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"Welcome to Seoul." Jin Shil, someone from the magazine greeted us. We were in the hotel's cafe, meeting with them because apparently tomorrow, we are gonna have our pre-nup photos taken.
"Thank you very much." I said as I shook her hand.
And then she and Lucas spoke to each other briefly in Korean, then we sat down.
"Congratulations to your upcoming wedding." She said
"Ah yes, we were kinda surprised that your magazine wanted us." Lucas said
Jin Shil smiled and replied, "Yes, believe it or not, you guys are quite big here in Korea."
"Can you tell us why? Because we can't really wrap our head around this." I said
"Hayden Industries and S&C are these big rivaling companies that basically own what, half the world?-"
Duh, I know that.
"-and these went on for generations and generations. It is known, right? There were even times that Seos and Haydens can't stand being in the same room together that was when-"
"Auntie Ha Won's husband had an affair with a distant Hayden." Lucas continued.
"Oh my god, that happened? Which Hayden?" I said
"It was a rumor though. Never been proven. But, she was the first one to ever talk to a Hayden, outside business."
I frowned, I have no idea about this stuff.
"Now, you two are getting married and it's kinda breaking the cycle and proving that love basically, conquers all." She said
I just nodded.
"So, what would be happening tomorrow?" I asked
"We will have the pre-nuptial photos taken tomorrow, it would be around some famous landmarks and tourist spots in Korea. I understand that you have brought your own driver?" She said
"Yes, would that be a problem?" I said
"No, but we do have to leave at around 5-6am tomorrow to start off at Gyeongbokgyung Palace." She said
When we got back at our room, I decided to run a warm bath.
"Wanna join me?" I said
"What?" Lucas said, he was in the closet area, and I was in the bathroom, so I followed him.
"I'm so tired, I wanted to basically boil my muscles into soup. Would you like to join me?" I said
"You haven't eaten anything yet today."
"I have. I had that berry danish at the café a while ago."
"That's not food. Why are you not eating?"
I sighed and went to look for the bath bomb I had in my bag.
"Are you gonna join me or not?"
"Will you promise me you'll eat something after?"
I raised my eyebrows.
And then he crossed his arms.
"Uh-huh, no. Hah! You know I don't like you doing that." He said
I smiled, "And yet again, you sir, are a dying breed."
He rolled his eyes.
"I'm getting something outside to eat."
"What abou-"
"I'll buy something and then join you. I'm pretty sure you're gonna sleep on me the moment you finish sitting in your own wet dirt."
Lucas left shortly after that and went on to my bath. I am just exhausted from the trip, and it was a good thing that this is a pretty warm bath, I'm really feeling that my muscles are starting to relax. My muscles are relaxing, I'm not.
I am fucking getting married in a few days, and well, I can't get my head wrapped around it.
I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes, Lucas was staring at me at the end of the tub. 
I frowned as I looked at him, he really was in the bath with me. And he was just staring at me as if I had turned into a madwoman.
"Are you done staring at me?" He said
I blinked.
"You're back? I just closed my eyes for a minute." I said
"Love, I've been out for 45 minutes. When I got back, you fell asleep, you didn't even notice that I went in." He said
"The water is still warm." I said
"This is a high end tub. I kinda want this in our house. Not only that it can fit the two of us, quite comfortably, might I add, but it has it's own built in heater and warmer." He said, getting all excited.
"Well, if we had this in our home, which by the way we should start looking for, we would spend most nights here-"
"What's wrong with that?"
"First, babe, conserve water. Second, conserve energy. Third, we'd both get pruny and lastly, water sex?"
"Yeah, there are tons of bacteria found in both the tub and the water."
And then he was just looking at me.
"Are you okay?" He asked me.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"You're not getting cold feet, are you?" He asked, but then I moved to him, and rested my back on his chest.
"No, no. I'm just-" I started but then he kissed the top of my head.
"Scared?" He continued.
I sighed.
"You too?" I said
"Yes, but before you fish it out of me, you go first."
"Okay, I'm not scared about the ceremony, I can go through with that easily, no hesitations. I'm not gonna stutter when I say 'I do', I'm not even gonna take unsure steps down the aisle, I know you will be there at the end of it, waiting. I'm excited about the preparations and the idea that people actually want to see us get married. But-" I stopped.
