Thirty Three

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"Is the bruise okay?" Lucas said
It has been a week since the accident and well, I have been staying at his place for all this time. We just co-existed together, no sex. He says that it's for the sake of the bruise, he didn't want to put more pressure in it or something. It's turning a bit yellow now, it still sucks but at least now, it can be covered with make up. I'm going back to work today and honestly, I really don't want to go back.
"Yeah, just covering it up with a bit of make up." I said
"Are you sure you're okay to go to work today? I mean-"
"Lucas, I should have gone back to work last week, I didn't hit my head that hard! You saw the scans! They were clear."
"Yes, they were. However, I didn't run those scans."
"Are you telling me that Doctor what's-his-face should not be trusted? Or you just don't trust your colleagues that well?"
"I'm saying I don't trust anyone. Except my work and me, and you." He said
"Don't worry okay? You'll be the first one I'd call if I experience dizziness, or even faint."
"I should be."
I smiled.
"I will even instruct Katherine to call you first before anyone else if anything happens to me." I said
"I'll probably do better than any EMT's." He said
"My boyfriend is a neurosurgeon and he's so cocky."
"Damn straight." He said as he hugged me from behind.
"I'd say that you should go back home here but then I don't think I'd be home tonight."
I just nodded.
"I have to catch up to a two weeks worth of work. I don't think I'd be leaving the office anyway."
"Ey, don't overwork yourself please."
"I won't overwork myself however, I work as a vice president of a huge company and I was away for technically three weeks so, I have a lot of catching up to do."
On today's agenda are six meetings. I don't know if they just want to talk to me or if they really missed me.
"Good morning, Miss Hayden." Katherine said as she waited for me in the lobby.
"Morning, how are you feeling?" I said as looked at her, she still had a bandage or whatever on her forehead but she looked fine to me.
"Great, I waited for so long to go back to work, honestly." She said
"What, you didn't enjoy your break?" I said as we walked to the lifts.
"The first three days, I slept. After that, I ran out of things to do. I am ready for work now."
I decided to wear a white Chanel pinstriped jumpsuit today and well, I was feeling all-executive-y today
I have never been so bored to talk about money and how to make it and how to maintain it and how to, basically money. I've signed on to four additional HI projects and now we are talking about MGH.
"The charity gala was a success, and they were able to raise funds a few steps past their target."
"Yes, that's good how ever, I think we were not able to award a research grant to any-"
Oh right, I think I forgot about that because we went to China.
"How is that so?" I said
"Well, Miss Hayden, the final decision had to come from you and-"
"But I was expecting to see any recommendations from you. I'm sure all researches are worth it but did we have someone who stood out."
"Yes, Miss Hayden, there was-"
"How much grant are we giving?" I said
"Excuse me? That much? Are we funding the whole research?" I said
"Yes, Miss Hayden-"
"Who stood out?" I said
"Well, Dr. Lucas Seo of the Neurosurgery department."
Oh god, it's happening. Lucas won't be getting the grant because of me. Great.
"But we can't grant him the-" I started.
"Yes, with your situation with him. So-"
That's $50,000 going to another person, the second best research.
I was not able to follow which researcher got the grant, I was surprised that they were waiting for me to adjourn the meeting. So, after that, I called Lucas.
"Hey, babe. How are you?" He said
"Hey, I have to say sorry." I said
"What, you're breaking up with me?"
"No! You were supposed to get the Hayden grant worth $50,000."
"And I didn't because my research sucks?"
"No, you're dating the money."
"Well, it really doesn't matter to me if your broke or loaded. And sure, dating you has it's setbacks but it doesn't matter to me."
"Love, I don't think you see it though, as long as you're working in MGH, you're probably gonna be barred from any promotions and if not barred, even if you get a promotion, it's always gonna be because you got in my pants."
"Did you mention that those pants are Chanel?"
"It doesn't matter to me, Ara. I didn't go into health care to be a department head or something. I got in health care because I want to cut people up. And if I get to be chair or something, I'll stop doing that. And I don't want to do that."
"Did you get any grants at all?"
"No, and everybody is mum about that here."
"Well, HI is gonna award $50,000 to a Rick something."
"What?! Him?"
"Yeah, see! It's because you're dating me you could have gotten the money."
He breathed.
"What's his research about?"
"I have no idea."
"That's how rich you are?"
"I'll sign over the papers later."
"Wow, way to go Rick." He said
I sighed.
"Are you going home tonight?"
"Was thinking about going to your place."
"My apartment's getting old. So-"
"What time will you finish there?"
"About six."
"Okay, would you want me to pick you-"
"I'll get stuff from my apartment first and-"
"We'll be by your place at about say, 7:30?"
"Okay. I think we have a lot of catching up to do."
"We were literally together this morning."
"You know what I mean. Hold on, I'm being paged. I'll see you later."
After that, my mother called.
"Mother?" I said
"Ara! How have you been? I literally just found out and-"
"I'm fine, Mom. Thanks for asking."
"Oh god, where were you and why didn't you come home?"
"I was with Lucas, Mom. He took care of me."
"Ah. Nothing like having the doctor to take care of you."
"Well, he's now my boyfriend."
"You're back in the dating scene?"
