Chapter Twenty-Five: Rebuilding The Team

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Just A Game [Teenlock]

Chapter Twenty-Five: Rebuilding The Team


Even though Sherlock was the one to grab Jim and head here, Jim was the one to shove Sherlock into the storage cupboard. He didn't say a word, just pushed Sherlock in and pinned him to the wall. It was easy for Sherlock to see what headspace Jim was in.

The kisses were desperate. Like they were the last that Jim was ever going to get. It worried Sherlock. He didn't want Jim to go anywhere and this sure felt like a 'last time' moment. Sherlock's face was also being covered by Jim's tears.

Sherlock manages to break apart and holds Jim's face, his eyes meeting Jim's again. Jim's brown eyes, always so warm and so open when looking at Sherlock, were filled with tears, overflowing to the point the tears ran down his cheeks.

"Calm down" Sherlock says the words quietly, softly.

Jim shakes his head, pushing Sherlock against the wall harder than before. "I can't. Please. Please let me"

Sherlock swallows before he shakes his head. "No, Jim. I'm not letting you go anywhere. Not again. I refuse to lose you"

Jim blinks, realisation dawning on his face. Sherlock thought Jim was going to disappear.

Without a word, Jim leans forward and kisses a trembling Sherlock. He kisses him slowly, pouring all of his feelings into the kiss. He'd show Sherlock he's not going anywhere. He'd show him how much he loves him.

Sherlock's breathing hitches, mind racing. He's had others kiss him like this. Sometimes, after gaining a point, whoever he was with would kiss him like this. Slow. Loving. Full of passion. They'd give him a sickeningly romantic kiss in hopes that he'd return all their feelings.

Did this mean... Did Jim love him like that?

He knows Jim loves him. He always assumed it was as a friend - a best friend. They'd spent most of their lives together, ever since they'd met in that nursery class when they were tiny four year olds (Jim's accent had been so strong back then). They were the strongest kind of friend.

But... It seemed like it was more than that for him now.

Jim pulls back, looking at Sherlock, his hand cupping Sherlock's cheek. "Do you see now?"

"I..." He doesn't know what to say. What can he say?

This isn't like when one of those girls kissed him, desperate to have him love them back. This was so very different. This was Jim. Jim would never be another one of those people, not to Sherlock.

Smiling, Jim presses a light kiss to Sherlock's unresponsive lips. He's frozen, unable to react to Jim's words or actions. He's trying to think.

"I love you, Sherlock" He says it with the smile still on his lips.

Sherlock's eyebrows knit together in a frown. What the hell is he supposed to say to that?

"Jim, I..." He pauses. "I have no idea what to say.. You..."

Jim chuckles. "Is it that big a surprise?"

"What the hell? Why are you laughing? You were just crying! You looked torn apart and now you're laughing! Aren't you.. I don't know.. scared or worried?"

That's what usually happened. When he got confessed to. Whoever was confessing would look worried for their life, like Sherlock's answer could equate to being stabbed. But not Jim. Why not Jim?

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