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You are cordially invited to witness the union of Mr. William Paxton and Miss Ara Hayden.
I stared and stared at the invitation. I traced my thumb along her name, and how it shouldn't be along side that William Paxton's name.
I think it should suit well along side with my name.
What if the invitation read was-
God, did I make the right decision of saying no to her? I don't really think I can really take the fact that she'll be walking down the aisle later, wearing white, with that logistics guy waiting at the end.
One month ago, we were there in her suite in the Ritz, having wine when I said no to her proposal. She gave me a Rolex and up to now, it's still on the dining table where she left it five weeks ago.
But now, her room in my apartment is empty, she didn't even come to collect it, her people came and got her things. Even her cute coffee mug, and hell even her set of plates and spoon and fork. Her people came and it was it's as if she was never there.
After I left the suite, I really never saw her again.
And my father was overjoyed to hear that Ara and I broke up because he just heard the news that she was getting married to that Will guy.
But Jae Kyung and Mom are not.
I think it's unfair that I said no to her and now I'm regretting that decision. I mean, she did give me a choice and I'm thinking that I chose the wrong side.
But then Ara was kind enough to invite me to this union, it's not even supposed to be called a wedding, it's a merger and they're doing it the old way. They don't even look good together. They look a lot like each other that they could pass as brother and sister not husband and wife. They don't have diversity, for sure if they have children, they'd look exactly like them and eventually they'd look like siblings. When the both of them reach good sixty, then they'll just look like parents.
What about naturally blonde Korean-Americans? I'd say what about leggy Korean-Americans, but there are Koreans that are unnecessarily tall. Beanpoles.
I looked at the thing that Ara left on the dining area five weeks ago, the Rolex. I'm kinda contemplating on wearing it to her wedding or not, because I'm still stuck on the idea that I'm supposed to wear it on our wedding day. One date with her and one international trip and I'm thinking this way.
I shook my head. I got it bad for her.
Duh, I like her from the very start. And now I'm getting ready to attend her wedding, in which I know that there isn't a real connection between them. The connection being love, they don't have it. Unless, Ara develops or maybe the guy does.
So, with that, I decided not to wear the watch. And I will not ever wear it nor open it because the person that gave it to me intended for me to wear it on our special day because she is that special someone, I feel like betraying her if I wore it today.
Plus, I already have a Rolex, my mother gave it to me before I left Korea for the first time, before I set out for college. I couldn't wear it in college at the risk of losing it and maybe getting into a party and having someone steal it while I'm drunk or I might give it to someone because I'm drunk. So, I might wear that.
I called my mom as I drove away from the apartment.
"Mom?" I said
"Oh, Lee Kyung, how are you?"
"She's getting married today."
"Oh, I'm so sorry."
"And Dad's making me attend."
"Are you gonna attend?"
"I'm actually on my way now."
"What are you gonna bring?"
"My regret."
It's my first time going to Southampton and I have no idea what Ara's house looks like. i guess I just have to look for the house with a lot of flowers and cars on the driveway.
Hell, I haven't even been to Southampton. This is my first time.
I thought finding Ara's place was hard, but finding a parking space was a lot harder, I think they've invited the whole city or something but lucky enough, there was a parking space near their house.
I imagined that this wedding would have security since powerful businessmen are attending.
"Sir, invitation please." Oh there it is.
Ara was smart enough to write the invitation in my Korean name.
Dr. Seo Lee Kyung (S&C Corp.) So I handed it over with much confidence, even though I didn't want anything to do with them, this suggest that I'm one of the powerfuls. But, again, I'm here as the delegate of S&C.
"Welcome sir."
Oddly enough, I could sense that this won't be a happy wedding.
Why? Because of the motif.
I expected pastels
This wedding had Pastel black, white flowers everywhere, everybody broken down to groups, whispering amongst themselves, drinking glasses of pinot noirs.
A waiter came near me, offering me wine and I got one of course, and then I found the roses when I drank it. I drank this very pinot noir before, when Ara told me what she did back in HI, the one where she attempted to propose to me. I think this is her favorite.
The Hayden Manor had a garden big enough to host a wedding with a few press coverage. I know some of the people here but I don't think they know me because I left the business world early, but I have a feeling that they know my dad or Jae Kyung.
Since I don't know anyone here, I decided to stay in the back, drinking my wine peacefully. And grab a hold of whatever the server pass by me.