"I'm 26, for most of my life, I've lived on my own, I may have lived in my parents' house, using their money for most of my life, but I was on my own. What we are going into, is a huge step away from being boyfriend and girlfriend, sure, we lived together first, then became friends and then became fake boyfriend-girlfriend then we decided to make it real, had sex and then broke up and then got back together again, got engaged and barely a few weeks after that, we're getting married. I'm gonna be your wife and you're gonna be my husband, for most of my life, I was and still am an achiever, what if I fail in this? There's no out or fucking resignation, although I am not a quitter, and we won't result to divorce, but what if I let you down? What if-" and then I was cut off when he kissed my cheek.
"Basically my problem also, I can't promise you that I'll be the best husband in the world, I'm pretty sure that I'll have my share of shortcomings and you'll have yours. But that's what makes us, us, we're not perfect and to be honest, getting past that, that's what would make our relationship stronger."
I breathed.
"I can't promise you that I'll be a perfect wife. I am a short fuse waiting to be lighted and I have to admit, I have no idea how to be a home maker."
"That's what actually makes this a good thing for both of us because we'd be going through this without any idea."
"And that we're actually both firsts."
"Yeah, trial ground." I smiled.
"Can we have that two year adjustment period first? You know, before having kids?" I said
"Two years?"
"Yes, we still have two years for career advancement and to adjust to this life. Money isn't a problem for both of us, it's just that I don't think I am ready to have kids yet."
"Actually, same here. Two years."
"I don't think being chief of neurosurgery would be easy at the same time being a member of the board." I said
"I think people are probably gonna say that you got the board seat because you married me and that it could probably also be a basis to hinder your promotion." I said
"Babe, sure it's a goal but that would limit my OR hours and I love being in it."
"You say that now-"
"I am open for opportunities and we are not exactly having a job interview, naked and in a warm bath and in the best hotel in Seoul." He said
"People might say that you slept your way to the top."
He hissed as he kissed the back of my neck.
"Really? Water sex?" I said
He breathed.
"As much as I want to, we are getting married soon." He said
"Waiting would make it more better, right?" He said
I gasped, "Well, well, Dr. Seo. I guess, you'll have to wait until the night of the 16th." I said as I stood up and headed for the showers.
"Hey, you are marrying a man of willpower. You just introduced me to the wonders of sex and where could it take me."
"Fucking heaven babe." I said
Exactly when I stepped out of the shower, my phone rang and well, it was my mother calling.
"Mom?" I said
"Oh! Good! Are you already in Seoul?"
"Yeah, I just finished-"
"Good, I'd be flying out in a day or two. I'm so excited."
"You're flying out?"
"Yeah, where are you staying?"
"Four-Mom, you're really flying out?"
"Why wouldn't I be? You're getting married, for godsakes! I might not be there for the past milestones of your life but I'm gonna be there when you get married." She said
"What hotel?"
"Uh, Four Seasons."
"Great, I'll have Kathy get us a room."
"Who's Kathy?"
"Your secretary."
"You mean Kate?"
"I call her Kathy. Anyway, see you soon." She said and then hung up.
I called up Kate after that.
"Miss Hayden?" She said
"Katherine, is my mother contacting you?"
"Oh, funny you mentioned that. Yes, she's been calling me Kathy. Anyway, I was about to contact you and say that she's asking me to book up the jet for her to fly there in Seoul. And to book a room for Four Seasons."
"That's just..."
"Great?" She said
"I think I kinda need you here." I said
"What?" She said, basically shouting at me.
"Well, if my mother is flying over here, might as well hitch the ride. Plus, think of it as a vacation."
"Ara, no, Miss Hayden, no, you don't have a junior assistant. The office would be left alone and-"
"You're paid to be in Korea. Most people like that."
"You'll just be managing the schedule. It's pretty light."
She probably covered the mic of her phone but I still heard her groan anyway.
"I'll fly in with your mother in two days."
"Then I'll see you in two." I said as I hung up.
"What's going on?" Lucas said, as he went out from the bathroom.
"My mother is flying in in two days." I said
"Two days? Okay. So, tomorrow we have the shoot at Gyeongbokgyung Palace in the morning. At 6pm we have to head at my parents' house and have dinner." I frowned.
"They want to see me?" I said
"Us, but yeah, uh-"
"Don't get me wrong, I like your mom-"
"Oh my god, we have the same situation."
"Your dad doesn't like me."
"Your dad doesn't like me either."
"He likes you-"
"No, he'd like me if I was Korean and any family as long as it's not Hayden."
"And same with your father." He said as he fixed the bed.
"Yeah, he never really liked me anyway." I said
"Well, as much as I wanted to be the filial son and son in law, we don't get to spend the rest of our lives with them, at most, a few Christmases, Thanksgiving, probably a handful of birthdays, what's important to me is us and that we both adore each other." He said as he hugged me.
"Right on, Dr. Seo."

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