Without her, I'm hopeless

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I hurry to the hospital with Jayden.

There I see it.

Louis was dead.
He was dead.

I take a deep breath. I am not gonna become like those depressed people who mourn for so long. I need to accept this.

But the tears start flowing.

All my regrets..he was my half brother..I wish I knew him better.

I didn't even know his favourite colour.

I need a drink.

Jayden holds me tighter as I cry. " J..Jayden, can we go?" I ask.
" Sure...." Jayden says with a guilty expression.

I guess if you hated someone and they die, you realise how much of an impact that person gave you.

Jayden drops me off at my home as I request to be left alone. I head to the bar.

After drink
After drink.

I'm drowning myself. I'm only slightly dizzy though. I stumble outside and just walk along the road. I see something..or rather someone on the floor in front of me.

It can't be. It couldn't be. I crouch down and move their hair aside. It is. It really is.

And when I saw her face, all my dizziness from the drinks I had went away. I'm literally now stone cold sober.

And she's holding an injection.

Arden overdosed.

I call the ambulance, trembling with fear..this is my best friend. The one who may have betrayed me, but you should think of all the things they've done right rather than the 1 thing that went wrong.


I'm back in the hospital. " She'll be okay.." The doctor said to me 2 hours before.
And yet she still hasn't woken up. Oh Arden, what have you done?! Why did you do this? I mean drinking is one thing, but drugs is so much more dangerous.
I glance over to a sullen Jayden, who also helped me come here without collapsing. He must be going through a lot. The girl he once loved is in hospital because of drugs...

Jayden's P.O.V

I don't know what to do. I used to be hopelessly in love with Arden. 'Hope' lessly...get it? I didn't have Hope back then.


I was at my locker, and just a lovesick 15 year old. There she was again, Arden. I couldn't help myself. Pretty, smart and nice? That's a perfect person to me. " Hi Arden!" I smile nervously.

All of Arden's friends giggle as Arden turns to face me. " Umm Hi Jayden?" She smiles back.

If only I knew

Finding out she cheated on me really was depressing. I learnt something that day. Infatuation is when you think you love someone and think they are perfect. Love is when you know they aren't perfect with all their flaws, but the feelings never fade.

I thought Arden was perfect- that was infatuation.

I know Hope's flaws from beginning to end- and here I am sitting as her boyfriend.

What me and Hope have is so much different..and I think it'll never change.

Without Hope, I'd be Hopeless.

Hope's P.O.V

" She's awake," The doctor says to me.
I get up and walk inside calmly. " H..Hope?" Arden asks confusedly.
" Arden..Why?"
" I..After that stunt I pulled off..I was the loner, the one no one liked..and I was at the bar, and this guy offered me some and said it'll make me feel better. I wanted to feel better..so so badly. So I took loads..I guess I forgot what happens to most people with drugs.." She says with a sad smile.

I just hug her instead. " Of all the things, we all had a massive fight because of some boy.." I whisper.
Arden laughs and I soon join in. Friendship is something people should cherish more than anything, Arden left us all for something 'better'..but she left the people who loved her for who she is, and not how she acts.

If I've learnt anything from this, is that stay with your friends, because they will always cherish you as their friend, but not while you go chasing after others like Arden to Jayden.


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Awwwww. But Arden really went over the top isn't it. I can't really publish or write a lot for a week as I'm moving and will need to unpack

So for now...


Hope: Sequel to MercyWhere stories live. Discover now