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I tried waiting for Lucas in front of the hospital lobby, but then I saw that it wasn't a waiting area, it was just a pick up and drop off point, so I had to park my car in the parking area and wait for him in the lobby.
"Excuse me?" Someone said as I sat down on the lobby couch.
"Yes?" I replied. That someone was a girl, brunette, not as tall as me, looked perky, as if she wants to please everyone and at the same time she wants everybody's attention. Too bad she doesn't have the height for it. I could also sense that she is over-competitive as fuck.
"I'm Dr. Sarah Farrell, I'm from the cardio department." She said, got me a Cristina Yang feeling here.
"Um, sorry, I don't think-"
"You're Doctor Seo's girlfriend?" She asked me very bluntly.
"Yeah. I came here to pick him up, I'm Ara Hayden." I said, offering her a handshake.
She just glanced at it and went back to looking at me.
"I just wanted to get a good look at you."
Well, get a good look sister! You're weird.
"Okay, I guess."
"I'm just weirded out how Seo managed not to look at anyone here in the hospital and yet he managed to get someone like you."
I'm guessing this girl hit on Lucas but him being him, she got turned down.
"Pardon?" I said
"I can't really wrap my head around the fact that he's dating you. You're way out of his league."
I just looked at her, I swear this girl is nuts, and thank heavens Lucas turned her down, if ever she did hit on him.
"I know. You know what they say, opposites attract." I said
Lucas appeared finally and then I would have kissed him but then I just settled with holding his hand, today is not the day that I am gonna give this girl a heart attack.
Someday, I will.
"Dr. Farrell, what are you-" Lucas said
"I-" she started
"She just asked me about you." I said
She looked at me and walked away.
"What did you say?" Lucas said as we watched her run away.
"It's more like what did she say." I said
"What, I have girls fighting over me now?"
"Don't worry, I won't fight anyone over you. Come on." I said
We walked to the parking garage, and stared at my car.
"I don't think-" Lucas started
"Don't think that I'm gonna let you drive my car. Ever." I said as I unlocked it and sat on the driver's seat.
"Okay." He said
"I'm not gonna give you the glory of using this as a chick magnet. Come on, a doctor driving a Maserati with a leggy blonde in it? In your dreams, Seo." I said
"Oy, I already have a leggy blonde driving a Maserati to ask me out, I'm already living in my dreams. Not to mention I'm living with one too." He said
"So many men are envying you right now." I said as we drove off the hospital.
"Oh, they should envy me."
"Great, I got a guy who's too full of himself."
We were quiet for a few moments.
"So, where are you taking me?" Lucas said
"Uh, it's where you're taking me." I said
"Think of me as an Uber driver, I'll just drive you to that place."
"Just do as I say."
We arrived at a restaurant that's pretty classy for a first date.
"Ara, I can't afford this."
"Trust me, you can." I said
"Listen, uh, I really want us to work and take it slow, so you're gonna go in there, tell the hostess that you have a reservation under the name Lucas Seo. And wait."
I groaned.
"How is it that you became a doctor when you can't even follow through my simple instructions?"
"Just tell the hostess my name and wait. But who am I waiting?"
"Just wait."
He nodded.
"So, I'm going down now." He said
"Please do!"
"To be clear, I'm not fond of you setting me up with someone." He said, opening the door.
"Just go!" I said
"I'll see you soon-" he said
"I'll be right here, don't worry. If it doesn't work or you don't feel her aura, then come back here."
He nodded, closed the door and entered the restaurant.
I don't know what's with this guy, but can't he take cues that I'm gonna be the one that he's gonna meet? I mean, seriously? Or maybe he's playing with me, by pretending that he doesn't know.
I decided to touch up my make up inside the car. I mean, this would be a first date after all. Because I'm not gonna count the times that we shared together in Seoul. We broke up there, and this time, hopefully we're gonna be as real as possible.
Minus the fact that I arranged this and letting him take the credit.