After about fifteen minutes, we were told by the wedding planner to take our seats. I stayed at the back, where I could see Ara before everyone sees her. But then I could also see the groom before everyone sees him. I am here for Ara and Ara alone.
And then the music started.
The groom entered, and honestly, as I said before it looks like I'm attending a wedding of a brother and sister.
But, Ara is the good looking sibling. This guy just got the scraps.
And then Ara walked in. I'd expect her to wear a poofy white gown, but then I can't really describe her gown all I know is that it highlights her figure.
But then, she knew where I was. The person that she was looking at when she entered wasn't William. It was me.
When the news broke out that Ara was getting married, honestly I just think nobody would care. But then Ara is a New York socialite, and that guy she's marrying is also a New York socialite, it's kinda a big deal now. And about three hours after the news broke out, my father called me. It must've cost him a lot to call from Seoul to New York, when he could have called me using social media or something, but then he was too happy to hear that I listened to him and broke up with Ara.
That got me thinking again, I shouldn't have given my father that satisfaction. I did so many things that he could be proud of, but the most thing that he's proud of is me 'breaking up' with Ara.
The ceremony went on, and I couldn't bear the idea that at the end of the day, I really messed up with Ara and shouldn't have said no.
...speak now or forever hold your peace
William and Ara looked at the guests.
And the world suddenly slowed down, I motioned myself to stand up and speak up-
"I-" I started
"William!" A man seated about three rows away from me stood up, so I sat back down.
Oh my goodness.
And then this guy suddenly walks to the aisle and looked at William. Not caring about all the guests, Ara, and everybody, what is happening.
William looked at the man, and then he smiled.
And then this time the world was suddenly in fast forward, and then William ran away with the man. I looked at Ara, when everybody was looking at William.
Ara stood there, alone but not shocked. I think she was relieved and believe me, I'm also relieved that I'm not the talk of the town for the next month. If I stood up and stopped the wedding, I would have shamed my father and that would be great. It's the media that I don't want.
"I guess this isn't happening. So, please just enjoy the food and the wine, and thank you for coming." Ara said
I just sat there and everybody just sat there, but Ara already started to walk back. She looked at me quickly as she walked. She was in a hurry, maybe to get out of all this shindig.
I don't know if I should follow her though. But I didn't follow her, it's not the right time, everybody had eyes on her.
After a few minutes, I found myself with the other guests, drinking rose wine.  I drove to Southampton to see Ara's wedding and I ended up just seeing Ara, which is good because it suggests that I can now hopefully, retract my decision.
Suddenly, all eyes were on me. I think they recognize me as Ara's 'ex'. Of course, why would an ex be invited to the wedding? And why would an ex attend the ex's wedding? Clearly, none of them know that Ara and I have a messed up relationship. And I really hope that it stays that way.
"Lee Young Seo?" I heard someone say.
I rolled my eyes. There's an actual reason why I changed-slashed-translated my name from Lee Kyung to Lucas, and it's because here, people kept calling me Lee Young. It's fucking K-yung!
I turned around, and I think I know this guy.
"Um-" I decided also not to correct him.
"Miss Hayden wants to see you." He said
"Oh. Where would I find her?" I said
"Just follow me sir." He said
I think people are starting to recognize me now. Yes, that's right, I'm the representative of S&C! Seo Lee effing-Kyung.
So, the man and I walked in the manor, and I guess it is a lot bigger than my parents' house. This is like a palace or something. No family portraits, just scary sculptures, and Victorian-y style place.
I think we were deep in the manor when I heard Ara's voice, she was having an argument with I assume are her parents.
"Dad, enough. I already did my part, lay off me." She said
I knocked on the door.
Her dad started talking.
"Dad, I said enough." And then there she was, still in her wedding gown, looking all annoyed with her father.
"Dad, Mom. I'd like you to meet Lucas, he's the one waiting for me after all of this mishap ends." She said
"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Hayden." I said, offering my hand.
They just stared at me.
"So, since William and I sadly didn't end up getting married, I'm gonna go live my life now if that's okay." Ara said
"Ara-" her father started
"I need to get out of this dress. And rest." Ara said, turning around from her parents and pulling me away from the room.
We walked a long hallway in silence, and with her still clasping my wrist. I don't think she's planning on letting go, and I'm sure as hell that I'm not letting go.
We reached what I think is her bed room.
"Um-" I started, but then she hugged me so tight.
"Oh my god, Lucas." She said

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