Twenty Nine

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"Miss Hayden?" Katherine said as we were driving to the hotel.
I am in Shanghai and well, it took me my everything to even leave Lucas' bed.
"Yeah?" I said as I was viewing my schedules for the whole trip.
"We'd be staying in the Ritz-Carlton and-"
"Were you able to get me a suite?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Good, and is my room near yours?"
"Very much, ma'am."
"What about your schedule? I'm assuming you're not just tagging along with me during the whole week." I said
"Have you been to Shanghai before?"
"Well, you should at least see them at night. And have time for yourself."
"Really?" She said
"Yeah, uh, go around. You too, Charles." I said
"Miss Hayden-"
"No one is gonna kill me, I'm not a princess. And, there would be other businessmen with me on the floor, I think." I said
There is this summit for businesses and well, people and people of businesses, mainly presidents, vice presidents and directors are coming. My father is supposed to attend, I think he's flying in later or whatever, but one thing is for sure, I am attending. In a way, we have a representative for Hayden Industries.
"Please find time to see Shanghai. It's a nice city, plus events will start tomorrow so, take the rest of the day off." I said
"Really?" Kate said, trying her best to hide her enthusiasm.
"Yes, hell, go to Shanghai Disneyland or something. Just go. After we all check in." I said
My iMessage dinged, and well, it's my new boyfriend, Dr. Seo Lee Kyung.

Dr. Seo Lee Kyung: I trust your private pilot that you have arrived in Shanghai well.
I smiled, after about a century, I finally have a boyfriend again.
Ara Hayden: Yeah, we're driving to Ritz already. How about you? Gala preparations?
DSLK: I ordered a suit from Italy just to show it off to you and there you are in Shanghai.
AH: SEO-rry Lee Kyung.
DSLK: Punny. Watch out for Jae though, he might be there. I assume you're attending the summit?
AH: Yeah, I am attending the summit. And I have no idea who's attending
DSLK: What's the summit about anyway?
AH: It's basically just bragging how big and how much is your company worth.
DSLK: I miss you.
AH: Lol.
DSLK: Seriously. They're talking about the grants here.
AH: Did you at least get one?
DSLK: No, I don't think they have been e-mailing anybody yet.
AH: Good luck, love.
DSLK: Thanks. Cutting up brains is not exactly cheap.
AH: I'd grant you that fund but you wouldn't let me.
DSLK: Not asking for my rich girlfriend to give me money.
AH: Then ask for funds in S&C.
DSLK: Doubt they'd grant me that.
AH: Ask for Jae's help. :)

