Chapter Seventeen: Benjamin And Corey

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Just A Game [Teenlock]

Chapter Seventeen: Benjamin And Corey

Sorry for the long wait, guys! I'd blame school but I'm sure we all know that I'm a lazy cow that just reads and writes most of the day. Anyway! Two new characters! Let me know what you think of them.


What had he been thinking?...

Such a stupid idea. Then again, most of his ideas were stupid and, in hindsight, he knew this was coming. It always, always, happened this way.

It was a solid fact. Benjamin was not good for his health, mental or physical. He wasn't good before, and he wasn't good now. Things weren't quite as terrible as back then but Sherlock was still stupid enough to go running back to all the drugs and to him.

Sherlock slowly raises his head, pushing the covers down to his chest. His head was throbbing and the moment his eyes open, he screwed them shut again when the ringing in his ears increased.

Such a stupid idea.

Sherlock gives up on the notion of sitting up in the bed - His bed. When did they come here? - and just falls onto the warm chest beside him.

A laugh emits from above and travels through Sherlock's body, making him groan and try to push his face further into the warmth. A hand carts through his hair, gentle but possessive.

"Got a kick to them, don't they?" The boy laughs, messy black hair even messier at this time in the morning and after last night.

Sherlock manages a smile, just. "A hell of a kick"

It's silent for a moment, Sherlock's hands running over Benjamin's sides and nipple piercing. Shivers and small puffs of air escape the boy as Sherlock explores. More scars have been added since Sherlock last saw him, the teen notes with a some what sad (maybe just a tad satisfied) smile.

"What's the time?" Sherlock asks.

"Why?" Benjamin frowns, pulling his black hoop into his mouth as the hand in Sherlock's hair came to a stop.

Sherlock slowly sits up so he can meet the other boys eyes. "Jim's coming round at the usual time, which is two pm. It's probably best you don't meet him"

Benjamin nods. "Yeah. Wouldn't want Molly finding out"

Sherlock gives a tight smile, nodding back.

The boy presses a kiss to Sherlock's lip, his piercing cold against Sherlock's full lip.

"I know what you're like, Sherlock, but.. for me, don't fuck Jim anytime soon. He.. I don't want you to be close to him like that..." Benjamin's voice was quiet and almost cracked at the end of his sentence.

Even before, Benjamin had been jealous of Jim. Jim had, in many ways, replaced Benjamin's role in Sherlock's life. The hours Sherlock would normally spend with the boy in front of him he spent with Jim instead. The laugh and smiles usually exchanged between Sherlock and Benjamin were suddenly shared with Jim.

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