Well, to be fair, we don't really know things about each other. I guess it's just okay for us to I don't know, get to know each other more.
Too keep up the suspense, I decided to make him wait a little longer.
After ten minutes, I went in and saw him drinking white wine.
"Hi." I said
He just looked at me.
"What's going on?" He said
"This is us trying to turn over a new leaf. Act like it's our first date."
"Come on, to be fair we don't really know each other."
"Yeah, you're the youngest of two siblings, your brother died of aneurysm, you're supposed to be the heir of Hayden Industries but then you lost a deal with S&C-"
I frowned.
"Do you even know my favorite movie?" I asked
"Uh, lets see, Bridesmaids?" He said
I shook my head.
"Good movie, but no." I said
"Ah, what about me? What do you know about me?" He asked
"Let's see, moody, first of two children, serious daddy issues-"
"Okay, fine. Let's do this. Hi, you must be Ara." He said, standing up.
"Yeah, uh-huh, skip this part. I'm sitting down now." I said
He frowned at me.
"I'm Ara, you're Lucas. Let's order." I said
"You're  just weird." He said
"Well, I guess you know something about me."
He ordered a meal for me, which made the socializing faster.
"So, Ara, what do you really do for a living?"
I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of my wine.
"Uh, that's a tough question. See, not to scare you off, but I'm like that type of girl who drove a Porsche in high school. I don't know if that's your type, but I'm rich enough to live off doing nothing."
He raised an eyebrow.
"Money aside, you must have done a little work." He said
"Ah, I'm not just your typical blonde, rich girl. My hair is naturally this way, my nose, cheeks, lips and most importantly my boobs and my ass are real-" Lucas is obviously fighting back a smile or a laugh.
"-I got both my bachelor's and my master's degree from Stanford, not to brag sir, but I'm a summa cum laude." I said
"What about you, what do you do?"
"Well, I'm a neurosurgeon at Metropolitan Hospital. One doctor away from being the head of that department, it's one of my dreams but I don't want to get ambitious, might jinx it." He said
"What school did you come from?"
"Stanford School of Medicine."
I nodded.
"I guess we came from the same roots." I said, smiling.
"So, at what part of Korea are you from?" I asked
"Cheongdam-dong. How about you, from what part of the US are you from?" He asked
"Southampton." I said
"How old are you?" He said
"25. You?"
"Not bad, bro."
"Uh, Ara, I don't think I do well with dates." He said
I frowned.
"Okay, you're breaking up with me now? I'm being rejected what, one hour in the date?" I said
He shook his head.
"The night is young and I don't really do good in this talking thing. To be fair, we both know that we're good for each other, it not right. I like you, a lot baby. Ending our first relationship was a good decision, because we'd finally get, I don't know, a certain kind of realness or something. I really like you, to the point that I'd actually want to move in with you." He said
I bit my lip.
I think the people around us think that we're crazy. I mean, they think that this is our first date and Lucas is already talking about moving in together. What they don't know is that, we are already living with each other and we already know each other, we even spent the holidays together.
"Okay, I'll move in with you. It's not like we're talking about marriage here." I said
"Yeah no, I don't think I can survive marriage with you. You're weird." He said
"But you want to move in with me?"
"Just to test if I could stand your craziness."
"I can get a bit crazy. I mean, you are plucking me out of Southampton."
"Oh, then I have to apologise in advance that my apartment is probably just as big as your shoe closet."
And then my phone rang. AH-fucking-1.
"Excuse me, can I take this?" I said
Lucas frowned.
"Sure." He said 
"Thank you." I said
Since this is my father calling, and he rarely calls me especially on personal matters, this must be a business matter, and I have to answer it in private, and the only place I could think of is my car.
"You have reached Ara Hayden." I answered
"Are you back in the US?" He said
"Just got back, why?" I said
"Come to HI at 9 in the morning. I'd be expecting you." He said
"What is this about?" I said
"Not a minute late." He said, hanging up.