Charles and Katherine went around Shanghai as soon as we checked in. Well, I think they went around. I just stayed in my room and enjoyed the bed. It was a long flight and I just wanted to sleep. It was two in the afternoon, mind you. But then, as soon as I sat down the bed, my father called.
"Hello?" I said
"Have you arrived in Shanghai?"
"Yes, I was just on my way to shower-"
"Good, we are going to have dinner?"
"Dad, it's just 2 in the afternoon-"
"Yes, be ready by 5." And then he hung up.
I don't want to go! I'm tired and my back hurts and I just want to run a warm bath and drink wine.
Just to be sure that I didn't run away or even drank three tablets of sleeping pills, my father personally went knocking on my door at freaking 4:45 in the afternoon.
Fucking fifteen minutes early.
"It's 4:45!" I said as I opened the door.
"Yes, and you're still not ready."
"Duh! You told me to be ready at five. I am still finishing up some stuff. Again, you're in a hurry!" I said
"Don't make money wait."
I rolled my eyes.
"Fine.  I'll just get my watch." I said as I grabbed my Rolex.
"You're still using that?" He said as I went out the room.
"Yes, it still serves it's purpose."
"But I thought you collect?" He said
"I'm guessing you did not fetch me fifteen minutes early just to ask me about my watch collection." I said
It turns out, we were a little bit late to the dinner. And as per usual, I am the youngest and the only girl in the table. And the place reeked of cigars, but then a familiar face was on the table with us too.
"Ara!" Jae Kyung stood up and approached me before I took my seat.
"Jae Kyung!" I said as he reached in to hug me and I hugged him back.
"You don't know how happy I am to see you." He whispered
"And to think I was gonna suffer through a dinner with men twice my age." I whispered back.
He pulled back.
"Shall we go get a drink?" He said
"Ara-" I heard my father say.
"I will join you men shortly." I said as Jae Kyung and I walked away.
"How have you been?!" I said
"Not here in the dining area." He said as we walked away from the hotel restaurant and went to the elevators.
"What's going on?" I said
"You want to join them for dinner?" He said
"Can you just join me?"
"As long as it's okay with Ji Hyun and I'm not in tomorrow's headlines that I am being accused of having an affair."
"You're dating my brother and my wife is pregnant. Technically, you're a step away from being my sister in law."
"Okay, fine-"
"And I am in a mood for steak and I am sure as hell I won't be able to eat there with all the business and money talks." He said
"You look stressed."
"Well, thank you for noticing. I wasn't trying to hide it."
"What's going on?"
"A lot really." He said as we reached the 57th floor.
"Oh, we live in the same floor."
"Really? Then we can have a lot of sessions to talk to each other." He said
"Right, wh-"
And suddenly he was on his phone, speaking in Korean. I gotta take Korean lessons, I mean, it would be beneficial because HI can venture in Korea and I get more points with my Korean boyfriend.
"I am in crisis." He said
"Oh, you're back in English. What's up?"
"Can you drink wine?"
"I just ordered a bottle of their best red and steaks."
"What's up?"
"Ji Hyun and I are having a daughter." He said
"Oh my god! That's amazing." I said as I hugged him.
"Not amazing, I am having a girl."
"Yeah, so?"
"I don't think you understand me, Lee Kyung and I are born of traditional Korean family. And some of our practices are Chinese, and well, in a way-"
"You guys still value sons over daughters?" I said
"Yeah, well, my father does. And his father does and the company does."
I frowned.
"I'm still on hot water because I am the second son and here I am, having a girl Seo for a child."
"And that's not it, there is a living clause in the will or something that clearly states that the future chairmen and owners of S&C should be males."
"Oh, shit. Can't you contest it or something?"
"It has been contested before and that Seo, was basically erased from history. That grandfather or whatever of mine is up to now, being called that Seo, but in Korean." He said
"I can see why you're in hell right now."
"Yeah. It really helps that you're here because I think I might lose my chairmanship within the week."
"What? Because of this? Jae Kyung, having a child doesn't make you incapable of running a company."
"It does when you-"
"Nothing's gonna happen. You worry too much-"
"Lee Kyung and eomma already know that I'm having a daughter. Eomma is beyond overjoyed that she's finally having a granddaughter. She's already looking at the Hermés catalogue and don't even mention the Gucci."
"Oh fuck."
"Yeah, she's doing it in secret. Abonim can never know."
"I should check out some Gucci stuff now, huh?"
"I mean, I'd be meeting that kid some day hopefully and-"
"Ee-mo Ara is giving Gucci?"
"If you can't see support from your father, then Lucas and I, well, I don't know what's his stand about this but I will support you on this."
"She is still your child. She is still Seo."
Room service came and boy did I immediately crave steaks.
"Let's eat." He said
"Do you wanna call Lucas?" I said
"I'll FaceTime him."
And then I grabbed my phone and called Lucas.
"No, uh, can we jus-" he said as he pressed the lock button.
"Oh, it's just you and me?"
"You're my future sister in law okay?"
"Lucas is not proposing. Otherwise, I'd know." If he still remembers the Rolex thing, then I'd know when he's gonna propose.
"I just know it okay. Lee Kyung's predictable and he loves you a lot so, if he proposes, say yes and please bear him a son."
I laughed as I watched him cut through steak.
"Are you here as the brother of my boyfriend or are you here as my company rival?" I asked
"Ara, I would never approach you and bring you to my room as S&C. Never, I am here as the brother of your boyfriend."
I nodded.
"How about you? Ara Hayden or HI?"
"Just Ara. The one you met in New York."
"Good. Eat up."
I smiled.
"I'm paying for my steak at least." I said
"Fine, but the wine is on me."
I nodded.
"Well, probably on Lee Kyung. I can charge him."
"It's a long week, Jae. If we charge everything to Lucas then we'd probably have nothing when we get married."
"Please marry him."
"I'll try. When he proposes." I said as I cut my steak.
"We should sit together during the summit." He said
"Why, you'd get scared that you'd get bored?" I said
"It hasn't even started yet and I am bored."
I smiled.
"It's really a good thing that you and I have met before." I said
"Yeah, just please when Lee Kyung proposes to you, consider it. I really love you and you're cool."
Seriously, this guy is pressuring me and Lucas to get married. We haven't even been officially official for a week.
"Chill, bro." I said as I drank wine.

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