Chapter 42: movie night?

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Over the next week or so Brad continued to visit me in hospital and every time he came back from a music lesson he would tell me something about the new girl, he seems to be obsessed with her and the other boys seem to like her too. He says things like "she's a really good guitar player!" "She sung a solo today and it was really good." "She came and spoke to me again today." And it's just getting on my nerves now... It's like he goes away and has a better time in lesson with her than here with me which is understandable, I can't exactly do anything and I've been stuck in this room for endless weeks just becoming more upset and annoyed by the second. I can't remember the last time I left this building. Brad is making me feel like he doesn't want to come and see me anymore and I'm not sure if he doesn't mean to make me feel like that or if he is trying to show me that he is better off without me, my life has changed completely since the car accident and I can no longer do the simple things like run or walk where I want because I have to take it easy as the doctors keep saying.

"Hayley! Nice to see you this morning." I heard the doctor say as he walked into the room and stood next to my bed. "We are glad to tell you that your leg cast can come off today and then we can put you in a wheelchair and send you back to university." The doctor said as a few other people walked in who were probably going to take my cast off, it took about half an hour in the end and it felt good to feel the air on my leg again. They cleaned up my leg as it has become pretty dirty over the last few weeks and then they helped me sit up so I could put some clothes on. "Now of course you will be expected to come back here at least once a week so we can keep track of everything and make sure you are ok." The doctor said and I nodded, why can't I just leave and never come back? Then Brad might want me again. The doctors helped put me in the wheelchair and I was told to practice using it by wheeling up and down the room a few times, I struggled at first because it's a lot harder than it looks to wheel around with one arm but after a while I started to get the hang of it. "I will take you down in the lift and make sure you know your way back to university." The doctor said, I nodded as he pushed my wheelchair through the corridor and into the lift, I awkwardly sat in the lift not saying anything until the doors opened again and I wheeled myself out. "I will see you next week for your first physiotherapy lesson." The doctor said as he handed me a letter and I nodded before he said goodbye and then walked away.

I spun my chair around with a bit of difficulty before wheeling outside and stopping to breath in the fresh air, I have missed being outside so much! It took me about half an hour to finally get back to university when it would of normally taken about 10 minutes, I hate being in a wheelchair so much, I am so restricted and people keep giving me weird looks. I wheeled over to the entrance and realised that there were steps to go up, you don't realise how many steps there are until you can't use them anymore. I looked over to see a ramp that I have never noticed before but used it anyway, my next challenge was to get up to the third floor and there isn't a lift...

"Excuse me..." I said to the people walking past but they just gave me a weird look and ran off up the stairs, I tried talking to a few more people that I have never seen before in my life but they all just ignored me and walked off. I sighed and moved to the side so I wasn't in the way before looking down at my wheelchair and imagined myself kicking it and breaking it, I don't want to be stuck in this. I want my legs to be ok again and I need them to heal faster so I can walk again, everyone gives me weird looks and Brad and the boys don't want me as part of their group anymore.

"Omg that's so cool!" I heard a familiar voice say, I looked up to see the boys walking over to the stairs before seeing the new girl was with them. "Yeah we should so do that!" I heard James say and looked back down at the floor as they walked past, they didn't even realise I was there. I looked up at Brad to see he had stopped on the second step before he turned back around to see me. "Hayley!" He exclaimed and ran back down the stairs before all the boys followed him, the new girl looked pretty confused as she gave me a dirty look as if to say back off. "You're out of hospital?! Why didn't you call me?" Brad asked but I just continued to look at the new girl, the boys looked over to her as well before looking back at me. "Hayley..." Tristan started but I just shook my head and began to wheel my chair back towards the exit, I knew I would be replaced, I knew Brad would find someone else so why did I fall for it all?

"Hayley wait!" I heard Connor shout as the boys all ran after me, they managed to catch up as I can't move that fast in a wheelchair and they stood in front of me so I couldn't move. "Where are you going?" Tristan asked. "Somewhere away from you." I said and tried to go around them but they stopped me. "Why?" James asked. "I can see you are doing fine without me." I said as the new girl walked in as if right on time. "Hayley..." Tristan commented. "No, I get it. New girl: exciting, pretty and all that stuff, you don't need to explain. I know she is currently worth more than me, I can't do anything like she can. Let her join your group, let her replace me, I get it." I said and once again tried to wheel away but Brad's stopped me. "How many more times do I have to explain this to you?" Brad asked as he crouched down in front of me. "None, I'm leaving." I said and Brad shook his head. "Can someone please explain who this is?!" The new girl, Sophie exclaimed and we all looked over to her. "This is Hayley, our best friend." Connor replied. "But I thought I was your best friend?" Sophie asked and the boys shook their heads. "You're a friend yeah, but nobody can replace Hayley. You have no idea what she has been through and nobody is as good as her." James replied and Sophie looked confused. "So you would rather have her than me?" Sophie asked. "You can still be our friend, but right now Hayley is more important to us." Tristan answered and Sophie walked off in a bad mood, Tristan shook his head and the boys all looked at me again. "Hayley I love you." Brad said and I looked at him. "I really do, so much. I am so glad you are back because I have missed you being here so much!" Brad commented and I looked at the boys, they all nodded and then I felt my chair being moved, I realised it was Tristan and calmed down a little. "Come on, we are gonna take you upstairs." Tristan commented, Brad picked me up out of my wheelchair and the other boys carried my wheelchair, somehow we made it up three flights of stairs with no issues and the boys managed to find my door key before walking into my dorm and placing me onto my bed. Rachel doesn't seem to be in here, maybe she is in a lesson at the moment. "By the way, Rachel and me are together." James awkwardly mentioned and I smiled a little. "Aw that's nice." I replied as I tried to make myself comfortable on my bed. It feels weird being able to move both of my legs but my back does hurt a little.

Brad sat next to me on the bed and kissed my cheek. "Glad to be back?" He asked. "I guess." I replied as the boys all sat around the room. "You guess?" Tris asked. "Well I would like to be able to walk again." I replied and he nodded. "You will one day." Connor replied as Brad held my hand, he turned my head to face him and placed a delicate kiss on my lips before pulling away and smiling. "But I tell you what, Sophie was getting so annoying. She wouldn't leave us alone and ever since we told her about you it was like she was making it her mission to replace you which we didn't want." James explained and I nodded. "We are so glad you are back." Connor replied as we all heard the door open and looked to see Rachel. "Oh hi boys..." She started but then looked over to see me and ran over to me before throwing herself into a hug. "Oh my gosh I'm so glad you're back! I missed you so much! It was so lonely in here without you and I'm so glad you're ok! Omg I'm so happy!" Rachel said and I giggled as I hugged her back. "I missed you too." I replied as she pulled away and sat on her bed. "Hello to you to." James said as she looked at him, he winked as she walked over and they kissed. My heart melted as I saw them both finally happy together. "The group is back!" Tristan exclaimed and everyone cheered which made me giggle a little. "We need to celebrate!" Brad mentioned and everyone nodded. "Pizza and movie night?" Connor asked and everyone agreed with no issues. "Who's paying?" James asked. "I will, I think my girlfriend deserves a treat." Brad replied and squeezed my hand a little as I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Well I'm gonna go and get my pjs on then." Connor explained and the boys all followed him out of my dorm and into their dorm so they could get changed. Me and Rachel also got changed, I had a bit of difficulty but I managed it eventually before the boys came back in and the movies were chosen.

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