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"Hello?" Will decided to call me, good thing that Lucas is already inside his room, with the door closed. But he forgot to unlock the room so I just stayed in the living room.
"Hey, how are you?" He asked
"I'm fine, how about you? Where are you?"
"We're okay actually. Uh, I have a lot to thank you for." He said
"What, no! No need." I said
"Yeah, really. It was good thinking that you told us to buy a place while we still can."
"Oh, you guys are there, that's good."
"Ara, I hope I didn't cause you much trouble with your father." He said
I really haven't talked to him, so I don't know if Will caused me any trouble but it is a good thing that I wasn't the one who ran away, good thing Lucas was slow enough to stand up and speak up. At least it is a good thing for me.
"I hope you didn't cause much trouble when it comes to your father, though! Have you gotten the chance to talk to him?" I said
"Uh, no. This is the first time that I turned on my phone actually. And notifications went blowing up, I immediately regretted turning it back on or even just turning it off." He said
"I'm not home actually." I said
"Oh! Are you with him?" He said
"Yeah, I'm with Lucas but he's already asleep."
"I guess you're with a doctor now-"
"No, a neurosurgeon actually."
"Uh, hey Ara?" William said
"What?" I replied.
"I think I haven't thanked you enough for letting me go. It really means a lot to me and Paul." He said
"It's no problem, Will. Trust me, I'm glad that I got to be of use for you two."
"Actually, I'm really sorry for not marrying you today. It would just mean that your father would push some guy on your case again."
Yeah, that is another problem.
"Don't worry about that. I'll deal with that on my own." I said
We kept on talking for quite some time about how the people that attended our wedding reacted to his little act. He was laughing so hard because he really didn't think anybody would care, and I told him that they cared too much that they forgot about the bride that was left standing on the altar. It was funny actually, I really didn't want the attention anyway.
Paul talked to me little after that, and he kept on thanking and thanking me that I really pulled off our plan and even I made the plan so, I just said that no thanks were needed.
I looked at Lucas' closed door after the phone call. I really found some sense of home in him, like after a long day at work when I see him it's as if all of it just fades away. Hell, even this long life that I have been living. When Art died, I really thought that I'd be alone in the world, I wouldn't be happy any more but then this guy comes along and maybe I'm thinking way ahead of myself, but I really felt something in me stir. I think, I really like this guy. Part of me wanted to just let him carry me inside his room a while ago, but I just didn't think it was the right time. Part of me wants to be sleeping right now next to him, trying to match my breathing with his or even just watch him breathe. Technically, it's not the right time for me to even be seen with a guy, since I was just to be married a few hours ago. But I really want to be with this guy but I guess I just have to wait. For some reason, I kinda feel that this guy is too much for me, in the sense that I really don't deserve him.
I woke up with Lucas sleeping on the floor. Well, he was sat on the floor, but his head was resting on the seat of the couch.
I ran my hand through his hair.
"Wake up." I whispered as I kept on touching his hair.
I looked at his face. He's got this frownlines on his forehead probably from studying too much or I don't know but he doesn't look like thirty though.
"Lucas." I said
"What do you want to do today?" He said as he opened his eyes.
"Good morning. Why did you sleep on the floor?" I said
"I couldn't bear the idea that I'm supposed to sleep soundly on my bed while you sleep on the couch."
"Your back must be killing you-" I started to sit up but he just placed his hand on my leg.
"No, no. It's okay. What do you want to do today?" He said
"You have work today."
"I wanna be with you."
"I can't be seen outside though."
"We can stay in. I needed rest anyway." He said as he stood up.
"Stay in? Really? That's how you want this to be?"
"What to be? Our first date? I don't really know how this would go because I already know you and we can just spend time with each other so-"
"Or we can just do this-" I said as I faced him.
"Do what?" He said as he leaned in and I leaned in too.
"Not now, we just woke up." I said, pulling away.
"What? Seriously?!" He said
"Hey, it's weird. We haven't even had water yet. I fear that I might smell or even taste bad-"
"I've kissed you drunk-"
"Under the influence, I wasn't drunk."
"Okay, I'm making you my girlfriend."
"I'm still fresh from the altar, I can't move on right away."
"You can and you know it."
He went on and made breakfast, which I think was a Korean style breakfast or something.
"Do you eat rice?" He asked
"Uh, not that much. I only had it in Asia." I said
He blinked as if I said all Asians look a like or something. They don't okay?
"Okay, so you're going to eat rice today. This is called bibim-"
"I think I have had this before. Bibimbap, right?"
He smiled as if I just started speaking in Korean.
"Dude, we ate this in Seoul!" I said as I started mixing.
"Oh, right! We should make travelling our thing."
"We don't have a thing. We aren't even a thing."
"We'll be a thing don't worry."
"I'll think about it."
"What do you want to do today?"
I shrugged.
"Honestly, I just want to be with you."
"What, you're serious?"
"Yeah, you know how like I have all of these people and money around but you don't have that one person who you feel that you can confide with?"
"I don't have a lot of people and money though-"
"You used to, and you're still the eldest son of the Seo family. I'm pretty sure you're still entitled to something."
"The surname. You still have that."
"I can change it to Hayden."
"You'd be one of those guys huh?"
"We'll think about it when we get there okay? I think you're thinking too advanced, we haven't even figured out what we want to do today." I said
We didn't figure out what we wanted to do today, in fact we just ended up watching a few teen rom-coms on Netflix. I guess that's figuring it out too.
"Wait, don't you have work today?" I asked
"No. I took a sick day in. I'm more of sick of them." He said
I left his place at around 9pm. I didn't want to go and he didn't want me to go but I had to because we're not a thing yet and I fear that if I stayed longer I might kiss him and make out with him. I really wanted to do that the whole day.
Lucas didn't communicate to me that much after that, other than occasional check ins, and I understand it because he's a busy bee and we are not a thing. I text him sometimes and ask how he is but I think I have matured enough not to expect a reply.
So, I went to the mall and shopped some stuff for my flat.
"Ara, where are you?" Mom said
"Shopping, why?"
"Go home now. We need to talk."
"No, uh, I'm still shopping stuff for the flat and-"
"Your dad wants to talk to you."
"What, he's gonna marry me off somewhere again?"
My mother hung up after that remark, which means it's either she didn't like talking to me or she just agreed to what I just said.
Should I go to Lucas first and propose to him for the second time? I might look too desperate to marry him, I mean I would love to marry him someday but I don't feel the circumstances.
When I got to Southampton, Lily was waiting for me in the foyer.
"You're here why?" I said
"Your mother and your father are waiting for you in his study." She said
True enough, they were waiting in the study.
"Oh, good! You're here." Mom said
"You asked me to be here, even though it interrupted my shopping."
"What are you doing tomorrow?" Dad asked
I frowned, obviously confused because I think he wants to have a father-daughter day or something?
"Nothing really."
"Good, then you can start tomorrow." He said
"Start what?"
He handed me a folder with Hayden Industries insignia on it.
"You weren't really made for that director job." He said
Oh god, is he offering me a job? But not as a director? As what, a secretary? I guess, a job is a job.
I opened the folder and scanned through it.
Vice President
"I don-"
"You still went through with the wedding even though you didn't want to and it ended unfortunately-"
I blinked.
"I start tomorrow?"
"Yes, and your first official business is to attend a board meeting tomorrow." He said
I nodded.
"Seal that deal, Ara. This is your last chance."

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