I Promise

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Hope's P.O.V( 1 year later)

Y'know..Alexander and Charity are such little troublemakers. They can already walk and they're a year old. Charity's first word was Mummy and Alexander's was aeroplane. Don't ask.

Now it's Christmas Day and we're all sat around the Christmas tree. " Mummy...what dwid you gwet me?" Charity asks while trying to find her present.
" Now why don't you find out?" I smile.

Once she finds it, she rips open the gold wrapping paper. " DOLLIE!!" She screams in excitement.
Alexander got a toy plane, and he's just running all over the place with it. I got Jayden a Rolex watch, which he can't stop thanking me for.

" Now open your present," He whispers into my ear.
I take the small box in the corner and open it, only to reveal a ring. " Hope, I know we're 18, but I'm so sure that you and I are forever, that I promise you that I'll stay by your side forever, with this ring to represent it," He smiles at me.

How the hell did I get so lucky?

I now realise that sometimes life is never easy, and every choice you make can make you or break you. But one thing that is majorly important to me is that your past does not define you, because your past is not today. You can change if you have the will to.

I changed from that ruthless gang leader in training to the ruthless gang leader in training who has a proper soft side.

Mine and Jayden's lives were never perfect, after all no one will ever have a perfect life, but for now...I'm just gonna live in the moment and enjoy the perfect parts of life, like now spending time with my family.

Always stay grateful. Always have hope.

I know this is extremely short and was waaaayyyy overdue, but I might add a few bonus chapters and stuff later on, but for now

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I know this is extremely short and was waaaayyyy overdue, but I might add a few bonus chapters and stuff later on, but for now....this is the end of Jayden and Hope's story...BYE!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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