Chapter Nineteen: Getting Somewhere

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Just A Game [Teenlock]

Chapter Nineteen: Getting Somewhere

Warning (Even though you should just except it now with this story): Smutty smut smut smut.


Jim was far from a happy bunny. Maybe it was selfish of him to expect Sherlock to spend time trying as hard as possible to make sure Jim forgave him. He was stupid though. Because Sherlock didn't work quite that way. He was never open about his feelings all that often anymore. Not since he came back from that place.

Jim knew that he needed to stop obsessing over this. Sherlock and him were friends again. What more did he want?

Lots, his mind answers.

With a sigh, Jim flops down on his sofa beside Molly. She'd come over looking for Irene, who had gone on holiday with some of her family and had forgotten to tell Molly, and the pair had ended up watching movies for the afternoon.

The girl raises an eyebrow at Jim's sulky mood. "Alright?" She asks.

Jim chuckles. She was always so concerned about everyone else. Mainly Sherlock, of course. She really was as selfless people can get.

Jim kisses her cheek and nods. "I'm fine"

She wipes her cheek, wrinkling her nose up in disgust. "Ew, Jim."

Jim rolls his eyes before leaning back and watching the movie. Molly clearly understood he needed a friend because when he cuddled up to her and put his head on her shoulder she didn't say a word.

That was another thing that Jim had noticed with Sherlock. Every time they were alone and not in public, he'd touch Jim as little as possible and even more away when Jim tried to hug him or just press against him like they always used to do. Although.. even in public, he touched Jim less than he used to.

It wasn't the whole Carl thing, they were over that. Sherlock had even gone back and ensured that Jim didn't leave any clues. He'd went with Jim to dump the shoes he'd taken, as they could easily be his undoing. The poison he'd used to kill the boy was on the laces.

Since it wasn't that, Jim had no idea why his friend was being this way. It was almost as if Jim were making advances on someone in a relationship.

Jim freezes, his mind of all a sudden making connections.


Sherlock hadn't slept with anyone since Corey turned up out of no where and that was also when Sherlock started this whole not touching thing. It was only Jim though. Sherlock seemed fine with putting a hand on John when he was flirting. Michael too. Jim was the only one Sherlock didn't touch as often as he used too.

Had Corey asked Sherlock not to? Did he not trust Jim?

Why didn't Sherlock just tell them he was with Corey?

He was certainly kinder to Corey and kisses his cheek often, all innocent. Corey even made him cupcakes. It all made sense to Jim now. The two of them were just so lovey dovey.

Once the realisation passes, Jim only feels jealousy.

He tried to convince himself it was just a friendly jealousy. That he was jealous because he wanted time with Sherlock, to just be friends. He wasn't jealous jealous.

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