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I couldn't help but feel relieved when Lucas lifted the veil from my face, it was really bothering me. I didn't like the idea that I have something touching my nose plus, I couldn't see quite clearly and I couldn't breathe. It's probably all in my head but I wanted it off the moment I wore it.
"Well, I guess now that everything is done, we only have one thing left to do, right, Lee Kyung?" The host said.
I honestly don't know why there is a commentary thing going on, but then Lucas and I looked at each other and we were both excited and embarrassed.
We held hands.
"You ready?" I asked him.
Lucas smiled nervously and his hands were shaking.
I looked at the attendees and they all had their phones ready and they were all smiling with excitement.
"I love you." He said as he went on to lift the veil.
Thank you Lucas for getting this thing off my face.
"Will you marry me again, Miss Hayden?" He said
I smiled.
"Over and over and over again, Dr. Seo." I said as we kissed.
"Ladies and gentlemen, with a warm round of applause, it is my honor to present to you, Mr. Lee Kyung Seo and Mrs. Amara Hayden-Seo." And then we did some pictures, my family, well with my parents' first.
"Oh, I have a new son!" My mother said as she hugged Lucas.
"Hey, Mrs. Hayden." Lucas said
"Oh, please call me Mum." She said as she stood next to Lucas.
And then the three of us were looking at Dad.
"I don't know how to welcome you, and I'm really not entirely psyched about this uh, relationship and union, but all I can say is, take good care of her and if you hurt her, I will sue you with everything that you got." He said
"Yes, sir." Lucas said
And then we smiled for a few photos, then Lucas' family was next. His mother immediately hugged me.
"Oh, eomma. Go gently." Lucas said
"Welcome, Ara." She said
"Thank you-" but before I could finish Jae Kyung bear-hugged me as well.
"You don't know how long I have waited for a sister!" He said
I was just smiling, honestly, at this time, all I could do was smile, I couldn't even react.
Then it was Ji Hyun's turn to well, hug me I guess but then before either of us can say anything, the baby in her belly kicked. And I felt it.
"Oh my god." I said
"You felt that?" She said and I nodded.
"Then we are officially welcoming you to the family." She said
"Welcome." Lucas' father said to me, with a handshake.
And then after the photos, Lucas and I began the recessional and went to another room for some photos.
But I was wrapped in Lucas' arms as soon as we entered the room.
"You okay?" I said but then he started crying.
"Oh my god, Lucas, are you okay?" I said
He sniffed but he wasn't showing me his face.
"I'm just so overwhelmed. I can't believe you married me." He said
"What, is something wrong? You came with a fine print?" I said
"No, I didn't, it's just that you made me feel worthy again." He said
"I'll always be here for you. Always." I said as I let go.
I wiped away his tears with my hands and held his face.
"Forever and always, babe." I said as I got teary eyed too.
"And now I look puffy." He said
And I kissed him again.
"You look is perfect to me." I said
We posed for some pretty dope-ass photos, honestly so dope that I will have it enlarged and displayed in our home.
We have allotted two hours before the reception begins, one for shots, for the magazine and for us and another hour to grab a few bites. Of course, we thought of the guests, for those two hours, there is actually a program. I think they're doing a video diary of some sort where instead of writing their dedications to us, they just say it out loud in front of the camera. Then, a photobooth competition where the best poses get prizes. I think there is also a raffle thing going on. Best dressed thing is also happening.
Lucas and I had our first meal as a married couple. Well, it wasn't a meal-meal but we had to eat something because it's gonna be a long three hours.
"I think we should put up my apartment for rent or sale." Lucas said as he ate some salmon.
"Well, I just think that we should live together. You know, because we are married now? And I kinda want a change of scenery. I'm used to my old apartment and I could easily have it rented out by some interns or residents at work. It's really convenient for them. I was thinking that we, or at least I, could stay with you in your apartment while we look for our own place." He said
I looked at him.
"What? Am I not making any sense?" He said
"I just assumed that we'd only get married. Not live together." I said
He almost spat out the food in his mouth.
"Excuse me? What?" He said and then I burst in to laughter.
"I'm kidding. I'm not an idiot. Are you sure you want to live an hour away from your work? You are willing to make that adjustment?" I said
"Yes, love, like I said to you before, if you want me to be a house husband then I'd gladly do it. Although I think stay at home dads are the more correct term but you and I are far away from being parents."
"I'm not tearing you away from doing what you love. I'm an addition to your life story, a next chapter." I said
He held my hand.
