Treehouses, the sun and a lake are all so beautiful!

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Helloooooooo!! Just wanted to say to go read Serendipity by NutellaxMonster685 , Runaways by XxNiall_girl_1993xX and Hold me Tighter by XxNiall_girl_1993xX . LET'S GO!

After skipping school for like a month( as my dad is rich and they think he's a businessman so they can't do nothing to me!) I decide to return to be more 'sociable'.

Great. I walk in and I see Sophia Uddin walking around like she owns the place. Called it! " Oh hey Hannah..or whatever your name is!" She says in a particularly unpleasant tone.

I roll my eyes and spot Nawaira and the gang. " Hey y'all," I say casually.
" Seriously, it's been a month and you turn up now?" Luna says.
" Oh shut up you've been going to cricket matches every weekend and not missing one hockey practice so far and making the team, so I'm doing whatever the hell I want!" I say while rolling my eyes.

Katie makes an appearance and I shoot a smile at her. " Bet you've been getting on all of the teams too?" I laugh.
" Well, netball yeah!" She says with a slight smile.
" Do I not exist?" Cait says.

" So what's up with you Cait?" I ask.
" This and that, boys mostly, but y'know..Niall Horan and Tom Holland are a work in progress!" She smiles.
Riiiggghht. " So where's Elena?" I ask.
( Elena is Katie's twin!)
An uncomfortable silence went on for about a minute. " She..she committed suicide.." Katie blurts out uncomfortably,
I wonder how she's not crying.

That word suicide. It's a continuous problem in life..and yet no one can help you. You feel like no one can save you from the ditch you created yourself, the ditch of all your problems and issues. Why? As no one can ever feel what your feeling. No one can actually relate so deeply enough unless they're some miracle worker. It's like a pane of glass. You're intact, just staying there, making sure you don't break. Then you shatter into the floor like all of your feelings exploding at once. However must you try gathering those pieces and gluing them back together, or finding some way to fix them...those cracks will always be there. You can try and cover them up..but those cracks will always be there.

" W..what happened?" I manage to ask.
" Jumped off a bridge...she had one low self esteem..she felt she could never be like Katie, she wrote it all down on a note.." Cait says while looking down onto the floor.
( My friend asked for this( don't ask why cause' I don't know myself..)

I sit down in English and start writing some connotations for an extract from Frankenstein. Did you know that Frankenstein is the doctor who created the monster, not the monster itself?

After a looonnggg day of whatnot, I drag myself outside and see Jayden sitting in his black Range Rover. " Where are we going?" I ask.
" Well, first to your house, and then the rest is all up to me!" He says with a wink at the end.

I sit in the passenger seat and gaze outside of the window. After we reach home, Jayden tells me to pack some warm clothes.

We sit back down and he starts driving. " You're gonna have one heck of a week!" Jayden smiles.
Why is he so flipping hot? Help meeeee!

After 2 hours of driving. We end up in the middle of a forest. " Are you trying to murder me?" I ask shakily.
" Yes, now follow me!" He says sarcastically.

We walk for 10 minutes until I see a treehouse. This treehouse was no ordinary treehouse, it had a zipline to some other trees around it with platforms to walk on. To get up there, there were bars to climb up, and the actual treehouse had 2 sleeping bags. " Are we going camping?" I ask excitedly.
" Well, I figured you're not the type of girl who's scared of bugs and dirt, so I brought you to my favourite childhood and my parents would camp here every weekend.." He says while smiling sadly.

I hate seeing him sad. " Get rid of that sad face and come on!" I shout as I start climbing up the tree.

When we finally manage to get up there, he drags me to a particular tree and gets some cookies to snack on.

As we sit on one of the tree's sturdy branches..I can see the sun setting with it's fiery embers. Just before it I can see a lake, making the entire effect even more beautiful. " Wow Jayden..." I smile.

I see Jayden watching me from the corner of my eye. Not in a creepy way though. I turn and just kiss him..and he kisses me back. Never did I ever think I'd find a guy I'd love so much.

Then the kiss starts getting out of control. His tongue starts outlining my bottom lip and I open my mouth to give him full access. " You sure you want this?" He asks.

" I've never been more sure in my life," I reply.
There's nothing I want more than him now.

That night was pretty eventful shall we say?

That night was pretty eventful shall we say?

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Umm..ah..cough cough. Okaaayy. This all just got a bit more awkward. I have like nothing to say. Absolutely nothing. My life is so boring. C Y'ALL LATER!

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