she was nice enough and would be an easy point. She was clearly no stranger to another stranger's sheets. She was flirty enough too. Obviously attracted to Sherlock.

Then he started to notice how similar she was to a certain Irish boy would hadn't made an appearance on this dull Monday morning. As he already stated, she was a terrible flirt. Her eyes were a soft brown (but not as nice as Jim's) and she even had an Irish lit (again, hers wasn't quite up to par with Jim's). Sherlock decided then that he didn't like her.

But then.. Then she got to know her a little more. Saw how she wasn't the same as Jim. She was her known person and, most importantly, still an easy fuck. So Sherlock invited her round for the evening, distracting himself from his kind of promise to his mother and the fact that he hadn't seen Jim nor Irene that day.

Things were going great. The new girl, Janine, was great in bed and her personality gave Sherlock a familiar warmth. One he refused to acknowledge as a longing for Jim's presence.

Now, the key word there was 'were'. Things were going great.

That is.. Until they began approaching the finish line.

Sherlock was on sparkling form, as ever. He'd got Janine off three times. Once with just his mouth. And she was well on the way for her fourth. Apparently, she reminded Sherlock of Jim enough that it was his name on Sherlock's lips as he toppled over the edge.

The two of them just stared at one another for a few moments. Janine was confused, she didn't look hurt by his words, just confused. Sherlock was panicking. Not because he'd not moaned her name but because it hit him in that moment just how much he missed his friend, and not just in the bedroom.

He missed having Jim laugh with him. He missed working with him to pinch Irene's lighters. He missed the way they just understood each other.

While Sherlock was having a mental breakdown, Janine had brought her hand up to his cheeks and was searching his eyes. Not in a loving way, oh no, she was rooting through his brain to figure out who Jim was.

"Whoever he is, whatever has happened. Talk to him. You need him"

Sherlock nods and pecks her lips. "Thank you, 103"

She just winks as he straightens and pulls on fresh underwear. He tosses her a pack of cigarettes and an old red lighter he had laying around before turning to his wardrobe.

He pulls on a simple shirt, a deep purple coloured one and then a pair of his usual jeans. A check in the mirror later, Sherlock had his phone and keys in hand and left his house.

Grey clouds were brewing and rain was gently drizzling onto Sherlock. He didn't stop or turn back for a coat. He just crossed the grass, not caring if he stood on his mother's tulips, and climbed into his car.

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