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I woke up staring at the chandelier in the room.
Wait, what? Chandelier? Where the fuck am I?
Did we make it to Paris?
I looked at my right and there he was, my husband, sleeping soundly.
Did I just say, husband?
Oh my god, I'm married.
I started to move but then I didn't notice that Lucas was holding on to my wrist and he held on tighter.
"Good morning, Mrs. Seo." he whispered
I smiled and then turned to him.
"Good morning, Dr. Seo." I said
"I can't believe we actually made it here."
"In Paris?"
", in this hotel room."
"Did you just wake up?"
"Yeah, I don't even know if it's morning."
And it dawned on me, the drapes are pretty much still closed and we only had the lamps on.
"Should we move?" I said
"I never really imagined that our first morning would be this confusing."
"We barely remember how we got here. And plus, we're tired and we're not even naked."
I laughed.
"Oh my god, you're thinking about sex?"
"Yeah, and hell, I don't even know what time is it already." He looked at me.
"We haven't even cleaned up yet."
"And I am kinda hungry."
"Do we room service or go out?"
"I honestly don't care. I'm gonna shower first." I said
I went to the bathroom and just plainly stared at it.
"Uh, Lucas?" I said
"What?" he said as he sat up.
"I, uh-"
"Together?" He said, with a smile.
"I, uh, I mean, if you wa-" I stammered but then he was standing with me on the doorway of the bathroom.
"Where?" He said, moving closer to me.
"Everywhere." I said as I kissed him.
"Everywhere?" He said as he started with my playing with buttons.
"You know that I love you right, Mrs. Seo.?" He said as he grazed his teeth on my neck.
"Can you show me again, Dr. Seo, cause I-" I suddenly wrapped my legs around him. He then went on with kissing me.
We've obviously have done this before, but for some reason, every touch, every kiss, hell, even every breath that we take, feel
"Lee Kyung." I whispered
Lucas breathed.
"Keep on whispering my name and I might not go easy on you." He said
I laughed.
"You know I don't like it easy, Lee Kyung-ah." I whispered as I started unbuttoning his pants.
He let out a weird yet hot low growl.
"Was that a growl?" I said as I stopped.
He stopped kissing the top of my breasts and then looked at me.
"I..yeah...I don't know where that came from." He said, with a hint of confusion whether or not to laugh or to frown or-
"Yeah, I don't care where that came from, I just need more of that, and fast." I said as I started to remove his pants.
He then unclasped my bra and then threw it across the room.
"What are we waiting for, Miss Hayden?" He whispered
"Take the wheel." I said as I pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss.
"Gladly." He said as we kissed again... and again. Each kiss growing more urgent, his fingers gripping my waist and tugging me closer against his.
He playfully bit my lower lip, making me tremble and gasp at the same time.
"Lee Kyung." I managed to whisper.
"I just love it when you say my name like that."
"Like what?"
He said something in Korean which made me both want to have him right now and learn to speak the language at the same time.
"I might actually learn to speak and understand Korean if you're gonna keep on speaking it during sex." I said
He smiled as his lips find mine again, tongue tracing the arc against my lower lip, that actually sent shivers and electrical shocks down my spine.
I pulled him in closer, pressing my body against his, with mixed feelings of urgency and desperation. Like I needed him right now.
His hands then grazed on my waist, roaming down the curves of my hips, then on tugging on the fabric of my jeans, feeling the warm skin underneath.
I can tell that he is nervous, it's not like it's our first time doing it, but for some reason, it felt like it is.
"These are kinda getting in my way." He whispered.
"I guess, you just gotta do what you gotta do." I said
It's not that we're in a hurry or even following a schedule, we just needed each other...uh, to be part of each other, I guess, right here and right now. So then, we were free.
"Perfect." He whispered as he planted kisses on every inch of my now exposed body.
I never really thought that this could happen, you know, the feel that we're doing this for the first time ever. It's probably also because that for the first time ever, we have the time to take it slow. So, I then let out a long moan, shutting my eyes so that I can just focus on feeling him.
He then planted a kiss below my belly button, holy fuck, he's going south. His lips might be heading down, planting fuckingly delicate kisses on my inner thigh, but boy, his hands keep on roaming upwards, until they reached the curves of my breasts.
I guess he really was waiting for this to happen, I mean, we haven't had sex in a while, and we obviously have not done it this...steamy. And slow.
I gripped the bedspreads as I grew aware of his warm breath there. His tongue did little spiral dances along my skin, sending lightning shocks everywhere, like if I had some superpowers that involved electricity, I'd probably be able to power small town for a week.
Growing breathless, I whispered his name again. As soon as I let those out, he asked me if I was ready, which I only answered with a small nod. He then lowered himself on me, kissed me again, bodies moving in a synchronized rhythm, feeling every movement of his hips against mine.
"You know, I missed you, right?" He said, breathless as he continued on rocking.
"Can't see it." I said, he then went on to do it faster.
"Fuck." I whispered as I gripped on him.
"Hey, Lucas?" I said as we both stared at the ceiling, entangled in sheets and catching our breaths.
"Hmm?" He said
"Have..have I kept you waiting too long?" I said
"What do you mean?"
"That..let's just say I didn't know you had it in you."
"Had what? We've had sex before."
"No, this one, it's different."
"Huh? Oh, was it the uh..oral thing-"
I looked at him.
"Yeah, uh, yeah." He just managed to say that.
I smiled.
"It's also probably the idea that we have the time to take things slow, just you and me. No random pages or business calls."
"Probably. Would you rather just spend the whole trip to Paris in bed?"
"You actually have anything more planned? This is pretty great. We don't have to unpack, just spend the whole two weeks naked."
"We have the hotel bath robes, if ever we need to greet room service."
"I'm kidding. We are going around of course, but can we do it tomorrow?"
"I have no idea what time it is now, and I'm a bit lazy to unpack-"
"Aren't you hungry?"
"I don't know what I want to eat."
"Me too. But I am sleepy."
"Would you want to take a shower and just sleep?"
"How about, take a shower, have another round of that and then sleep?"
He laughed.
"Have I improved a lot?"
I hid under the sheets and said — "Hell, yeah, Dr. Seo."
"Right on, I'm gonna go take a shower." He said as I felt his weight leave the bed.
And I watched him walk to the bathroom.
"Go ahead and enjoy the view." He said
I smiled.
"It's not my fault that you have a cute behind."
"Yours is definitely better." He said
"I know."
He then turned on the shower.
"Feel free to join then." He shouted.
"Maybe later." I said
I felt the need to regroup, recollect my thoughts and my breaths. I couldn't believe that I got married a few hours ago, and hell, the mindblowing ... fuck did not help at all with the realization.
I let out a soft giggle, a sound that I never thought I'd be hearing myself make.
I'm in love and happy, I never thought I'd be like that ever again, but here I am, still catching my breath and my thoughts after a good fuck from my new husband, who's in the shower, in Paris, in my honeymoon, a few hours after our wedding.
Can this get any sweeter?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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