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As soon as Lucas left, my mother went in my room to see me.
"Ara?" She said
"Mom, hi." I said
"Was that him?"
"The man you love."
I frowned.
"Mom, I don't love him."
"Maybe you don't but he does."
I rolled my eyes.
"He's just the man I'd rather be with than Will."
"Will doesn't want to be with you."
"Is it that obvious? With him running away from our wedding with the wedding planner?"
I smiled.
"Will's nice." I said as I dampened my cotton pad with some make up remover.
"But you two just didn't work out?" Mom said, sitting down on my bed.
I laughed.
"We were bound to fail, Mom. From the very start, we knew we wouldn't work out."
"Well, your dad thinks-"
"He thinks of a lot of things. And thinking about me is never one of them."
I looked at my mother, I've been in this house for a month and she has been exhibiting motherly affections toward me. This has never happened before, it's either she needs something from me because her marriage is falling apart or she's dying.
"Mom, I'm gonna go out and have a breather. I just really don't want to be with any one right now." I said, without even going through my make up session.
"Ara-" before she even finished that sentence, I already walked out of my room.
My mother is a lot of things, and I know in my heart that she is a user. She clings on the person she'll have the most benefit on. And now, after her European trip, it's me. It's either she's already have maxed out her credit cards or my father froze her accounts. Or she needs something in my closet, good thing it's always locked with a key and a passcode. Not to discriminate and all but we have been stolen from before and the thief decided to go to my bag collection and stole a limited edition Hérmes handbag that's worth a lot of dollars. And I have been suspecting my mother ever since, because I was first in line then her, and stocks ran out or something when it came to her.
I decided to drive to the beach and just breathe.
I'm not even panicking that my wedding got cancelled, since you know, it was planned all along. I'm feeling torn between liking and loving Lucas, I mean he's such a great guy and we have been going back and forth with this relationship thing and honestly, we have no idea what to do.
I decided to call him because technically, he's the only friend I got.
"Are you busy?" I said
"Well, I'm just driving back to the hospital, I just left your place." He said
"Am I like, connected to your car's Bluetooth thing?" I said
"Yeah, I'm an advocate of not actually holding phones while driving. It's a hassle for a neurosurgeon. Do you know how many people require brain surgery just because they decide to use their phones while on a speedway?" He said
I smiled, I kinda like it when he talks neurosurgeon facts, it's seems to me that it is his passion.
"No, how many?"
"A lot. Although, it's a boost for business in the hospital and my pay would be higher, it's not really good because I have to stand for a few hours."
I laughed.
"Why did you call?" He said
I sighed.
"Believe it or not, you're the only friend I've got." I said
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah. And you leaving me today makes me want to drive to you."
"Well, if you actually want to do that, I'm not stopping you. It's just that I have to see this patient and it may need a lot of time."
"Do you know that the place I live in is big and it has a lot of people in it, but at the same time I feel so alone?"
"Believe it or not, I know what you feel."
"I know you do. And that's why I'm talking to you now, because I feel that we have this connection and plus, you're driving and in need of someone to talk to."
He sighed.
"You're making me want to turn this car around." He said
"Why do you need to go back to the hospital in the first place?"
"Ah, despite the fact that I filed for a day off, doctors don't really have that. I performed an exploratory craniotomy on a patient a few days back and it took him a while to wake up. And now, he decides to wake up."
"Oh. What's the brain like?"
"Well, it's wonderful and amazing. When you see it face to face, like the actual mushy stuff, it makes you wonder how the hell does it control the whole body. Sure, textbooks say that it's the neural connection and the certain parts of the brain control certain parts of the body. But, I think science is not the only thing that is responsible for it. I believe in the Creator."
"You believe in God?"
"Yup. The wonders and the works of the brain made me."
I smiled.
"Hey, I don't know what time I'd be able to finish but will you go out with me sometime?"
"Well, when you're in town. Driving to your place is quite long."
"Unless I move back with you."
"Wait, you're just fine with me moving back in?"
"Yeah, I wasn't fine when you moved out."
"You don't wanna go through the dating stage? Just move back in?"
"Either that or you buy an apartment near me."
"I forgot that you are reeking of money."
"Takes one to know one."
"I'm not."
I sighed.
"Then I should go apartment shopping."
"But will you be willing to go out on a date with me?"
"Date, dates. Whatever."
"So, that's a yes?"
"Duh. But I have to buy an apartment first."
"Yeah, so that it would be easier for me. But, I don't think there's a point to buy an apartment when you'd be moving in with me after six dates or something."
"Wow. I like your confidence."
"Well, I like you."
I laughed.
"I needed a good laugh."
"What's wrong? Other than the fact that your wedding got cancelled today."
"Well, I just think that I need a good friend."
"You have me."
"I'm at the beach."
"You're what?"
"I'm at Cooper's Beach. Sitting down near the shoreline, in my jeans."
"You needed space?"
"Yeah. That house is driving me nuts."
"Going to that house drove me nuts."
"You're not used to driving long huh?"
"Not anymore. No."
I smiled.
"Well, thank you for the effort."
"I went there to see a wedding and I didn't. Boo."
"Sorry to disappoint."
Lucas hung up a few moments after that, said that he already was in the hospital and he needed to work. And I have been literally staring at the edge of the water for quite some time now. And I've been thinking that I don't want to go back to the house but then I am currently unemployed right now and at some point my money is gonna run out. But, I can find a job at some point, I'm overqualified I think. I'm just too full of myself.
When I got home, the remnants of what today was supposed to be was almost gone. Just a few more metal works and sound systems and lights and oh, the catering.
"Miss Hayden?" Gina, the main caterer approached me.
"Yes?" I said
"Sorry about today." 
"It's not your fault, you didn't run off with my fiancé."
"Right. Well, I felt that it was gonna happen, I mean the way they looked at each other-"
"You're surprised that I didn't even see it, huh?"
She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something but she ended up not doing it anyway.
"It's okay. The guy he run off with is the best wedding planner in New York, as long as he doesn't run off with other grooms in here, he's gonna do fine."
I walked in to the back of the house, and my mother was in the kitchen area drinking wine, which I think was supposed to be served in the wedding.
"Oh." I said
"Where have you been?" She said
"Mom, this is the longest that you've been home since Art died and you're already acting like a present mother." I said, pouring myself a glass of wine.
She acted like she didn't even hear what I just said.
"Okay, I know that-"
"Mom, I need an apartment." I said
"I want to try and live on my own for a while."
"Ara, I think technically you are living on your own. I'm rarely here and so is your father."
"Mom, you know what I mean."
"Maybe you just want to live near your boyfriend."
"Lucas is not my boyfriend, Mother. We are so far away from that."
"Then why?"
"I just want a place where I can call it my own."
"While living with your father's money?"
"Basically. He doesn't need all of it."
"Well, it's time that I show you something."
"What the fuck, are we broke?"

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