"Yeah. Uh-"
"I heard that the medical resident who was in charge in Arthur's case is currently still working in MGH?"
I frowned.
"Yes and-"
"And he's working on a research that has something to do with Arthur's case."
"Yes an-"
"I heard that he didn't get the Hayden Funding-"
"That literally just happened a while ago and my accident happened a week ago. Seriously."
"Well, uh, I'm thinking of giving him some funding."
"Anyway, I'll see you soon." And then she hung up on me.
I insisted that Lucas take a shower as soon as he arrived in my apartment.
"First, because hospital bacteria."
"Second?" He said
"I just got a new shower installed and-"
"Is it the one that imitates rain?"
"Maybe you should join me." He said
"LOL! No, not yet."
"Have you tried it yet?"
"Just take a shower."
After about 30 minutes, Lucas came out with just a towel wrapped on his waist.
"So, how was it?" I said
"I'm so moving in here."
"Or have that $10,000 shower installed."
"What the fuck?! That's how much that cost?!"
"Yeah. It was already discounted because I knew the designer."
"Can we fuck already?" He said
I frowned.
"Excuse me?" I said as I laughed.
"Come on, you've had a long day and I've had a long day-"
"Can I take a shower first?"
Well, at first he did let me shower first but we ended up doing it in the shower. Uh, no, we made out in the shower but the tiles were a bit too slippery.
"You know, a lot of people get to visit the emergency room after shower sex." Lucas said
"What, now you want me to go to the ER?"
"Oh god no. I can't visit you there."
"You're getting my PotteryBarn sheets wet."
"They're already wet."
"Your $10,000-shower is using up the earth's water resources."
"Well, I bought it because I was not planning on using it. I was gonna take a shower at your place."
"Well, yes. If I'm living there."
"You want us to move in together?"
"And you want to go back to my apartment? Why?"
"For starters-"
"The shower doesn't cost $10,000." He said as he kissed me again.
"Well that and-"
"I'm there." He said
"Yeah and-"
"We can-"
"I'm really thinking if introducing you to sex is a good thing." I said
"Why?" He said as he positioned himself on top of me.
"Well, because you insist of having it most of the time!"
"I think I'm very good at it."
He was waiting for my reply when I kissed him deeply.
"And you're a very good and ... explorative kisser." He said
"I'm serious though-"
"You are not moving back in my apartment."
"Why is that?"
"Because it doesn't suit you. If we're gonna move in together, might as well find us a place-"
"You're just gonna make Katherine find-" He started
"Shut up."
I never really grasped the idea that I could have everything in the world in one snap. Well, not everything, but whatever money can buy. But when I woke up the next day, I think I have everything that I need.
"You're thinking while staring at me again." Lucas said with his eyes closed.
"Good morning, love." I said
He pulled me closer to him but he still kept his eyes closed.
"What are you thinking about at this hour?" He said
"How I really need to start appreciating that I have everything." I said
"Well, you're just starting to realize that now? Your shower is worth at least 4 months wages-"
"No baby. I make $40,000 a month."
"And you still live in that apartment."
"And you charged me rent-"
"Ah, yeah-"
I hit him.
"You're stingy."
He hugged me.
"You're not the only one who's rich." He said
"Then why are you freaking out because of the shower?"
"Because who the fuck spends ten grand for a shower."
"I was helping a friend."
"Then help me with my research."
"Babe, I'd write you a check right now for $50,000 for funding if you want."
"I don't want your money."
"I'm confused."
"I won't take it."
"We could use that money for us. And not my research."
"I have a lot of $50,000."
"Yes and we'll spend our honeymoon in Mars."
"Honeymoon? Lucas, we're not even living together yet."
"Well, we lived together before, does that count?"
"I was drunk for the first week."
"Two weeks."
"What? You actually counted?"
"Hon, I was cleaning up after you every night. "
"For fourteen days?"
"You had a lot of problems."
"I am problematic."
"That you are."
"Let's have breakfast." I said
"Here? It's-"
"Six. Coffee?"
"Tea. And probably toast?"
"Take an expensive shower." I said
After about thirty minutes, he was sat on the dining table drinking his English Breakfast Tea.
"Wait, you're half English?" He said
"You're American-British?"
"Oh, no. British-American. I was born in England."
"Uh, what exactly is your citizenship?"
"Uh, that was debated for quite sometime. But I think I'm American. Why are you asking?"
"English Breakfast Tea." He said
I smiled.
"What time is it?" I asked
But then I noticed something, he was wearing his watch. Well, no. A different watch. He wasn't wearing his usual AirKing. It was the motherfucking Daytona I gave him before.
"Marry me." He said
I almost spat my tea.
"Excuse me?" And then he produced a ring box from wherever.
And then he was suddenly on his knee.
"Fu-" I whispered.
"Amara Hayden, will you do me the honors of marrying me and accompanying me to forever? It would really mean a lot if I get to spend my time and life with the person who made me feel alive again."
I blinked.
Lucas opened the ring box.
Holy shit, it's huge.
"Well, as much as I would appreciate your answer now, I pretty much put you in the spotlight and well, I guess-"
"Lucas..uh..Lee Kyung-"

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