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Lucas' brother has been here for four days and Lucas has been with us for one day and I'm stuck to entertain him because I'm his so-called girlfriend.
"So, Ara, what do you usually do when he's not here?" Jae Kyung said as I prepared breakfast.
"Oh, uh, mostly nothing. "
"You don't go to work?"
"Ah, yeah. I'm a freelance person, I go to work when I'm needed."
"Oh, Lee Kyung's not like that." He said
"I get to see him on Fridays. But most of the time he's on call, so I have to adjust to that." I said
That was true, I used to get all scared when the door opens at about 3am.
"How about you? What do you usually do?"
"I manage the family business."
"Wow." I said
"Hyung chose to be what he wants. But he was supposed to manage the business."
"I thought his name was kyung." I said
He smiled
"No, hyung means older brother."
"Ah. Got it. I have to learn Korean. "
"Yeah, especially when you're marrying him."
"I don't think that's gonna happen in the near future."
I served up breakfast, good old pancakes and coffee.
"So, your brother, Lucas ends up doing what he wants, I think you don't want to manage the business?" I said
He shook his head.
"No, no. I want to manage it, believe me. I'm enjoying it. Lee Kyung gets to be a doctor, I get to be president. "
I nodded.
"President Jae Kyung Seo has a nice ring to it."
"Actually it's Seo Jae Kyung, but since we're in the States, Jae Kyung Seo is okay."
"Sorry, Seo Jae Kyung."
"It's okay, Ara Hayden." He smiled.
"Your brother doesn't smile that much."
Jae Kyung almost choked on his coffee.
"That explains why you two don't have that much pictures in here." He said
"Yeah, uh, it's as if we're just roommates, huh?"
"He's not really a fan of pictures, and showing emotions. He takes after his dad, that's why our dad really got hurt when hyung decided to walk his own path. And our dad never failed to remind me that I show too much emotions, and that's why I am not a good candidate for the presidency of the company."
"Sorry to hear that."
"I'm used it. Getting compared to your brother who people see that is a lot better, who's got a college degree in the US, who's a neurosurgeon in the US, who's able to earn US Dollars is just a normal day to me."
I blinked.
"I know the feeling."
"You got a better brother than mine?"
"I got compared to my brother. He was supposed to inherit my father's so called empire, being the man, I can't break the glass ceiling because I am a woman. "
Jae Kyung just nodded.
"Of course, our cultural differences accounts for something here. I was fine not doing anything for the business, but then my brother uh, he uh, left and ran for the hills."
"But I thought you did freelance?"
"Yeah, uh, my dad doesn't talk to me."
"So, that led you to freelance?"
"Yeah. Right."
"What do you do exactly?"
He raised his eyebrow.
I nodded.
"What does your company do? If you don't mind me asking." I said
"Ah, it's really not that stressful, but uh, we own a string of super malls, uh, and we also dive in to hospitals, communication-"
"It's an corporation." I said
He nodded.
Like HI.
"I assume you came from a good university."
"Stanford, for my undergraduate and graduate degree."
"Do you have a nickname? No offense meant but Jae Kyung is a bit too long to call you-"
"Ah, well, Jae Kyung is my first name. "
"Right. So, I'll call you-"
"Actually in Korea, you should call me as Seo Jae Kyung."
"Jae Kyung, Seo Jae Kyung, I'll call you that."
"You address my brother as Lucas?"
"Yeah, he introduced himself as Lucas. And out of habit, Lucas."
"Yeah, he doesn't really like his name. "
"How so?"
"You know how parents' name their kids but then their kids end up hating what name they have? Lucas is like that. He maybe Lucas here, but at home, he's Lee Kyung whether he likes it or not."
"Lee Kyung sounds a whole lot better than Lucas though." I said
It feels that Lucas is actually avoiding his brother, because he hasn't been home for two weeks. And I have been literally stuck with his brother, and it feels weird because I'm getting to know him more than my roommate-slash-fake boyfriend.
"Hey, Ara?" Jae Kyung said
"Yeah?" I said
I was setting up my Netflix account in Lucas' TV, I just subscribed today because I figured if I'm gonna be stuck with this guy for a few more days, might as well stop watching it from the Mac and use the television.
"What are you doing?" He asked
"Netflix. I'm not planning on Netflix and chilling with you per se, but I am planning on binge watching some shows. And Stranger Things is back with a new season." I said
Jae Kyung's brow furrowed.
"What is Netflix?" He said
"Netflix? What is it?"
"Are you serious? You don't have this in Korea?"
He laughed.
"I know what Netflix is. Anyway, how do you cope up with my brother? I mean, he hasn't been home for what, two weeks? Is that normal?" He said
I looked at him.
"Well, sometimes he just gets too overwhelmed and busy with work that he forgets that he has a girlfriend waiting for him at home." I said
He nodded.
"I'll drive." I said
"Really?" He said
"Yeah, we'll pass by the hospital and see Lucas and then have lunch." I said
Of course, if I am going to my fake-boyfriend's workplace, I have to dress to impress. Luckily, I always dress to impress.
"Oh my god, Ara, you do know I'm just gonna have lunch with you right?"
