Chapter 53: some weird phase

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*beep beep* *beep beep*
I heard an alarm ringing next to me and opened my eyes slightly to see Brad's phone alarm beeping, I fumbled around and switched it off before placing my arm back over Brad's chest and closing my eyes again. Last night was... Amazing! Me and Brad actually spent some time together... In ways that we haven't before... Basically what I am trying to say is we made out a little and I'm not going to lie it was nice to be able to do things like that while feeling comfortable, before we have always both felt awkward to do anything more than kissing but last night just felt right... Something felt different. Maybe it was because Brad is uptight about the whole James situation and his protective side came out... I don't know, but one thing I do know is I love him, so much.

I heard Brad groan a little as I slowly opened my eyes to see him waking up, I closed my eyes again and snuggled up next to him as he pulled me closer. "Morning baby..." I heard Brad croak with his morning voice and I couldn't help but smile a little, I opened my eyes just enough so I wasn't blinded by the light in the room and he smiled. "Hey..." I mumbled and looked at him properly to see that his hair is a mess... But that could be my fault... He also has a little red mark on his neck... Also my fault... And his lips look very chapped... My fault. He winked at me before I blushed and I stared at him for a few seconds, right now feels so perfect, we are so comfortable around each other and I love it. "I need the loo." Brad mumbled in a deep voice as he removed the duvet from his body to reveal him in just his underwear, he slipped out of bed and I shivered as the covers were pulled off of me a little and yanked them back over my body. He smiled at me and I watched him walk off to the bathroom, as for me I have one of Brad's tops on and some underwear, his tops are so big on me so I just wear them as a night dress.

A few minutes later he slipped back into bed next to me and I cuddled his warm body, he pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head. "I enjoyed last night." Brad said as I looked up at him, he winked and I ran my thumb over the red mark on his cheek. "You know what that shows?" I asked and he looked confused. "That you're mine." I explained and he smiled, with every second passing I could see the stress about James slowly fade away which made me feel happier. "Why did your alarm go off?" I asked. "I'm not sure, sorry." Brad said as he picked it up to check the time. "It is 9am." Brad said and I nodded. "What's the plan for today?" He asked. "Well I need to write some songs." I replied and he nodded. "So do I but I'm not in the right frame of mind at the moment." Brad replied and I ran my hand through his hair. "Come on, don't think like that. You don't have to see James today, you can stay in my dorm if you want. I don't mind." I explained and Brad sighed. "I would but Rachel will be coming back." Brad replied. "So? I need you here so you can explain to her what James is doing." I explained. "She won't listen to me." Brad mumbled, I entwined my fingers with his and kissed his knuckles. "Yeah she will." I replied and then sat up in bed, Brad copied me and looked at me.

"You need some clean clothes." I explained and he nodded. "Do you want me to go and get them from your dorm so you don't have to see James?" I asked. "No! There is no way you are going anywhere near him!" Brad said as I could see the panic spread through him again, great... I had just managed to calm him down... "I'm not going for James! I was just being nice." I mumbled and Brad sighed. "Just ask Rachel to bring some over?" Brad asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "Don't be mad." Brad said. "I'm not, I just don't see why you think I like James. Didn't last night tell you anything?" I asked as I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen to get a drink, I poured out some orange juice and a few seconds later Brad walked in with some pj trousers on. "Baby, last night told me everything... I'm sorry, I'm just paranoid." Brad said as he sat on a chair, I walked over to him and sat straddling his lap so I was facing him. "Braddy." I mumbled and he looked up at me. "I love you..." I replied and he smiled a little. "I love you too." He replied and I lightly rested my forehead against his.

"I don't like it when we argue." I replied and he held my hands. "I'm sorry, I don't want to argue with you..." Brad replied and I nodded. "Please don't be worried about the whole James thing, I don't like him that way and I don't want to be his girlfriend. Nothing that he does is going to change that because he can't force me." I explained and he nodded. "I'm hoping James will just go back to normal and this is all just some weird phase, I miss the old him." Brad replied and I nodded. "So do I, he used to be such a good friend." I replied and he nodded.

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