"I love you." He said
"From here on forward, love, I hope that we'd be together through thick and thin, I mean, what we are entering, we are not going to have an easy ride. I'm not gonna be the world's most perfect wife, and you're not gonna be the world's best husband either, we're gonna try our best. But let's not, and I mean never, go to sleep angry at each other. I don't want that. No secrets, full on transparency. It's you and me against the world, yeah?" I said
He smiled.
"You and me against the world. Always and forever. Partners for life." He said
"Partners for life." I repeated.
Not long after that, we had to start the reception and entered the hall with quite an entrance. Lucas and I walked hand in hand, I was quite surprised that everyone was still here. Of course, the host had to introduce us and introduced us as Dr. Seo and Mrs. Hayden-Seo. I specifically told Kate to tell the organizer and the master of ceremonies to call me Hayden-Seo because that is important and vital to me the next coming of days.
We had the first dance first, which was really sweet. It kinda felt like Lucas needed me real close to him. As if I suddenly became his source of security and as if he suddenly felt the need to be secured. It felt nice to me because it was really our first ever dance, it's probably more awkward than sex but we did great. We had the quartet play A Thousand Years and honestly, it opened up to the waterworks that were just waiting to be opened.
Then they were showing the pre wedding interview that we had, it was not from the magazine but the organizers made us have some sort of a uh, before thing to do.
"Hi, my name is Amara Christine Hayden-" and then the next scene was Lucas-
"Annyeong hashimnika, jeiremeun Seo Lee Kyung-imnida." He said with a bow.
And in unison, in the video we said "and we're getting married today."
"Okay, first question, what was your first impression with-" the interviewer said
"Oh, I'm not gonna count our actual first meeting because I really didn't see him as a uh, man that I could date. My first impression of him was uh, definitely a snob." I said with a smile.
And then it was Lucas' turn.
"First impression? Of Ara? I think I'm gonna get in trouble with this. Uh, my first impression of Ara was definitely a spoiled rich girl." He said
I looked at him.
"The spoiled one was definitely dropped." Lucas whispered to me.
"Not unless you spoil me." I said
"Done." He said
We missed one question and of course our answers to it.
"Favorite memory with-"
"When we went grocery shopping, we decided to use his car, and when we reached was it Costco? I can't remember, he was panicking because I was, well he think that I was overspeeding. And then we transferred to a Korean grocery in some part of the town, and he was driving so slowly. We weren't even formally dating at that time but he thinks I almost killed him and I think that he almost killed me out of boredom." I answered
"Favorite memory? Uh, it was one morning after one of our first few dates, Ara forgot to get the keys for her apartment from her secretary-"
"I made that statement up. But the memory is real. You'd know." He whispered to me.
"And, I think I ran out on her in the middle of the night for a work emergency. She was asleep on the couch, and I didn't think it was appropriate for her to be in my room at that stage. I went to check on work, came back home, took a shower, yeah? I walked out of the shower, with a towel just wrapped around my waist and Ara just sitting there on the couch, looking at me with her jaw dropping on the floor." He said
And then I hit him on the chest.
"Seriously?! That's your favorite memory?!" I said, I didn't whisper and I'm pretty sure most people heard me.
"I couldn't say the actual one. You know, the one with the boba teas." He said
Oh yeah.
I smiled.
"We would definitely deal with that later." I whispered.
"Oh, definitely."
"One word to describe your feeling about getting married."
"Thrilled." I had said
And then it ended, and a spotlight was on us.
"Well that was the pre-wedding interview. Lets go back to our guest, how you feeling tonight?"
And then the crowd just cheered.
"How are you guys doing?"
"Wonderful." Lucas said
"Great." I said
"Are you guys in the mood for some dancing?"
So we had our first couple's dance or whatever and Lucas knew how to dance but he was holding me so close and so tight.
"You okay?" I said
"I can't believe that I'm actually holding you right now." He said
I smiled.
"Feels unreal?" I said
He nodded.
"I never thought that I'd actually reach this part of my life." He said
"What, that you'd die before you get married or-"
"I meant getting married at all. And to you."
"Am I that un-"
"I grew up here, I never even thought that I'd be living in the US, and yet, I met you there and we got married here." He said
"Unlikely." I said
"I love you and I will love you always, Miss Hayden." He said
"And I you, Dr. Seo." I said
And then all of a sudden, I think he was crying.
"Lee-" I started
"I'm not crying." He said, he was obviously crying and the crowd is finding this cute.
"Oh my god, love. You are." I said
"I'm not. It's just that I can't believe that this is actually happening."

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