I went back to Lucas.
"Hey." He said
"Sorry about that. Where were we?" I said
He shrugged.
"Okay, uh, do you wanna have dessert?" He said
"Like the actual food or are you gonna-"
He rolled his eyes.
"The actual food."
"Not here."
"I'm craving for something."
Lucas settled the bill and we went on our way.
"What are you craving for?"
"Love Potion #31."
He frowned.
"Baskin Robbins?" He said
I nodded.
"Yeah, I'll pay to thank you for dinner." I said
"Well, you did kinda ask me out." He said, entering the car.
"Excuse you, all you did was pay for it and all-"
"Yeah, that's why you just asked me out, I didn't ask you."
"But here you are asking me to move in with you."
"Technically, you're the one who also asked? I mean, you responded to my ad-"
"Your ad, you posted that ad because you wanted a roommate. Which means, you kinda asked around for anyone to move in with you."
We didn't go to Baskin Robbins, we ended up buying ice cream in a 7-Eleven. And then we went home.
"Do you have work tomorrow?" I asked him.
"Yeah, it's a daily thing." He said as he got some spoons in the kitchen.
"I have a meeting with my dad tomorrow." I said
"Oh, what about?" He handed me a spoon.
"Honestly? I have no idea. He made a huge fuss though when he learned that you and I are dating." I said as I ate ice cream.
"What, he doesn't approve of me?"
"No, well, I don't really know. I don't think he disapproves of you, he just doesn't like the company that you're affiliated to." I said
He frowned.
"He doesn't like Metro?" He said
"No! S&C."
"Ah. I'm not affiliated to S&C."
"You might not be working there but for like, a few years you were the heir of that company."
"Yeah, well Jae Kyung and Ji Hyun are on the process of making their heir."
"You're not bitter about it?"
"What's there to be bitter about? Opening up people's heads are much more exciting compared to closing books."
"You're not their accountant."
"But I'd also be reviewing books and the books that I have read in medical school are enough."
"I would ask you something cheesy like what would you have done if you weren't a neurosurgeon or a doctor, but then I kinda know already the answer to that."
"That I'd be the president of S&C? No, well that's half of it. But I think, nah, I'll be the unhappy president of S&C, but I'll be efficient. Taking the company worldwide and maybe even in space."
"How about you, if you weren't uh, the next in line for the presidency of your father's company?"
I chewed on my lip.
"Honestly? I'd be spending money so much that I'd actually would just end up being home. I'd be travelling so much that a trip from the US to say, London is just like driving around New York or something."
"American socialite."
"I wouldn't have to worry about anything because, my brother would be the next CEO, and I'd just be myself and wait for I don't know, my father arrange a merger with another company that might end up with me marrying a son or something."
"That would happen to me too, do you actually think Jae Kyung likes Ji Hyun?"
"They look pretty affectionate towards each other, I can see it-"
"Ara, we're affectionate towards each other-"
"What they're showing at the wedding and with us is that they're inseparable. They love each other, but it's all-"
"Just business. A merger."
He nodded.
"Ji Hyun left me for Jae Kyung."
I almost choked on my ice cream .
"What the fuck!?"
"Okay, you know how I was supposed to be S&C's uh, heir or whatever."
I nodded.
"Ji Hyun and I were arranged for a while, a year to be exact. But then I told my father that I wanted to be a doctor and then now she's married to Jae Kyung."
"It must be hard to watch her get married to your brother."
"I think we grew fond of each other, we liked each other for a time being, oh no. I think I liked her for a time being, I don't know if she reciprocated, ever. "
"Well, you're very likeable."
"Thank you."
"So, if ever S&C and HI would have a merger, I'd gladly marry you."
"I won't be glad to marry you. You're crazy."
"I think you're the crazy one, you might end up marrying me just for money."
"Or the Maserati."
"I'll even give you a Porsche." I smiled
"Okay, just give me a Rolex so that I know that you're proposing to me. I'll say yes."

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