"Well, you dress up like you're dating me!"
"Jae, no offense, you're not my type?"
"And Lucas is? We're basically twins!"
I rolled my eyes.
"Korean businessmen are so not my thing." I said, grabbing my car keys.
"Ara, can you please drive a bit slower." Jae Kyung said as I drove.
"Hey! Come on! I'm not even speeding!"
And then he started speaking Korean.
I rolled my eyes.
"I actually never have been inside a Maserati before." Jae Kyung said as we walked away from the hospital parking space.
"Really? You don't say." I said
We walked in the hospital, and looked for the front desk.
"Uh, is Dr. Seo here?" Jae Kyung said
"Seo?" the reception nurse or whatever said
"Seo, Lucas of the Neurology department." Jae Kyung said
She blinked.
"Look for him in the eighth floor. That's where the neurology department is." She said
"Thank you." I said
We were inside the elevator with a few doctors, who were obviously giggling about something.
"I mean come on! Disheveled looks so good on him." The girl doctor said
"Yeah, I have never seen him look that messy. I wonder if he has a girlfriend." One doctor said
"Dr. Seo basically lives in this place. Torturing interns after interns." Another one replied
"Maybe he's gay." Another doctor replied. There were four of them, obviously hormonal over Lucas.
"Tess can fix that." the first doctor replied
"Oh my god! I did not sleep with all the attendings!" The doctor, Tess replied
Jae Kyung and I were just listening, honestly this has been the most entertaining elevator ride ever since Hayden Industries, where people in the lifts used to talk about how I rose up the ranks just because I basically owned the company.
And before that, they even accused me of sleeping with the owner, how the hell would that happen if my father won't even hug me. I mean, hello? The man only does handshakes.
"Not all, you haven't even tasted Korean." One girl said
And then they laughed.
"One of these days, I mean I haven't been assigned to neuro again. And Seo is the only good looking attending." Tess said
Lucas is not that good looking.
"I doubt it, I mean, the man doesn't even do small talk. He's all about work, basically boring." One girl said
"Yeah, well boring meaning he isn't any fun. The best OR that I have been in is with Dr. Clark, and she likes Seo. But Seo isn't interested in reciprocating."
Dr. Clark, wonder how she looks like.
"I'm still betting that he's gay."
"He's not gay! But I did hear him once turn down Clark for dinner. Says he had to go home take care of someone. That someone might be I dunno, a girlfriend?"
"Kay, have you seen those lips? They're unnaturally red! I sense gay."
I looked at Jae Kyung, his lips are naturally red. Must be the Korean.
"Tess, you've had a crush on him ever since we started internship. Gay or not, I think you'd like him in your pants."
"Ever since day one."
The elevator opened and a guy that matches Lucas' height, complexion is standing, looking all messed up, wearing glasses and reading up a chart.
The doctors that were with us, I think forgot how to breathe.
"Excuse me." I said
Lucas didn't even bother to look up, maybe he didn't hear me.
The girls, yeah I called them girls, were too struck with Lucas to even close the door and hell to even move away.
"Hey, babe." I said, Lucas looked up, obviously confused.
And I kissed him, hard. And long enough for the girls to watch.
Yeah, bitches, don't you talk and even imagine about getting into my fake boyfriend's pants because that ain't happening.
"Whu-" Jae Kyung started
And I'm surprised Lucas kissed back, and I haven't been kissed the way that he kissed me for a long time.
I think the whole hospital stopped and watched Lucas and I kiss, because I think none of them has seen Lucas with anyone.
The four doctors were standing next to Jae Kyung, the five of then obviously dumbfounded with the scene that I caused.
I pulled back and then just realized that a lot of nurses and doctors are watching us.
"Okay, show is over everyone." Lucas said as he put his hand on the small of my back.
I don't think that he saw his brother with us, but I'm the only one that he led to his office.
"Okay, Ara, what was that?" He whispered
"That! Ara, we're roommates! I think you have been lonely for the past weeks but why come to my workplace for that?! " he said
The stubble is really working on him, but he really does look like a mess.
"Uh, well, I was on the elevator and then a few doctors were say, fangirling about you and talking about getting into your pants." I said
"Yeah, one girl, Tess is obviously in love with you since day one."
"Ara, that is not an excuse to go around kissing roommates at workplace hallways!"
"And working your ass out and not coming home for two freaking weeks is also not an excuse to go and leave me to entertain your freaking brother!" I said
He looked at me.
I raised an eyebrow.
"Holy fuck! Jae Kyung!" He said
"Bingo!" I said
"I am so sorry, Ara! So, sorry, it's just that I really can't deal with him right now."
"And you think I can?!"
"I'm so sorry."
"Don't worry that kiss paid for it. But holy fuck, please come home. He's driving me nuts." I said
He nodded.
"Just don't go around the hospital kissing doctors."
I rolled my eyes.
"I don't kiss doctors, I kiss neurosurgeons who ask roommates to fake a-"
"Shush. Is it possible for you to even act here-" he whispered
"I just kissed you outside." I said
"I'm just gonna go shave and get cleaned."
"You so owe me for the two weeks that I spent with your brother."
"And I am so gonna pay you, don't worry."
"Okay, you haven't been home for two weeks and that's how your girlfriend kisses you?!" Jae Kyung said as we walked outside the hospital, looking for food.
Lucas and I walked while holding hands, and honestly, his hands are so smooth probably because of all the scrubbing and doctor stuff.
"Well, Ara is pretty affectionate." Lucas said
"Affectionate? I don't know if you have seen that, but that scene pretty much shut up the doctors that were probably wet because of you." Jae Kyung said
"Let me get things straight, I kissed Lucas like that because I don't like it when girls talk about him that way. And I pretty much proved to them that he is not gay and somebody is getting in his pants." I said
I felt Lucas' grip loosen.
"They called you gay, babe. Not that I'm against them but what the hell are you doing in the hospital that made them smell it?" I said
Lucas frowned.
"What?" He said
Jae Kyung was laughing so hard.
"Okay! Hold up, let me get things straight, I don't prefer men over women okay? How the hell do you this I scored a leggy American?!" Lucas said
"Leggy?" I said
"Well, you are pretty leggy." Jae Kyung said
"See! Most leggy American women don't prefer Koreans that almost have the same height as them!" Lucas said
I looked at Lucas, we are pretty much the same height.
"How tall are you?" Jae Kyung asked
"Uh, about five foot eight?" I said
"Oh my god." Lucas said
Jae Kyung was laughing again.
"Hyung is only five foot seven and a half."
"Half an inch doesn't make a difference." I said
"Hear hear." Lucas said
"It does in Korea. Wait 'til Dad hears this."
"Hey, I am basically legs okay?" I said
We found ourselves eating at an Italian restaurant six blocks away from the hospital.
"So, okay, I would like to thank you two, for welcoming me into your humble home and I think I may or may not have overextended my welcome." Jae Kyung said as we ate lunch.
"No,-" I started
"You think?" Lucas said
"Come on, hyung! I'm giving the speech here." Jae Kyung said
"Continue please, Jae." I said
"Thank you, Ara." Jae Kyung said
"Plus, how would he have overextended his welcome when you're not even home for two weeks?" I said
Lucas looked at me
"Why weren't you home for two weeks?" Jae Kyung said
"Because you were there." Lucas said
Jae Kyung frowned.
"So, anyway, Jae Kyung, your speech please." I said
"Right. So, I have been here for two weeks now. And I only told work that I'd be gone for four days, so I'm screwed."
Lucas and I looked at him.
"And judging the way Ara kissed you just not seeing you for two weeks, you two need some alone time and I apologize for taking it away fr you." Jae Kyung said
"Again,we wouldn't need time and be kissing around hallways you weren't in our place." Lucas said
"Okay, okay! Lucas, let your brother finish whatever he's about to say! Come on!" I said
"Uh, I'm gonna say it now because my brother might interrupt me again." Jae Kyung said
"Please do!" I said
The waitress served up some garlic bread, and was obviously eyeing my 'boyfriend'.
"Okay, so I'm really not supposed to stay at your place that long." Jae Kyung started
"Uh-" Lucas started
"I'm here in the US to formally invite you two,-" he said as he pulled out two white envelopes and placed it in front of us "-to my wedding."
I frowned.
"You're getting married?" Lucas said, obviously surprised by the news.
"Oh my god! That's great!" I said as I stood up and hugged Jae Kyung.
Lucas was frowning at the invitations.
"You're getting married?" Lucas repeated
Jae Kyung smiled and fished out his phone from his pocket.
"Yeah, uh, this is my fiancée, Kim Ji Hyun." He said as she showed us a picture of a Korean girl.
She's actually beautiful.
"Ji Hyun?" Lucas said and then started blurting out words in Korean.
And I just sat there, I'm really not a girlfriend to even tell them to start speaking in English.
I opened the invitations, and I think I understand Korean or something.
I can read Mandarin and Japanese but I think I understand some Korean letters.
So, the invitation says that I am invited to go to the union of  Seo Jae Kyung and Kim Jae Kyung on December 20.
I looked at my phone and it's November 29.
I am invited to my fake boyfriend's brother's wedding.
"Okay, I don't know what you two are arguing about but Lucas and I would try our very best to be there." I said
"Really?" Jae Kyung
I looked at Lucas who was obviously eyeing me.
"Yeah, we'll try, with Lucas' hectic schedule and I'm sure as hell not gonna go there alone." I said
I don't know what their issue is but I had to stop them from blurting out words in Korean.
"Okay, that's fair. If Lucas isn't gonna be there, then I don't think you need to go, so you don't need to feel guilty about anything." Jae Kyung said
"Thank you." I said
"Then Jae Kyung, I'm afraid to tell you that Ara and I won't be there to witness your wedding. I'm sorry, and congratulations."
Jae Kyung placed his table napkin on the table and then left the restaurant.
"Okay, even though I want to ask what was that about, I'm not gonna because I'm sure as hell that it's not my place." I said
Lucas frowned.
I stood up and placed my napkin on the table as well.
"I'm gonna go home, see you whenever." I said as I walked away and looked for my car in the hospital parking.

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